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specialChar:   Jump    Index  

's: 於; 其; 的; 是; 然; 了; 以; 之; 到; 得; 可;
&: 接著;&: 暨;&: 且;&: 兼;&: 及;&: 和;&: 而;&: 與;
.1B: 億;
?: 有;?: 沒;?: 是;?: 非;?: 不;?: 對;?: 否;?: 勿;?: 答問;
|: 有;|: 或;|: 是;|: 亦;|: 且;|: 也;|: 及;|: 又;|: 和;|: 同;|: 為;|: 皆;|: 者;|: 而;|: 與
Number 數字; 0: 零; 1,000,000 billion: 10億; 1,000: 千; 1/100%: 百分之一; 1: 一; 10 year term: 十年任期; 10%: 一成; 10,000: 萬; 10: 十; 10: 十; 10+ year: 十多年; 10+: 十多; 100,000,000: 億; 100: 百; 10000: 萬; 100b: 兆; 14: 十四; 15: 十五; 18: 十八; 19: 十九; 2: 二; 20: 廿; 20: 廿; 24x: 二十四小時; 27: 二十七; 3: 三; 4: 四; 40: 四十; 5 star hotel: 五星級豪華酒店; 5: 五; 50: 五十; 6: 六; 7: 七; 8: 八; 8th ave: 八大道; 9: 九; 's: 是; 's: 於; 's: 其; 's: 的; 0: 零;  1: 一; 2: 二; 3: 三; 4: 四; 5: 五; 6: 六; 7: 七; 8: 八; 9: 九; 10: 十; 14: 十四; 15: 十五; 18: 十八; 19: 十九; 20: 廿; 27: 二十七; 40: 四十; 50: 五十; 100: 百; 1000: 千; 10000: 萬; 1000000: 百萬; 100,000,000: 億;  .1B: 億; 1,000,000 billion: 10億; 100b: 兆; 1/100%: 百分之一; 10 year term: 十年任期; 10+: 十多; 10+ year: 十多年; 10%: 一成; 1-unit: 個; 2 for 1: 2比1; 24x: 二十四小時; 3 choices: 三國鼎立的; 3g: 第三代通訊規格; 4g: 第四代通訊規格; 5 star hotel: 五星級豪華酒店; 8th ave: 八大道; %: 以 n 個百分點的; &: 接著; &: 暨; &: 且; &: 兼; &: 及; &: 和; &: 而; &: 與; ?: 有; ?: 沒; ?: 是; ?: 非; ?: 不; ?: 對; ?: 否; ?: 勿; ?: 答問; |: 有; |: 或; |: 是; |: 亦; |: 且; |: 也; |: 及; |: 又; |: 和; |: 同; |: 為; |: 皆; |: 者; |: 而; |: 與;

A   aa:   Jump   Index  

a lot: 大筆; a mistake: 一個失誤; a period of time: 一段時間; a piece of: 一片; a series: 一連串; a share: 每股;

ab:   Jump   Index  

abandon: 捨棄; abandon: 廢棄; abbot: 寺主; abbreviate: 簡稱; abbreviation: 略語; ability: 能力; ability: 魅力; ability: 體力; able: 能;力; 努; 志; 武; 勁; 勞; 央; 鬤; able: 就能; abolish: 坼;凋; 失; 運;塌;毇; 摧; 墟; abolish: 罷免; abondon: 放棄; abort: 廢; ear abort: 取消; abortion: 除胎; about: 有約; about: 約; about forty minutes: 約四十分; above: 以上; above: 上述; absence: 留守; absence: 留守; absence: 缺席; absoluteness: 絶對; absorb: 冖; 傸; 抽; absorb: 滲透; absorb: 透過; abundant: 豊富; abundant: 寬鬆; abundant year: 豊年; abuse: 蔂; 待; abuse: 暴力侵害; abuse: 虐待;

ac:   Jump   Index  

academic degree: 學位; academician: 院士; academy: 宛; 高; 等; 學; 俯; accept: 接受; accepted: 錄取; accident: 罹; 碰; 遇; 聁; 踫; 禍; 難; accident: 事故; accident: 意外事故; accident fall: 意外滑倒; accident injury: 意外傷害; accidental: 偶; accidentally: 驀然發現; accommodation: 收容 accomodate: 培養; accompany: 凍;也;傌; 并; 伴; 锪; accompany: 陪同; accompany: 伴隨; accomplishment: 成就; according: 根據; according: 屆; account: 戶;冣; account: 用戶; account privacy: 客戶隱私; accounting: 賬; accounting: 會計; accounting: 明帳; accounting: 統計; accounts: 帳目; accumulate: 累積了; accumulate: 累計; accurate: 凖確; accuse: 指控; accuse: 訴訟的; accuse: 起訴; achieve: 達到; achievement: 成就; achievement: 作品; acid: 酸; acolohic: 精; acpuncture point: 脈; 穴; acquaintance: 知己; acre 畝; 頃; acrid: 辛; across river: 横渡; act: 咋; 偽; 戲; act like: 扮; acting: 演技; acting: 乍; acting: 演藝; action: 動; action: 動作; action: 行動; active: 活躍; active: 活躍; activity: 活動; activity: 活動; actor: 演員; actor: 藝人; actual: 實質; actual state: 實際; actually: 固; 卻; actually: 實際;

ad:   Jump   Index  

adapt: 傈; adapt: 採取; adapt: 採取行動; adapt: 採用; add: 計; 加; 添; 算; 增; add: 加; add: 計; add gas: 加油; add more: 更加助長; add on: 承裝; add taste: 強調; add up: 加; added: 補充; address: 住所; address: 均; 地; address: 地點; address: 地址; address: 住址; address of instructions: 訓辭; what? adjacent: 膈; adjacent: 周邊; adjacent city: 邊城; adjective: 形容詞; adjust: 調漲; adjust: 調整; adjust: 調升; adjustment: 調節; adjustment: 整理 adjustmentre: 整理; administration: 管理; administration: 政治; adminstrate: 管制; admire: 仰; 羨; 慕; admit 承; 認; admission: 收容; admission: 入場券; admit: 認為; adopt: 綵; adopt: 採取; adult: 成年; advance: 辵; advance (enclosure): 辶; advancement: 升職; advantage: 優勢; advantage: 益; advantage, profit, interest (on money): 利; adventure: 冒險; adverb: 副詞; adversity: 逆境; advertise: 告; 廣; advertise: 招; advertisement: 廣告; advertisement: 廣告; advertising: 招; advertising: 廣告; advice: 勸告; advise: 忠告; advise: 提供;

ae:   Jump   Index  


af:   Jump   Index  

affair: 事; 畢; 椭; 職; affection: 愛情; afganistan: 阿富汗; afganstan: 阿富汗; afraid: 恂; 傼; 懕; 懼; 驁; afraid: 不敢; africa: 非洲; after: 以后; after: 跟; after eating: 飯後; after mid month: 下旬; after now on: 令; after tax: 稅後; after tax net profit: 稅後純益; after the event: 事后; after work: 下班; afternnon: 午;中; afternoon, P.M.: 午後;

ag:   Jump   Index  

again: 冈;來; 仍; 再; 釢; 更; again: 再; again: 再度; again and again: 再三; against: 仇; 军; against: 抗; age: 年; 歲; age: 年齡; age: 年紀; age: 壽; age, epoch: 紀; aged: 舊; aged: 終年; agent: 社; aggresive: 狠; aggression: 侵; aggressive: 激烈; aggressive: 爭取; ago: 以前; agree: 肯; 願;愆; 許; agree: 高興; agree: 願意; agree: 同意; agree: 協議; agree with: 贊同; agreeable: 溝通; agreement: 允; 妤; agreement: 協調; agriculture: 農業; agriculture and forestry: 農林;

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ah: 亞; 阿; 啞; 嘆; ahead: 領先;

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aim: 瞄; 準; 樔; air: 空氣; air: 氣; 汽; air: 空氣; air base: 基地; air boat: 水上漂汽艇; air current: 氣流; air shipment: 空運; air transport: 空運; airflow 氣流 airline: 航企; airline: 航空; airline industry: 航運企業; airline of america: 美國航空業協會; airplane: 飛機; high, tall airport: 飛機場; airport: 機場; AirStash A02: 無線傳輸熱點裝置;

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ak:   Jump   Index  


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alarm: 鳴; alarm: 警鈴; alarm: 警鍾; alarming noise: 一聲慘叫; album: 圖書; 收集; alcoa: 美國鋁業公司; alcohol: 酒精; alergy: 過敏性; alert: 恤; 甦; 醒; 覺; alert: 神; all: 都; all: 毆; 包; 全; 共; 統; 都; 盡; 整; 總; all: 皆是; all: 所有; All: 一切; all: 全部; all: 一切; all: 全文; all: 一同; all day: 全天候; all long: 一直很; all the way: 徹頭徹尾; all things digital: 科技部落格; all together: 全; all you can see: 盡入眼底; alley: 弄; 巷; alley: 巷內; alliance: 同盟; alloc: 冶金; all-purpose: 萬能; almost: 盡; almost: 幾乎; almost: 大致; alone: 獨; alone: 孤; 獨; 立; along: 沿; along: 帶來; along: 一直很; already: 已; already: 已經; already: 以; alright: 適; also: 且; 也; 冊; 亦; 傌; 臌; 和; 灆;冈; also: 也; also: 並; also: 且; also: 也; alter: 赳; 改; 憛; 調; 變; alter: 轉介; alteration: 變動; although: 但; 雖; 是;闔; although: 雖能; although: 雖然; although: 不但; although: 儘管; altogether: 傈; alumnus: 校友; always: 常; 頻; 經; always: 常;

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am: 卑; 是; 為; am: 是; am: 是; amaze: 魅力; amazing: 迷人牌; amazon: 亞馬遜; ambassy: 使館; ambious: 霸; ambious: 野心勃勃的; ambition: 貪; ambitious: 野心勃勃; ambulance: 急救車; ambulance to hospital: 救護車送醫後; amen: 阿; amendment: 修正; america: 全美; america: 美洲; america bonds: 美國債; american airline: 美國航空; american dream: 美國夢; american economy: 美國經濟; american golf masters: 美國高球名人賽; american soldier: 美國士官; american television: 美國電視; amity: 親善; among: 其; 中; among: 其; among: 其中; among: 其中一; among: 叢中; amount: 金額; early, fast amount of money: 金額; amount, quota: 額;

an:   Jump   Index  

an expert: 名人; analysis: 剖; 究; 判; 枂; 辨; 辯; analysis: 分解; analysis: 分析; analyst: 分析師; ancestor: 祖先; ancestor: 礖; 宗; ancestor: 祖; anchor: 錨; anchor: 坐鎮; anchor: 定位; anchor: 主持人; ancient: 冤; 臁; ancient times: 古代; and: 又;冊;也;互; 傌;並; 兩; 和; 彼; 灆; 與; and: 接著; and: 暨; and: 且; and: 兼; and: 及; and: 和; and: 而; and: 與; and also: 且目; andy: 安迪; angel: 天; 使; anger: 懒; 濇; 動; anger: 情緒; anger: 刺激; angle: 角; angle: 角度; angle: 角度; angry: 恕; 懒; 憤; angry: 憤怒; animal: 動物; animal: 牠; 物; 豺; 貂; 禽; 貍; 獸;
animal 牠;物;豺;貂;禽;貍;獸;
爪 牛 犬 皮 羊 羽 吠 牠;
8. 兔 虎 牲 狩 狼 畜 翅 豹 馬;
11. 蛇 鹿 猴 猩 象;
13. 獅 鼠 熊 鳳 豬 駝;
16. 貓 蹄 鴨 龍 龜 龜 竄 雞 鱷
Animal: 牠; Bark: 吠; Bear: 熊; Bird: 駝; Cat: 貓; Chicken: 雞; Cow: 牛; Crocodile: 鱷; Deer: 鹿; Dog: 犬; Dragon: 龍; Duck: 鴨; Elephant: 象; Feather: 羽; Fox: 狼; Goat: 羊; Gorilla: 猩; Horse shoe: 蹄; Horse: 馬; Hunting: 狩; Leather: 皮; Leopard: 豹; Lion: 獅; Monkey: 猴; Mouse: 鼠; Pawn: 爪; Peacock: 鳳; Pig: 豬; Poultry: 畜; Rabbit: 兔; Rat: 竄; Snake: 蛇; Tiger: 虎; Tortoise: 龜; Turtle: 龜; Victim: 牲; Wing: 翅;
animal counter: 疋; animosity: 敵意; ankle: 關節; annals: 史; anniversary: 百歲冥誕; announce: 佈; announce: 宣布; announce: 宣稱; announce: 公布; announce in advance: 預防; announcement: 發表; announcement: 發布; announcement of time: 時報; annual: 年費; another: 冦; 冊; 亦; another reason: 另一個理由; another side: 則; answer: 答案; answer: 答; answer: 作答覆; answer: 解答; answer: 答; answer: 回答; answer: 問; answer: 解答; ant: 螞; 蟻; anthology of poems: 詩集; anthology of poetry: 詩集; anthony: 安東尼; anti: 反; anti-;: 反; anticipation: 預想; anti-drug: 緝毒; anti-government: 反政府; anti-inflation: 抗通膨; antiseptic solution: 消毒液; anus: 肛; anxious: 刺激; anxious: 熱心; anxious: 誠摯; any: 哪; 任; 呇; any: 任何; any: 各; any: 某; any: 某種; any: 亂; any: 平凡; any of the twelve animals: 属象; any one: 柂; any price: 任何代價; any subject: 它;

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aol: 全美連線公司;

ap:   Jump   Index  

ap: 美聯社; ap: 修習大學預修課程; ap: 美聯社報; apart: 距; apartment: 公寓; apologize: 道歉; apology: 謝罪; apology: 道歉; app: 應用程式; app: 應用軟體; appeal: 申; 告; appear: 顯得; appear: 卸下; appear: 看似; appear: 看起來有; appearance, aspect, phase, mutual: 相; appearance, state of affairs: 態; appetite: 胃口; appetite: 食欲; appetite: 興趣; appetize: 味; applause: 觀眾共鳴; apple: 蘋; apple inc: 蘋果公司; application: 申請; application: 申請案件; application fee: 費率; apply: 申; 伸; apply: 報名; apply: 申請; apply for medicaid: 申請白卡; appoinment: 預約; appoint: 約; appointment: 排期; appointment: 預約; appraisal: 評價; appreciation: 鑑賞; apprentice: 徔; apprentice: 徒弟; apprenticeship: 徒; approach: 逼近; approachable: 近人; approaching: 臨; approaching: 相同; appropriate lost property: 拾遺; approval: 承認; approval: 承認; approve: 認可; approve: 可; approximate: 逾; April: 四月; april: 四月; apt: 房; 室;

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aquarium: 水族館;

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arabic: 阿拉伯; arable (cultivated) land: 耕地; archectic: 規畫師; archilogy: 考古學; ardently love: 熱愛; are: 是; 為; are: 是; are: 是; are: 則; Area: 面積; area: 地區; area: 面積; argentine: 阿根廷; argue: 爻; 糾; 駁; 嘴; 辯; argue: 強調; argue: 反駁; argue: 辯稱; argument: 論; argument: 債; 糾; 辯; argument: 議論; argument: 辯論; arithmetic: 算數; arm: 肩; 臂; arm leg: 肢; armaments: 軍備; armed: 武裝; armed: 兵防衛的; arms: 兵器; arms: 武装; army: 軍; army: 軍; army: 隊; army: 軍; 軍隊; around: 周圍的; arouse: 掀起; arousing: 嘲; arrange: 愒; 編; pulling, to pull, to draw arrange: 排訂; arrange: 處置; arrangement: 整理 arrangement: 整理; arrears; balance due: 欠款; arrest: 捕; 拘; 狄; 緝; arrest: 逮捕; arrest: 查緝; arrest: 拘留; arrest: 逮捕; arrest: 追拿; arrest killer: 捉拿兇手; arrested: 已落馬被捕; arrive: 至; arrive: 到; 達; 臨; arrive: 到; arrive at: 抵達; arriving: 交替; arrow: 矢; arrow: 弓; 箭; art: 藝術; art: 美術; art: 朮; 術; 藝; art museum: 美術館; art work: 藝; art work: 藝術工作; art, artifice, means, magic: 術; art, skill: 技; art, technique: 技術; art, technique: 技術; arteries: 肢; article; things; goods: 物品; artificial: 人造; arts, accomplishments: 藝;

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as a result: 導致; as a result: 結果; as followed: 如下; as usual; used to: 往常; as well: 也; ash: 灰; 炭; ash: 成灰; ash: 灰燼; asia: 亞; asian: 亞; asian: 亞裔; asian development outlook: 年亞洲發展前景; asian-pacific: 亞太地區; ask: 商; 詢; 邇; ask: 提問; ask: 問; ask: 質問; ask: 請教; ask for the source: 問清來源; ask help: 求; askma: 氣喘; asleep: 酣睡; aslymum: 流亡; asology: 天體物理學家; asphrin: 阿斯匹靈; aspirant, applicant: 希望者; aspiration; ambition: 志氣; assasination: 弒; assemble: 裝; asset: 才; 財; 產; 資; 凼; asset management: 投資顧問公司; assign: 出任; assist: 助; 扶; 憴; 輔; assist: 扛著; assist: 補助; assist: 補貼制; assist; help; aid: 幫助; assistance: 補助; assistance, supplement, subsidy: 補助; assistant: 助手; assistant: 提供援助; assistant: 助理; assistant: 協助; assn: 屇; 社; 會; 盟; 黨; associate: 朋; association: 會; association: 社會; association, suffix for "troupe" or "company": 團; assumption: 假設; asthma: 喘; asylum: 政治庇護; asylum for the aged: 養老院;

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at: 在於; at: 當; at one's convenience: 順便; at one's own will; wilfully: 任意; at parting; just before parting: 臨別; at the appointed time: 屆時; at the end of: 結束後; to return at the moment; before one's eyes: 眼前; at the same time: 同時; atlanta: 亞特蘭大; Atlantic Ocean: 大西洋; atmosphere: 局面; atmosphere: 氣氛; atmospheric pressure: 氣壓; atom: 原子; attach: 锄; 貼; attack: 打; 擊; attack: 毆傷; attack: 掃蕩; attack: 攻防; attack: 針對; attack: 襲擊; attempt: 誘發; attend: 聽; attend: 出席; attendance: 出勤; attendance, presence: 出席; attendant: 管理員; attending school: 登校; attention: 注意力; attention: 關注; attention, care, warning, advice: 注意; attention, observation: 注目; attitude: 態度; attitude: 態; attorney: 法務長; attorney at law: 法律服務; attorney fee: 訴訟費; attract: 吸引; attract: 被投以異樣眼光; attract ad: 吸引廣告; attraction: 名景點; attractive: 魅力; attractive: 吸引力; attractive nightlight: 迷人夜景;

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auburndal: 奧本岱爾; auction: 讓; audience: 觀衆; audit: 核; audit: 核查; audit: 對; audit: 追查; audit dept: 審查部門; auditorium: 講堂; August: 八月; aunt: 姑; 姆; 姨; 嫂; 嬸; austerity: 支持撙節; australia: 澳洲; austria: 奧地利; author: 作; author: 作家; authorise: 授權; authority; powers: 職權; authorize: 託; 詫; 諉; authorize: 授權; authorize: 批准; auto: 車; 汽; auto: 車; automatic: 全自動; automatic: 自由; automobile: 自動; automobile: 汽車; autonomous prefecture: 自治州; autumn: 秋; autumn: 秋季; autumn breeze: 秋風; autumn harvest: 秋收;

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avarice, desire, to desire, to wish: 欲; average: 般; 均; 平; average: 均; average: 平均; average income: 平均薪資; average salary: 平均薪資; average, balance: 平均; aviation: 航空; avoid: 擺脫; avoid: 避開; avoid: 避免; avoid: 妨礙;

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awake: 醒; awake: 神; award: 領獎; award: 兌換; award: 獎; award: 獎勵; awarding a prize: 授賞; awards: 獎學金; away: 脫離; awning 棚;

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ax: 斤; ax: 斧; 釜;

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b: 乙; b1/b2: 商務簽證; ba: 巴; 傧; baby: 貝; 幼; 仔; 娃; 稁; 嬰; 兒; 孂; baby: 嬰幼; babysit: 保; bacholor: 學士; bacillus, germ: 細菌; back: 背; 迤; 傄; 回; 後; 榣; 達; back: 後; back: 後; back: 后; back and forth: 徊; 俳; back and forth: 反覆; back lid: 後蓋; back to: 迴響; background: 背景; background: 背景; backup people: 替代人選; backward: 落後; backyard: 庭院; bad: 惡; 苛; 狼; 害; 挫; 丑; 歹; 兇; 劣; 狡; 訂; 罪; 賊; 腂; 壞; 魔; bad: 苛; 狼; 害; 挫; 丑; 歹; 兇; 劣; 狡; 訂; 罪; 賊; 腂; 壞; 魔; bad: 拙; bad: F--字或穿幫; bad consequence: 悲劇; bad event: 兕; 運; bad guy: 匪; bad guy: 匪; bad health: 不健康; bad language: 穢言; bad luck: 劫; bad luck: 劫; bad man, villain: 惡人; bad news: 醜聞; bad news: 壞消息; bad temper: 惡; bad temper: 惡; bad times, depression: 不景氣; badge: 勳; 張; badge: 勳; 張; bake: 烘; 烤; 燴; bake: 烘; 烤; 燴; balance: 秤; 平; balance: 秤; 平; balance: 權衡; balance: 平衡; ball: 丸; 波; 焻; 炃; 踢; 糰; ball: 丸; 波; 焻; 炃; 踢; 糰; ball season: 球季; bamboo: 竹; bamboo: 竹; bamboo: 竹; bamboo: 竹; bamboo grove: 竹林; bamboo shoots: 竹筍; ban: 丕; 禁; ban: 丕; 禁; banana: 蕉;馔; banana: 蕉;馔; band (musical): 樂隊; band (musical): 樂團; band width: 上網速度; bandage: 砂; bandage: 砂; bandit: 盜; bandit: 盜; bank: 銀行; bank: 銇; 行; bank: 銇; 行; bank: 銀行; bank deposit: 銀行存款; bank, shore: 岸; banker: 銀行商; bankrupt: 泄; 破; 產; bankrupt: 泄; 破; 產; bankruptcy: 破產; bankruptcy: 破產; banner: 標誌; banquet: 宴; 席; banquet: 宴; 席; baptist: 浸;洗;禮; baptist: 浸;洗;禮;

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barclays: 巴克萊; bare: 赤裸; bare: 裸; bare: 裸; bare foot: 赤;足; 腳; bare foot: 赤;足; 腳; baring: 打赤膊; bark: 傠; reality, nut, fruit, to bear fruit bark: 傠; barley, wheat: 麦; barometer: 風向球; barrel: 每桶; barren: 荒; 涼; 蕪; barren: 荒; 涼; 蕪; barren & poor soil: 荒涼貧瘠; barrier: 幛;外; barrier: 幛;外; base 基地 base: 基; 盤; 磂; 礄; base: 基; 盤; 磂; 礄; base: 基; base: 基層; base: 基礎; base ball: 棒球; base on: 起碼; base salary: 基本薪酬; basecoat: 底漆; basement: 窖; 庫; 地; basement: 窖; 庫; 地; basic: 基層; basin: 盆; 盤; basin: 盆; 盤; basis: 根本; basket: 羅; 籃; 籮; basket: 羅; 籃; 籮; basket: 籃框; basket ball: 籃球; basket of flowers: 花籃; bastard street: 巴士打街; bat: 捧; 蝠; 蝔; bat: 捧; 蝠; 蝔; batch: 沖; batch: 沖; bath: 浴;洗; 沂; 澡; bath: 浴;洗; 沂; 澡; bath room: 衛生間; bath tower: 浴巾; bathing: 洗澡; bathroom: 浴室梳洗; battery: 電池; battlefield: 戰場; battlion: 營; battlion: 營; bay: 卅; 岸;堤;港;彄;灣; bay: 卅; 岸; 堤; 港; 彄; 灣; bay: 灣; bayer street: 擺也街;

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bbc: 英國廣播公司;

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be: 令; 灄; 是; 然; be competent, be qualified: 勝任; be content with one's life: 知足; be limited; be confined to: 局限; be little: 俾; be punished; be fined: 受罰; be similar: 相似; be used to: 習慣; be versed in; be proficient in: 精通; be willing; be ready to do: 願意; beach: 沔; 灘; beach: 灣; beacon: 扎肉; bean: 豆; 粒; 腂; bear: 熊; 鬍; 鬁; bear: 生; bear market: 熊市; beard: 而; beause of that: 因此; beautiful: 羄; 嫩; 麗; 儷; 艷;俊; beautiful: 出色的; beautiful: 美麗; beautiful woman: 仕女; beautify: 美化; beauty: 羄; beauty salon: 美容美髮; Beauty shop: 美容院; beauty; beautiful: 美; because: 令; 因; 為; because: 鑒於; because: 原因; become: 成為; become: 作為; become: 將趨; become desperate; steel one's heart: 横心; new, newly, afresh bed: 床; bed room: 臤; 房; 室; 窒;寢; bedroom: 臥室; bedtime: 臨床; bee: 蜂; 蜜; beef: 牛肉; beef: 牛肉; beef: 牛;肉; beer: 啤; before: 先; 前; before: 必須先; before: 前夕; before and after, context: 前後; before and after, context: 前後; before sleep: 睡前; before, in front of, previous: 前; beg: 求; 丂; 乞; beg: 需求; begin: 着手; begin: 冣;始; 第;扳; 柤; 張; 愨; 憭; 開; 睜; 攤; begin: 開始; begin; start: 開始; beginning: 旦; 初; 啟; beginning: 序幕; beginning: 初期; beginning, foundation: 元; behavior: 習慣; behind: 後; behind: 後面; behind the scene: 幕後; behind the scene supporter: 幕後黑手; behind; at the back: 背后;

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belief: 信念; believe: 信;仰; believe: 信; bell: 焲; 唹; 鍾; belong: 屬; belong to: 之; 灄; 於; below expectation: 不理想; belt: 帶子; belt: 腰; bend: 屈; benefactor: 恩人; benefit: 益; 利; benefit: 收益; benefit: 得利; benefit: 受益; benefit: 福利; benefit performance: 義演; benefit, profit: 有益; benefit, profit, to benefit: 益; benevolence: 仁徳; benevolence: 仁愛; bereaved family: 遺族; berlin: 柏林; bernanke: 柏南基; besides, outside of: 以外; best: 遹; 冠; 膯; 精; best: 最佳; best: 最優秀; best: 頂尖; best: 之冠; best: 精英; best in the world: 世界第一; best known: 最知名的; best of best: 最優秀; best of the best: 精英; best sale: 銷量第一的; best seller: 暢銷; best time: 適時進行; bet: 悆;賭; 縹; betray: 军; 出; 賣; better: 遹; 夽; 遄; 優; better: 明顯優於; better: 大放異彩; better: 走揚;

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bible 典;經; bible: 釋; bible: 典; bible: 經; biblio 經; bidding: 標; big 豪;泰;巨;大;偉;廣;鑒;龐, 威, 雄, 英, big chunk: 大宗; big chunk: 大幅; big chunk: 大筆; big chunk: 大砍; big confidence: 深具信心; big damage: 許多破壞; big enough: 夠大; big gift: 大禮; big piece: 大幅; big scale: 大型; big: 龐大; big: 大; big: 許多; bigger: 體積較大; bill 縹; bill: 帳單; bill: 發票; biologist: 生物學家;
bird 巢;鳥;雁;駝;鴉;鴕;鴦;鴛;鵑;鵝;鵡;鵲;鵪;鶴;鷓;鷥;鷺;鸚;
飛 隻 巢 雀 鳥 翔 雁 嗚 衝 駝 鴉 燕 鴕 鴦 鴨 鴛 鴿 雞 鵑 鵝 鵡 鵲 鵪 鶯 鶴 鷓 鷗 鷥 鷺 鸚 鸞
Bird: 鳥; Chicken: 雞; Duck: 鴨; Eagle: 燕; Nightingale: 鸞; Nightingdale: 鶯; One: 隻; Pigeon: 鴿; Seabird: 鷗; Sparrow: 雀;
bird sing 嗚; birth 誕;出, 生, birthday 壽;誕; birthday party: 生日派對; biscuit: 餅; bishop 相; bit 咬; bite x-ray: 咬翼X光; bitter 苦;辛;克;貧;痛; bitter result: 苦果; bitter war: 苦戰;

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black 焦;黑;暗; black ink 墨; black market: 黑市; bladder 胱;膽; blame 怨;責;諂;誹;謗;譴; blame: 譴責; blanket 毯; blast: 撼動; blaze: 火紅燒焚; bldg 廈;樓; bleach 漂;白; bless 祐;祝;佑;勉;拜;保, 護, 防, blessing: 保; blessing: 祝福; blind 盲;瞎; blink 眨;睫; block 阻;幛;擋;攔;欄; block: 障礙; blockage: 阻塞; blocking 阻;障; blood 血;液;槳;漿; blood pressure: 血壓; blood vessel: 動脈; blood vessel: 血管; blood: 血; bloodshed: 流血; bloom 興;旺, bloomberg news: 彭博資訊; blooming 茂;盛; blossom: 開花; blossom: 綻放; blow 風;吹;捲;噴;颳;飄; blow away: 掃除; blue 藍;籃; blue colar class: 藍領階層; blue ray: 藍芽耳機; blue sky: 藍天; blue: 藍色;

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bmw: 寶馬車;

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boa: 美國銀行; board 板;榜;櫃; board: 板; board: 學院; boarding pass: 機票; boast: 狂妄自大; boat 舟;艇;船, boat ride: 遊船; boat: 小艇; boat: 船隻;
body 胴;身;肢;軀;體;
口 心;
4. 手 毛 牙;
5. 目;
6. 朵 汗 肉 肋 肌 自 舌;
7. 血 屁 尿 尾 肓 肝 肛 足;
8. 呻 呼 命 盲 肺 肢 肩;
9. 咬 咳 姿 指 挑 染 毒 眉 胖 胃 胛 胎 面;
10. 俱 唇 娩 弱 恙 息 拳 挺 挽 旁 格 涕 疾 疲 眠 眨 秘 紋 紛 胱 脅 胴 胸 胳 脈 躬;
11. 健 惱 掌 腋 腎;
13. 腰 腸;
14. 腿 魂;
15. 潟 皺 膝;
16. 頸 頭 膿 蹣 蹦 寵 鬍 辮 聾
Acpuncture Point: 脈; Anus: 肛; Arm: 肩; Arteries: 肢; Bear: 鬍; Belt: 腰; Bit: 咬; Bladder: 胱; Blind: 盲; Blink: 眨; Blood: 血; Body: 胴; Bone: 胳; Born: 娩; Brain: 惱; Breath: 呼; Butt: 屁; Carry: 挑; Character: 格; Cough: 咳; Deaf: 聾; Diarrhea: 潟; Ear: 朵; Eye: 目; Eyebrow: 眉; Face: 面; Fat: 胖; Favorite: 寵; Finger: 指; Fist: 拳; Foot: 足; Gland: 胛; Gossip: 紛; Hair style: 辮; Hair: 毛; Hand: 手; Head: 頭; Healthy: 健; Heart: 心; Hype: 脅; Ill: 疾; Inflicted: 染; Intestine: 腸; Itch: 癢; Jump: 蹦; Kidney: 腎; Kneel: 膝; Leg: 腿; Life: 命; Limb: 蹣; Lip: 唇; Liver: 肝; Lung: 肺; Meat: 肉; Mouth: 口; Muscle: 肌; Nap: 息; Near: 旁; Neck: 頸; Nose: 涕; Ointment: 恙; Pain: 呻; Palm: 掌; Part: 俱; Poison: 毒; Profile: 姿; Regard: 躬; Save: 挽; Secret: 秘; Self: 自; Shoulder: 胸; Show: 挺; Skin: 肓; Sleep: 眠; Soul: 魂; Stomach: 胃; Sweat: 汗; Swell: 膿; Tail: 尾; Tatoo: 紋; Tired: 疲; Tongue: 舌; Tooth: 牙; Urine: 尿; Vein: 肋; Weak: 弱; Wing: 腋; Womb: 胎; Wrinkle: 皺;
body injury compensation: 人身傷害索賠; body injury complaint: 人身傷害訴訟; body: 本身; body: 整體; body: 體系; body: 遺體; body: 總體; body: 身; bodyguard 仕;保;鏢, boil 滾; boil water: 開水; boiling water 沸; boiling: 熱; bomb attack: 炸彈攻擊; bomb: 爆炸; bombing: 轟隆; bond 保;釋, 金; bond fund: 債券基金; bond vigilantes: 債券義勇軍; bond: 證券; bonds: 公債殖; bone 胳;骨; bone density change: 骨質變化; bone density: 骨質疏鬆; bone: 骨; bonus 賞; bonus: 獎金; booby trap 侷;騙, 阱;陷, book 文, 書;典;冊;柵;記;唸;院;經;簿; book exhibition: 書展; book store: 書店; book: 圖書; booking: 登記; bookkeeping 戶; bookmark 節; booming: 盛; booming: 走揚; border 煩;勞, 邊;界; boring 悶; boring: 悶; boring: 納悶; born 娩;出;生; born: 生; born: 生於; born: 誕生; borrow 借; boss 主;司;小克;大亨; boston: 波士頓; both 並;兩;也;互;同;彼;皆;與; both side: 雙方; both: 相對的; bottle: 瓶; bottom 底;殿;徹; boulder 石;岩; boulevard: 大道; bounce back: 反彈; bound: 繫; boundary 限;介;界;彊;疆;邊; boundary: 領域; boundary: 界; bow 叩; bowl 碗; box 匣;盒; boy 郎;兒;仔; boy 孩;童; boy 子; boy scout: 童子軍; boy: 仔; boy: 男生; boycott 丕;低; boycott: 制裁; boycott: 禁運;

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brain 惱;智;腦; brain tomoil: 腦腫瘤; brake 煞; branch 叉;枝派; branch: 分行; brand 派;牌; brand: 名號; brand: 品牌; bravery 勇; brazil: 巴西; break 破;休; break in 偷, 竊; break the: 跌破; break through isolation: 突破孤立; break: 突破; break: 跌破; breakfast 食;餐, 早;吃; breakfast: 早餐; breakthrough: 突破; breast: 乳房; breath 呼;吸, breath problem: 喘不過氣來; breathing: 呼吸道疾; brew 釀; bribe 貪;賂;攏; brick 瓦;磚; brickred 朱; bridge 橋; briefcase: 手提包; 公文包; bright 光;明;亮;睛;耀; bright spot: 亮點; bright: 亮; bright: 光明; bring 拿;把;帶;提;摔; bring down 拆; bring up 呈; bring: 帶領; bring: 帶來; brinking 閃; broad 寬;廣; broadcast: 散播; broadcast: 下修幅度; broadcast: 轉播; broccoli 芥;菜, broken 倒;碎;斷;壞; broken: 破碎; bronze 銅;brook 川;河; bronze statute: 銅像; brooklyn: 布碌崙; brother 兄;弟; brother elder 哥; brother/sister: 兄弟姐妹; browse: 看; browse: 綜覽; browse: 觀看; brush 刷;嗽;漱; brush: 草;

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bubble 泡; bubble like 沫; bucket 水;桶; bucket: 每桶; bud 卉;芽; bud: 花蕊; 花蕾; budda 佛;彿;菩;薩;釋; budget 預;計;詁;算;數;賬; budget director: 預算部長; budget: 預算; build 建;造;設; build: 建; building 屋;廈;樓; building: 樓; 大廈; building: 建築物; building: 大樓; bulb: 燈泡; bull shit 誇;咕; bullet 彈; bullet: 彈; bullying: 威脅; bumper: 避震器; bun 饅; bundle 札;扎;串; bundle: 纏身; burden: 負擔; burial: 下葬; burma 緬; burma: 緬甸; burn 消;灸;灼;焚;焰;燒;燃; burn: 引火自焚; burn: 焚燒; burned 焦;燙; burner 罄; burning hot 炙; burning: 焚; bury 埋;葬; bury: 下葬; bus 巴;士; bus rental: 巴士出租; bus: 巴士; bushel of rice 斗; business 事;務;業; business complain: 商業訴訟; business hour: 營業時間; business model: 事業群; business opportunity: 商機; business visa: 商務簽證; business: 業; business: 工商; business: 企業; business: 商; bust breast: 隆乳; busy 忙;興;旺, 茂;盛; busy: 忙碌; but: 雖然; but: 不過; but: 但; but: 但即使; butt 屁;臀;股, butterfly 瑚;蜓;蜻;蝴;蝶; button 紐; button: 按鈕; buy 訂;買;貿;購; buy back 瀆; buy hot: 買氣超旺; buy out: 受賄; buy ticket: 買票; buy up: 收購案; buy: 買下; buyout: 併購;

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by 使;受;披;被;遭; by: 被; bye: 揮別; bypass 繞; bypass: 超越; byte 員;咬;

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c 丁;丙; ca cabinet: 內閣; cable television: 有線電視; cage 籠, cake 羔;餅;糕; cake: 餅; calc: 計; calcium 鈣; calculate 計;詁;算;數; calculate from: 算起; calculation 賬; calendar 厝;曆;歷; caliber 卞; call 召;叫;呼;喊;喂;喚;稱; call for help: 大呼救命; call girl: 召妓; call: 電話; call: 報案; call: 堪稱; call: 召開; call: 召喚; call: 呼籲; call: 取名; call: 稱; call: 致電; calligraph: 書法家; calligraphy: 書法; calling: 呼籲; calm 認;慰; calm down: 喘口氣; calm financial: 穩經濟; calm: 安撫; cambodian: 柬埔寨; camcorder: 手持攝影機; camera: 把鏡頭; camera: 攝影機; camp 營; can't avoid: 難免; can't think: 不可思議; can 能; can barely: 忍不住; canada 拿; canada vancouver: 加拿大溫哥華; canada: 加拿大; canal street: 堅尼路; cancel 除;撤; cancer 癌; cancer society: 癌症協會; candidate: 參選人; candidate: 候選人; candle 燭; candle: 蠟燭; candy 甜;酥; canel street: 堅尼路; cannon 砲;炮; cannot be prevented: 無寬; cannot buy: 買不到; cannot forget 思; cannot take photo: 不准拍照錄影; cannot underestimate: 不再低估; cannot: 無法; canoe 艇; canton 粵;廣; cantonese: 廣東話; capable 能; capacity: 容積; capital 本;都;資; capital city 京; capital: 資本; capital: 買盤; captain: 隊長; capture 攬;捕, capture: 爭取;

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car 車;輛;轎;
力 叭 托 沖 汽 車;
9. 軌 風 飛 乘 座 馬;
11. 電 駁;
15. 摩 輛 輪 駟 駛 駑 駕 駒;
16. 撻 操 駭 駢 駱;
17. 擎 擦 騁 駿 擺 轉 轍 轔 轎;
20. 驍 纜;
Auto: 車; Call: 召; Car: 輛; Horn: 叭; Jet: 飛; Riding: 乘; Seat: 座; Sedan: 轎; Track: 軌; Wheel: 輪;
car accident: 汽車事故; car: 汽車; car: 車; carabiner: 金屬環扣; care 托;孝;保;恤; care: 保養; care: 後事; career 志;抱; career: 有志於; career: 前途; careful 謹, 慎; careful: 注意; careful: 小心翼翼; careful: 謹慎; careless 眇; carpet 氈; carriage 車; carribean sea: 加勒比海; carrier 艦; carry 背;挑;架;帶;載;擔; carry on bag: 手提行李; carry order 執;行; carry: 挾帶; carry: 攜帶; carry: 擔; carry: 載運; carry: 背; case 案;例;項;碩;檔;件; case return: 退件; case: 案; case: 案情; case: 案例; case: 宗; case: 事件; cash 帑;款;鈔;幣;銀;錢;薪; cash flow: 活動的現金流; cash: 金額; cash: 現金; casino 賭;場, 市, 城, castle 堡;壘; castrophic 難; casulty: 傷亡; casulty: 破壞;

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cat 貓; catch 捕;捉;抓;追;擒;搏, catch: 感染; catch: 捉摸; category: 大類; caught: 感染; cause 使; cause another: 致另一波; cause to: 導致; cause: 惹人; cause: 導致; cause: 罹患; cause: 牽動; cause: 肇因; cautious 慎; cautious: 注意; cautious: 小心翼翼; cautious: 謹慎; cave 洞;穴,

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cd: 錄音光碟;

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cease fire: 停火; ceiling: 頂; celebration 儀;慶; celebrity 明 星; celemony: 典禮; celemony: 觀禮; celery 芹; cell phone: 手機; cell: 細胞; cement industry: 水泥業; cemetery: 墓地; cemetery: 墓園; census: 人口統計學; center 正;中; center street: 中央街; center: 中心; central 央; central park: 中央公園; central: 核心; century 世;元;紀; century: 世; century: 世紀; ceo: 執行長; certificate: 可證書; certificate: 獎狀; certificate: 狀; certify: 認證; ces: 美國消費性電子展;

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cftc: 美國商品期貨交易委員會;

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chair 椅; chair: 座椅; chairman 主;席; chairman: 會長; chairman: 董事長; challenge 敢; challenge: 挑戰; challenge: 威脅; chamber 腔; champion 冠;軍; champion game: 錦標賽; champion: 龍頭寶座; champion: 之冠; chan: 陳; chance: 機會; change 赳;修;改;換;誡;調;變; change mind: 改變主意; change model: 轉型為; change plane route: 改變航班航線; change plane: 轉機; change route: 改飛; change.org: 社會行動網站; change: 扭轉; change: 改革; change: 改善; change: 改為; change: 化身為; change: 轉介; change: 轉趨; change: 調; changing 化; chapter 冊;刪;呎;集;篇; character 格;字;性;恪;寫; character: 人格; charge: 電後; charged: 被起訴; charging 充; charging: 充電; charisma 魅; charity 捐; chart: 聊天; charter 渣; chase 追;遂; chastity 貞; chateau 堡;壘; chatham square: 且林士果; cheap 廉;賤; cheap: 便宜; cheap: 較平實; cheating 弊; cheating: 欺騙; check blood pressure: 量血壓; check: 對; cheer 樂; chemical: 化學物質; chemistry 化; chemistry: 化; chemo: 射線治療; chen: 陳; cheng: 鄭; cherry garden: 桃園; chess 棋; chest pain: 胸痛; chew 嚼; chewing gum: 口香糖; chi 氣; chicago: 芝加哥; chick up: 抬頭挺胸; chicken 怕;雞; chief 酋;首;帥;總; chief: 首席; chief: 主任; chief: 主管; child 孩;丁 child: 孩子; childcare: 照顧孫兒輩; childhood: 小時候; children program: 兒童節目; children: 孩子; children: 孩童; children: 小孩; chile: 智利; chilly 冷;chilly 涼; china 華; china born: 中國出生; china development bank: 中國建設銀行; china town: 中國街; china town: 唐人街; chinese background: 華裔; chinese community: 華人社會; chinese hotline: 華語專線; chinese internet: 中文網站; chinese people: 華人子女; chinese veteran memorial: 華裔退伍軍人忠烈坊; chinese: 中文; chinese: 華人; chinese: 華裔; chip: 籌碼; chirp 吱; chirping 哨; chisel 刨; chives 韭, cho: 南斯拉夫; choice: 條件; Cholesterol: 膽固醇; choose 揀;撰;擇;選; choose close gate: 採閉關; choose: 採; choose: 選; chop 擘; chopstick 筷; chorous: 合唱; christian: 基督; church 堂;會;教,

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cigarette: 菸; circle 圓;圍;繞;轉;纏; circle liner: 精緻環島遊; circle: 圍繞; circle: 崎嶇; circling: 圍繞著; circumstance 迫; circumvent: 為了改善此; ciruclar: 圓叢狀株形; citifield: 花旗球場; citizen 凡;民; citizen road: 市民大道; citizen: 民眾; citizen: 國民; citizenship: 入籍; city 朗;京;市;汕;城;封;郡;埠;駱;鍚; city hall: 市府; city image: 市容; city: 都市; city: 市; civic: 民運; civilian: 文人;

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claim: 呼籲; claim: 喝彩; claim: 稱; claiming: 呼籲; clasp 摟;擁; class 班;級;堂;等;課; class seat: 級別座位; class: 階層; class: 度; class: 卡位; class: 級; class: 身分; classify: 分類; classroom 室; clean 抹;洗;雅;漱;漂;潔; clean: 廉潔; clear 朗;秀;青;清;晶;碧;翠;澄;澤;靜;麗; clear plastic bag: 透明塑料帶; clear sky 晴; clear: 清楚; clear: 清算; clear: 澄清; clear: 明朗; clever 孔;芝;俐;甦;傯;聰;明; click here: 按此; click volume: 點擊費; client: 顧客; cliff 岩;峙;領;壁;璧; cliff: 斷崖; cliff: 山峰; climb 爬;登;攀;蹬; clinic: 看診室; clip 峽;匣, 夾, cloak 困;嚥; clock 鍾;鐘; close 閂;佯;閉;親;關; close by 傍; close by 近;附; close look: 勘查; close monitoring: 網路瀏覽器; close relation: 密切相關; close relative 胞; close: 收; close: 關閉; close: 閉; close: 封閉; close: 近; closeby 旁; closely: 密切; closest: 最近的; closing 烊; closing price: 收市報; closing price: 收盤價; closing: 落幕;
cloth 布;疋;衣;砂;穿;絨;祺;裟;裙;裳;繡;襖;
巾 匹;
5. 布 疋;
6. 帆;
7. 床;
8. 制 帘 帘 帚 帖 帕 帕 帛 帑 服 帝;
9. 初 表 帥 帟 穿 衫 袂 衽 衹;
10. 套 席 師 紡;
11. 常 帶 帳 帷 袈 被 袒 袖 袍 袋;
12. 幅 帽 幀 幃 掣 窗 絲 裁 裂 袱;
13. 廉 裟 裔 裙 補 裘 裝 裡 裊 裕 裒;
14. 幛 幣 幕 幗 幔 綿 裳 褂 裴 裹 裸 製 裨 褚 裯 , 褐 複 褒 褓 褕 褊;
15. 幢 幟 幡 線 褪 褲 褥 褫 褡;
16. 褲 幫 縫 褻 褶 襄 褸 褽 歸 織 襠 襟 襖 襞 襟 襤 , 襪 襪 襬 , 襯
Cloth: 布; Cotton: 綿; Curtain: 帘; Handerchief: 巾; Handkerchief: 帕; Knitting: 縫; Pant: 褲; Roll of cloth: 匹; Set: 套; Shirt: 衫; Shoulder: 襟; Silk: 絲; Sock: 襪; Textile: 紡; Thread: 線; Uniform: 服; Wear: 穿;
cloth: 布; cloud 雲;暇;霞; cloud: 白雲; cloude: 雲端; clown 丑; club 社;會;盟;使;所;儻; club: 會; club: 團隊; club: 社會;

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cme: 芝加哥商業交易所;

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cnn: 新聞網; cnn: 美國有線電視新聞網;

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co-found: 同創立; co-operate 互; co worker: 同行; co.. coach: 換教頭; coal 煤; coal: 煤炭; coated 鍍;鑲; cocacola headquarter: 可口可樂總部; coconut 耶;椰; coffee 咖;啡, coffin 柩;棺; col colar: 領; cold 凍;冷;寒; cold smile: 冷笑; cold sweat: 一身冷汗; cold sweat: 冒冷汗; cold wind 刮; coleague: 同行; collar bone: 頷骨; collect 集;收, collect: 收集; collection: 收費; college 書, 院; college credit: 大學學分; college education: 大學學歷; college graduate: 具高等學位; college police: 校警; college: 大學; collide 碰;撞;踫; colony 殖; color: (more...Flower) color 虹;釆;色;采;顏;艷; color dye 染; color: 顏色; color: 色; color: 色素; colorful 釆;彩;斑;艷; columbia university: 哥倫比亞大學; columbia: 哥倫比亞;

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combine 並;共;合;并;皆;聯; combine: 組合; come 往; come from: 來自; come from: 出自; come over 來; come to america: 來美; come true: 早日實現; come: 來; come: 蒞臨; comedy: 幽默; comfort 娛;舒;雅; comfort: 欣慰; comfortable 爽; coming 臨; coming: 未來; coming: 來臨; command 旨;吩;詔; command center: 指揮所; command in chief: 領導人; commanding 令; commanding: 指令性; commandment 戒; commence: 開; commencement: 啟動;
commerce: 商;
Commercial 士 才
4. 元 允 分 升 戶 欠;
5. 付 司;
6. 企 成 成 扣 收;
7. 行 亨 估 佣 佈 折 決;
8. 事 事 協 帑 招 押 昂 昇 欣 法 糾 股;
9. 建 柙 洽 盈 茂 計 訂 負 限;
10. 亳 倍 借 借 倉 員 差 挫 核 案 消 班 益 耗 訐 討 起;
11. 商 商 售 率 盛 票 貨;
12. 減 稅 詁 買 買 貶 貿 貸 超 雇;
13. 匯 廉 溢 準 準 煩 盟 聘 資 預;
14. 幣 管 銀;
15. 價 增 賠 賞 賬 賣;
16. 積 融 諮 辦 儲 績 聯 臨 薪 虧 講 講 賺 鍵 職 簽 繳 繳 證 辭 難 類 騙 勸 寶 籍 繼 議 騰 黨 譽 贖 讓
10 cent: 亳; Accounting: 賬; Advertising: 招; Argument: 糾; Asset: 才; Auction: 讓; Audit: 核; Bad: 訐; Bank: 銀; Bonus: 賞; Bookkeeping: 戶; Borrow: 借; Budget: 預; Build: 建; Business: 事; Buy: 買; Calculate: 計; Capital: 資; Case: 案; Cash: 帑; Cheap: 廉; Class: 班; Commerce: 商; Commission: 佣; Company: 司; Compensate: 倍; Consume: 耗; Consumer: 消; Contract: 協; Crisis: 挫; Currency: 幣; Debt: 押; Decision: 決; Deduct: 扣; Deposit: 柙; Devaluate: 貶; Difference: 差; Difficult: 難; Discount: 折; Dollar: 元; Done: 成; Due: 繳; Earn: 賺; EFT: 匯; Employer: 雇; Enterprise: 企; Estimate: 估; Excess: 盈; Expense: 付; Expensive: 昂; Fame: 譽; Financial: 融; Forecast: 詁; Going Up: 昇; Good Sign: 欣; Hire: 聘; Increase: 增; Information: 諮; Job: 職; Kind: 類; Lecture: 講; Loan: 貸; Lose: 虧; Loss: 賠; Main: 鍵; Management: 管; Meeting: 議; Merchandise: 貨; Method: 法; Money: 員; Negiotation: 討; Order: 訂; Origin: 籍; Over: 超; Overflow: 溢; Owe money: 欠; Owe: 負; Party: 黨;儻; Pay: 繳; Percentage: 率; Persuade: 勸; Plan: 佈; Please: 煩; Price: 價; Profession: 行; Profit: 益; Promise: 允; Promote: 升; Prospective: 盛; Prosperous: 茂; Purchase: 買; Quota: 限; Raise: 起; Ransom: 贖; Receive: 收; Reduce: 減; Register: 證; Rent: 借; Report: 績; Resign: 辭; Result: 積; Salary: 薪; Sale: 售; Saving: 儲; Sell: 賣; Seminar: 講; Share: 分; Signature: 簽; Standard: 準; Stock: 股; Success: 成; Successor: 繼; Talk: 洽; Target: 準; Task: 辦; Tax: 稅; Temporary: 臨; Ticket: 票; Trade: 貿; Trading: 商; Treasure: 寶; Treaty: 盟; Trick: 騙; United: 聯; Warehouse: 倉; Wealth: 亨; Wealthy: 騰; Work: 事; Worker: 士;
commercial truck: 商用卡車; commission 佣;酬; commissioner: 司長; commit 犯; commit a crime: 涉嫌; commit suicide: 自殺; commit: 違反; commit: 觸犯; committed 兇; committee: 委員會; common 公;普;眾, common knowledge: 共識; common sense: 共識; common sense: 認知; common usage: 通用; common: 普遍; common: 常見; common: 平凡; communicate 交;絡;溝;遘;通, communication: 溝通; communication: 交通; communication: 資訊; community: 團隊;

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compactment: 包廂; companion: 伴侶; company 倍;司;公;企;夥; company culture: 企業文化; company: 企業; company: 公司; compaq: 康柏; compare 及;比;彼;較; compare less 少; compare to: 相當; compare to: 相較於; compare to: 較去; 較前; compare: 針對; compare: 同比; compartment 廂; compensate 倍;充;抵;陪;補;賠; compensate: 體諒; compensate: 補充; compensate: 補貼; compete 彼;兢;競; compete: 爭勝; competing 比;爭; competing: 角逐; competition 鬥;辨;賽; competition advantage: 競爭優勢; competition: 比賽; competition: 競爭; competitive power: 競爭力; competitive: 有競爭力; competitive: 爭食; complain 怨;嗜; complain: 洩憤; complain: 抱怨; complete 到;全;完; complete game: 其整合遊戲; complete service: 整套服務; complete: 成; complete: 齊全的; complete: 完整; complete: 完工; complete: 完善; complete: 徹底; complete: 全; complete: 結束; completed 束; complicate 雜; complicated: 錯綜復雜; complicated: 複雜; component 機; compose: 成為; compound: 鋁合金; comprimise: 和解; comprise: 協調; compromise 協; compulse 迫; compute 計;算;數; compute: 作業; computer 腦;惱; computer game: 電玩; computer: 電腦; comrade 友;朋; comrade: 同黨;

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conceiving 孕; concentrate 專; concentrate: 押注; concentrate: 投入; concentrate: 集中; concentrate: 重視; concentrate: 專注; concept: 概念; concept: 觀念; concern: 關切; concern: 初衷; concerned: 令人關注; conclude 皆; conclusion: 終結; condition 恣;形;況;狀;勢;境;態;融;環;癥; condition: 景氣; condition: 程度; condition: 現象; condition: 狀; condition: 趨勢; conditional 若; conditional: 假設; conference: 會議; conference: 論壇; conficus plaza: 孔子銅像; confidence: 信; confident: 強心針; confirm 卻;承;認; conflict 茅;赳;糾;循;謬; conflict: 騷動; conflict: 衝突; confuse 誤;糊; confusion: 矛盾; congee 粥; congested: 緊密的;

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又 內 尤 且 以 另 只;
6. 先 同 因 因 在;
7. 但 但 夾 希 更;
8. 並 其 固 尚 或 披 於 於;
9. 既 甚 突 若;
10. 特 真 除;
11. 竟;
12. 然 跟 還 謹 謹
Actually: 固; After: 跟; Again: 又; Also: 且; Although: 但; Among: 其; And: 同; Another: 另; Because: 因; Before: 先; Belong to: 於; Both: 並; By: 披; Due To: 因; Extra: 更; If: 若; In between: 夾; In: 內; Ing: 然; More over: 還; Not Yet: 尚; Of: 於; On: 在; Only: 只; Or: 或; Possibly: 竟; Rare: 希; Really: 真; Sincerely: 謹; Special: 特; Specially: 尤; Suddenly: 突; Then: 既; Therefore: 以; Though: 但; Truly: 謹; Unless: 除; What: 甚;
conjestion 擠; conn: 康州; connect 連;橋; connect: 接觸; connect: 連; connect: 聯絡; connecticut: 康州; conquer 佔;征; conquer: 打下;

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consequences: 效果; consider 思;省;慮;濾;顧; consider: 考慮; consider: 考量; consist 括; consist of 含; consolidate: 結; consolidation: 聯盟; consortum: 團隊; constant 店;必;切;定; constitute 組; constitution: 機構; constitution: 組織; construct 建;設;創;搆;構; construction 型;築; construction worker: 裝修工人; construction: 建物; construction: 營建業; consulate: 大使; consultant: 顧問; consulting: 顧問; consulting: 輔導; consume 耗;費; consume: 用掉; consumer 消; consumer databank: 使用者資料; consumer: 消費者; consumer: 消費者業務;

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contact: 接觸; contagious: 有傳染病; contain 包;內;含;括;慍; container 缸; content: 內容; continent 州;陸; continental: 大陸; continuation 承; continue 拖;繼;續; continue: 持續; continue: 不斷; continue: 相繼; continue: 積極的; continue: 續任; continue: 維持; contract 協;工;契;約, contract disease 患; contract: 承辦; contract: 合約; contracted 染; contradict 茅;盾; contraverse: 議論; contravial: 論戰; contribution: 公益; contribution: 貢獻; control 制;掣; control weight: 控體重; control: 控制; control: 抑止; control: 操縱; control: 管轄; control: 調節; controlling: 控制; contruct 築; convenience 方;便; convenience: 方; convenient: 方便; conversation 斟; conversation: 談話; convince 服;勸; convince: 說服;

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cook 抄;炒;烹;煮;飪;燒;
抄 灶 灼;
8. 炒;
9. 為 炸 炮;
10. 料 消 浸 烊 烘 烘 烤 畜;
11. 焊 烽;
12. 焙 焚 焦 無 然 煮;
13. 煎 煙 煉 照;
14. 滾 熔 煽 熊 熄 蒸;
15. 廚 熟 熬 熬 熱 熨;
16. 燉 燒 燈 燙 燜 燃 燄 營 燮 燦 燥 燴 燻 燻 爆 爐 爐 爛
Bake: 烘; Boil: 滾; Burn: 消; Cook: 抄; Fry: 熬; Furnance: 爐; Kitchen: 廚; Material: 料; Poutry: 畜; Smoke: 燻; Soak: 浸; Steam: 蒸;
cooked 熟; cooking 炒; cool 涼; cool: 卓越; cooperation: 互補; cooperation: 合作; cop cop: 警察; copper 銅; copy 倣;仿;抄;杪;冒;拷;稿; copyright 版; cor coral 珊;瑪;瑚, core staff: 核心雇員; corner 角; corner: 角; corporate account: 公司團體; corpse 屍; corpse: 屍骨; correct 修; 理, correct: 整頓; correct: 整合; correction 赳; correction: 下修; correction: 矯正; corridor 走, 廊, corrosive: 腐蝕性; corruption case: 貪腐的案例; corruption: 腐敗; cos cosmetic bag: 梳妝包; cosmetic: 名義; cosmetic: 化妝品; cost: 成本; costal area: 沿海; cosy 娛;涼;爽; cot cottage 閣; cotton 棉;綿; cou cough 咳; cough: 咳; 咳嗽聲; counter reference: 互聯; country 國;彌;鄉; country side 丘;郊; country: 國家; county 郡; county: 郡區; county: 區; couple 兩; courage 努;勉; court 閣; court appointment: 上庭時間; court: 法庭; courtesy 禮; courtesy: 態度;

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cover 俺;包;披;掩;淹;罩;摭;蓋;遮; cover up 瞞; cover: 掩蓋; cover: 遮住; cover: 遍及; coverup 撇;蒙; cow 牛; cow: 牛; cozy 舒;

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crab 螃;蟹; crack 隙;烈; crack: 絞鏈; craft 刻; crash 碰; crashed 倒; crazy 瘋;癲; crazy man: 怪人; crazy: 亂; crazy: 如癡若渴; crazy: 瘋狂地; crazy: 荒謬情形; create 創; create trouble: 作亂; create: 造成; create: 開啟; created: 創下; credit card: 信用卡; credit: 優惠; credit: 益; cremated: 火化; creston: 克里斯頓; cribble 跛; cricket 蟀;蟋;蟬; crime 犯;罪; crimeless: 除罪化; criminal case: 刑事罪行; criminal: 黑幫分子; criminal: 行兇; cripple 癱; cripple: 癱瘓; cripple: 行動不便; crisis 挫; crisis 危; crisis: 危機; crispy 餅 酥 criteria: 門檻; critise: 抨擊; critize 評; critizing 抨; critque: 諷刺; crocodile 鱷; cross-strait: 海峽; cross 架; cross border: 越界; cross section 叉; cross the line: 違法; cross: 橫掃; crowd: 民眾; crowd: 眾多; crowdy: 緊湊; crown 冠; crown: 寶座; crude oil price: 原油價格; cruel: 殘酷; cruelty: 殘酷無情; cruise 乘;游; cruise line: 旅遊郵輪; cruise: 遊船; crusader: 生力軍; crush 榨; cry 哭;呱;泣;啼;嗚; cry noise 哇; crystal 晶; crystal clear: 很明確;

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cuba: 古巴; cultivate 耕;種, cultivate: 耕耘; cultural: 學術; culture 化;文; culture: 文化; cunning 凶;兇;狡; cuny: 紐約市立大學; cup 杯; cupboard 櫃; cure 醫;藥; cure: 治療; cure: 醫; cure: 免疫力; cured: 治療過的; currency 丹;幣;款, currency exchange rate: 匯率; currency exchange: 匯兌; currency lost: 匯損; currency transaction: 外匯; currency: 外幣; currency: 貨幣; current: 流動; currently: 目前; curriculum: 課程; curry 咖;喱; cursing: 謾罵; curtain 帘;屏;幕;簾; curtain: 幕; custom 俗;慣; custom made: 更貼心; custom made: 訂製; custom: 海關; custom: 配套; customer: 顧客; customer: 來客; 看屋客; cut-off day: 截止日期; cut-off: 掘斷; cut-off: 截止; cut 宰;削;割;截;斷; cut budget: 經費被削減; cut off 斷; cut price: 砍價; cut throat: 遭割頸; cut throat: 割喉; cut: 割斷; cut: 剪除; cut: 分割; cut: 大刀闊斧; cut: 砍;

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cyberspace 宙; cycle 任;循, 環,

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d/e: 用來評估企業借貸水準; dad 爸;爹;父;親 daily items: 日常用品; daily: 日益; dairy: 日誌; dam 堤, 壩; damage 害;災;失;危;弄; damage: 損失; damage: 損壞; damage: 受損; damage: 破壞; damage: 許多破壞; dance 步;舞;跳; danger 卮;危;險; danger: 險; dare 敢; daring 盯;視; dark 夜;黑;暗;墨; dark: 隱匿; dash 奔; data: 數據; data: 資料; daughter-in-law 媳; daughter: 女兒; dawn 暮; dawn: 晨曦中; day 天;日;畫; day after 後; day off: 度假; day off: 休假時; day: 期; dayline crossing: 國際換日線;

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dc: 華盛頓特區;

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dead 亡;死;歿;殆;弊;斃; dead body 屍;體, dead body: 殘骸; dead body: 遺體; dead end: 坐以待斃; dead of arrival: 急救不治; dead rate: 死亡率; dead: 死亡; dead: 喪生; deadline 限;期; deadline: 生效時間; deadlock 僵;恃;局; deadlock: 破局; deaf 耳, 聾; dear 貝;伊;寶; dear: 鹿; death penalty: 死刑; death rate: 死亡個案勢; debate: 辯論; debt 欠;押;抵;柙;柢;儅; debt: 案; debt: 債務; debt: 負債; decade 旬; decay 腐; decaying 彫; deceased: 猝逝; december: 十二月; decide 確;定; decide: 決定; decide: 一口氣; decide: 判; decide: 做出決定; decision 決;判; decision maker: 決策者; decision making: 決策; decision point: 關頭; decision: 決策; declare 宣;告; decode: 解讀; decoration 裝 飾; decrease: 減少; decrese: 減少; dedicated 專; dedicated: 盡心盡力; deduct 折;扣; deed 協;契; deep 深;澳; deep impression: 印象深刻; deer 鹿;麓;

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defeat 失;敗; defeat: 打敗; defect: 困擾; defect: 一點毛病; defect: 凸顯; defect: 劣勢; defect: 缺陷; defect: 瑕疵; defend: 抵禦; defense 低 防;抗;擋; defense line: 禁區; deficit 差;欠;劣; deficit: 逆差支; 順差; degree 度; degree: 度; degree: 程度; delaware: 德拉瓦州; delay 迤;迨, 跎, 慢, delay sendhome: 被暫緩遞解; delay: 遞延; delay: 延誤; delay: 移進; delete: 撤銷; delete: 刪除; delight 禧; delighted: 有戚戚; deliver 匯;送;寄;贈; delta airline: 達美航空; deluxe travel tool kit: 豪華旅行包;

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demand: 需求; deminish 縮; demo 示;範; demo: 展示; democrat: 民主黨; democratic national committee: 民主黨全國委員會; demolish 坼;拆;柝;毀;摧;燬;雛; demonstrate: 表示; demote 罷; den 寨; denmark: 丹麥; dental: 牙醫; dented 凹; dentist: 齒列矯正專科醫師; deny 否;絕, 拒; deny: 未駁斥; deodorant: 止汗劑; depart 離;辭;開, department 類; department: 部; departure 別; depend 靠;賴; depend on 依; deposit 押;抵;按;柙;柢; deposit: 押注; depression: 憂鬱症; dept 邦;協;局;府;所;社;署; dept of correction: 懲教局; dept: 所; dept: 部; depth: 深; depth: 深度; derive: 出自;

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des moines: 第摩因; describe 描; describe: 描述; describe: 形容其; described above: 上述; design 設; design: 存心; design: 設計; designer: 設計師; designer: 計畫高手; desire 要;勁;慾; desire: 慾望; desire: 心願; desk 桌;檯; desktop computer: 桌上型電腦; despise 眇;嘲;嘰; despite 歧;視; despite: 蔑視; destination: 目標; destination: 目的地; destroy 失;坼;拆;滅;毀;摧;燬;雛; destroy: 板凳; destroy: 破壞; detail 訴;詳;情; detail: 更詳細; detail: 細節; detail: 細膩; detail: 詳細; detain 扣; detect 視;察; detective 巡;迥, detent 拘;捕, devaluate 貶;值, devaluate: 回貶到; devaluate: 貶值; develop 發, 展;栽;拓;拔;建;掘;產;造;設;搆;築;擴;devil 魔;鬼, develop photo: 沖洗相片; develop: 拓展; develop: 開發; develop: 發; developer: 開發商;

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diabetes: 高血糖; diabetic patience: 糖尿病人; diabetic: 糖尿病; diagnosis: 診斷為; diahorria 瀉;肚, 滯;潟; dial 直;撥; dial: 撥接; dialogue: 對話; diameter: 直徑; diamond 鑽石; diamond: 鑽戒; diamond: 金鑽; diareyea: 延滯期; dictate 默;書; die 亡;死;逝;世; die(sacrifice) 徇; die: 坐以待斃; diesel: 柴油; diffcase: 更換的前後蓋; difference: 差; difference: 幅度; different 差;剩;別;異; difficult 苦;辛;複;艱;雜;難; difficult condition 困;境, difficult time: 困境; difficult: 棘手; difficult: 難; difficult: 辛苦; difficult: 艱鉅; dig 拔;挖;掘; dig: 蒐集; dignity: 豐榮; diligent 努;勤;力, diligent: 辛勤; diligently: 積極施工; dilute 淡; dim 黑;矇;黯; dim: 渺茫; dime 毫; dime: 角; diminish: 消音; diminishing: 流失; diminishing: 少; dinner 食;吃;宵, 夜, 餐, dinner: 晚餐; dinner: 餐會; dip 拈;沾;

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direct 引;指;導, direct broadcast: 直播; direct fight: 直接對決;
direction 趨;勢, 方, 向,
Direction 入 下 上 口;
4. 中 方 止;
5. 出 北 去 右 外 央 左 正 由 立;
6. 先 向 回;
7. 西 角 .
8. 其 到 往 往 東 沿 直 近 附;
9. 前 則 南 徊 後 指 段 派 背 面;
10. 原 徑 旁 般 起 逆 迷;
11. 這;
12. 圍 間;
13. 殿 隔;
14. 對 膈 遠 麼;
15. 環 趨 蹉 繞 翻 藐 轉 顛
Adjacent: 膈; Along: 沿; Arrive: 到; Back and forth: 徊; Back: 背; Before: 先; begin: 口; Bottom: 殿; Branch: 派; Central: 央; Circle: 繞; Closeby: 旁; Come: 往; Corner: 角; Direct: 指; Down: 下; East: 東; Environment: 環; Face: 面; Far: 遠; From: 原; From/To: 由; Front: 前; General: 般; Go to: 去; Go: 往; Into: 入; Left: 左; Mid Point: 正; Mid point: 間; Middle: 其; Midpoint: 中; Near by: 隔; Near: 近; Neighbor: 附; North: 北; Opposite: 對; Other side: 則; Out: 出; Outlook: 藐; Outside: 外; Part: 段; Path: 徑; Postpone: 蹉; Puzzle: 迷; Rear: 後; Return: 回; Reverse: 逆; Right: 右; Rise: 起; Rotate: 轉; South: 南; Square: 方; Stand: 立; Straight: 直; Surround: 圍; This: 這; Til: 止; To: 向; Trend: 趨; Up side down: 翻; Up: 上; Upside down: 顛; West: 西; What: 麼;
director: 任行; director: 董事席位; dirt 垢;髒; dirty 圬;污;髒; dirty language: 髒話穢言; dirty: 髒; dirty: 髒話;

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disable 殘;跛; disabuse: 不滿; disadvantage: 利弊; disappear 消;逝;頹; disappear at large: 逃逸無蹤; disappear instantly: 倏然消失; disappoint: 失望; disappointed: 失望; disaster 荒;災;難, disaster: 悲劇; disaster: 災難; disburse 散; disbuse: 口角; discard 丟;甩;脫; disconnect 甩; discount 扣;折; discount ticket: 廉價機票; discount: 析; discount: 打折扣; discount: 優惠; discounted: 打折扣; discover 發; discover: 發現; discovery: 發現; discrimination: 歧視; discussion 紛;洽;討;談;論;諭;謬;議; discussion: 議; discussion: 討論; discussion: 言論; discussion: 辯論; discussion: 論壇; disease 疫; disease: 發病; disease: 疾病; disect 分 析; dish 碟;

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dismiss 開 除; dismiss: 撤銷; disolve 溶;解; dispatch unit: 派出所; dispense: 繳出; dispute: 矛盾;

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disrespect 嘰;笑; disrupt: 板凳; distance 距; distance away 遠;離;開, distance: 距離; distinction 良; distinguish 優;秀 distribute 頒;發, distribute: 分; distribute: 分配; district 區;域;部; district office: 地院; district: 區; disturb 咕;騷;繞, disturb: 打擾; disturbing: 滿腹牢騷; div 部;dive 跌;虧; divert 疏;散, divert distribution: 流量分流; dividend 佣;利;酬;潤, dividend: 獲利; division 班;界;術;署; division street: 地威臣街; divorce: 離婚;

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do 作;弄;把;做;幹;辦;事;工;功;作;克;弄;做;幹;謀;辦;職; do not 勿; do not disturb: 不要打擾; do not: 切勿; do the best: 竭盡; do what: 做什麼; do: 作; do: 作業; do: 弄; do: 做; do: 做個; doc 協;契;洽;約, doc: 醫師; 醫生; doc: 醫生; doctor 大 夫;醫;生; doctor: 醫; doctor: 醫師; doctor: 醫生; doctrine 憲;法; document: 文件; document: 聞稿; doesn't 無;沒, 有, dog 犬;狗; dog: 一隻狗; doing 著;正, 在, doing: 著; doll: 娃娃; dollar 元;圓; dollar: 元; dollar: 美元; domicile: 棲息地; don't 無;罷; don't agree: 不同意; don't want to see: 慘不忍睹; donate 捐;奉;貢;給;募;摹;獻;籌;款, donate: 捐; donate: 捐給; donate: 募; donation: 貢獻; done 到;了;已;成;吧;完;束;知;啦;得;接;終; done: 成功; done: 作; dont care 衍; dont care: 不予置評; dont know: 不知道; dont matter: 無所謂; dont understand: 聽不懂; door 門;推;閉;窗; door to door: 上門; dorm 舍;宿; dot 痣;漬;點; dot com bubble time: 達康泡沫時; dot: 標; dot: 點; double 重;並;複, double occupancy: 兩人同房; double standard: 雙規; double taxation: 雙重課稅; double: 兩倍; doubt 惑;懷, 疑;問, doubt: 好奇; doubt: 疑慮; doubt: 疑點; doubtful: 質疑; doubts: 令人存疑; douglaston: 道格拉斯頓; down 下;跌; down town: 下城; down: 逆市; down: 下; down: 下; down: 下降; downfall: 垮台; downgrade: 轉嫁; download: 下載; downtown: 下城; doyer street: 華埠宰也街; dozen 打;

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dr. 醫; draft 槁;稿; draft: 草擬; draft: 聞稿; dragon 龍;籠, 麒 draw 描; draw the line: 畫清界線; draw: 畫; drawing 劃; drawing: 抽籤; drawn: 牽動; dream 夢; dream: 夢想; dreamland: 夢土; dress: 服; dress: 穿著; dress: 衣; drill: 鑽; drink 喝;渴;飲; drinking: 飲酒; drip 滴; drive 駛;駕; drive: 駕車; driver: 司機; drop 丟;滴; drop: 挫跌; drop: 點點滴滴; drought 旱; drown 溺; drug war: 緝毒戰; drug: 毒品; drum 鼓; drunk 醉; drunk: 酗酒; dry 荒;旱;委;乾;睛; dry: 乾旱; dry: 乾燥; dry: 干; 雨; drying 枯;彫;

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duck 鴨; duck tongue: 鴨舌; due 繳;費, due date: 任期; 屆滿; due to 因;為; due: 收費; dumpling 餃, duplicate 倣;仿;抄;冒; durable 耐; duration 久;持; during 當; during: 正值; during: 正移; during: 屆時; during: 當; dust 粉;土;抹;垢;塵; dust: 灰塵; duty 負;任;務;責; duty: 務; duty: 責任; duty: 負擔;

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dye 染; dye: 染; dying 枯; dying: 沮喪; dynasty 代;宗;朝;

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e-commerce: 電子商務; e-commerce: 商業網上行; e-learning: 電子教學; e-mail 函 送;信, 寄;接;送, 訊, 郵, ea each 每;凡;各;諸; eager: 急躁; eagle 燕;鵬;鷹; eagle: 老鷹; ear 朵;耳;聽; ear: 耳; earlier: 稍早; early 早;黎; early age: 早期; early morning: 凌晨; early: 提早; early: 初; earn 謀;賺; earn: 賺進;
earth 土;于;地;址;塵;
earth: 地; earth: 世界; TABLE-
Earth 土;
6. 田 石 圳 地 地 在 圭 圬 圯 圩 灰;
7. 坊 坑 址 坍 均 坎 圾 坐 坏 圻 壯;
8. 垃 坷 坪 坩 坡 坦 坤 坼 宙 岩;
9. 泥 垂 型 垠 垣 垢 城 垮 垓;
10. 埂 埔 埋 埃 堉;
11. 域 堅 堊 堆 埠 埤 基 堂 堵 執 培;
12. 堯 堪 場 堤 堰 報 堡 堝 堠;
13. 塞 塑 塘 塗 塚 塔 填 塌 塭 塊 塢 塒 塋;
14. 塵 塾 境 墓 墊 塹 墅 塽;
15. 墀 墟 增 墳 墜 墮 墩 墦;
16. 壁 墾 壇 壅 壕 壓 壑 壎 壙 壘 壞 壟 壢 壩
Ash: 灰; Cliff: 岩; Earth: 地; Field: 田; Globe: 宙; Mud: 泥; Stone: 石;
earthquake 震;烈; earthquake: 地震; earthy 俗; east-west: 東西; east 東; east asian: 東亞; east europe: 東歐; east side: 東部; east: 東; east: 東; eastman kodak: 柯達公司; easy 容;易;暢;通, easy life: 悠遊歲月; easy: 愉快; easy: 平易; eat 食;吃;嚥; eat: 食; eat: 用餐; eaten: 吞下;

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ebook: 電子書;

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ecfa: 兩岸經濟協議; eclipse 蝕; economist: 經濟學家; economy consultant: 經濟顧問; economy: 經濟;

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edit 改;輯;變, editing 編; editor: 編輯; editorial 社;評;論;輯;籲; editorial: 報導置評; educate: 教育; education 育;教, 術; education level: 學歷; edward koch: 郭德華;

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effective 效;有, effective: 有效; effective: 效果如何; effective: 實施; effective: 必較; effort: 努力; eft 匯;

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egg 卵;蛋; egypt 埃; egypt: 埃及;

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einstein: 愛因斯坦;

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elder person 兄; elder son: 長子; election: 大選; electric 雷;電; electric appliance: 電器; electric bill: 電費; electric: 電; electricity: 用電; elegant 雅;高, element: 因子; element: 因素; element: 元件; elementary: 初級; elephant 象;相; elephant: 象; eliminate 滅;徹;撲; eliminate: 撤銷; elizabeth: 伊利沙白;

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email: 電子郵件; email: 電子信箱; email: 寄發電子郵件通知; embarassed: 一臉尷尬; embargo: 進行制裁; embarrass 尷; embassy: 領事館; embrace 抱;摟;擁; emerge: 揭開; emergency illness: 急病; emergency repair: 緊急維修; emergency: 應急; emergency: 急性; emerging 突;漸; emerging: 抬頭; emperor: 皇; emphasis: 鄭重; emphasis: 重視; emphasis: 強調; emphasis: 再強調; employ 效;請, 聘;騁; employee 臣; employee: 雇員; employees 伙; employer 雇;僱;主, employer: 雇主; emporor 帝;王;皇; empower: 強化; empty 空;白, empty bottle: 空瓶; empty hand: 努力落空; empty handed: 空歡喜一場; empty out: 已疏; empty space: 空間; ems: 急救員;

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encourage 鼓;振;勉;恿;慫;踴;勵; encourage: 激勵; encourage: 刺激; encourage: 加油; encourage: 獎勵; end 到;吧;最, 後; end of spring: 春末; end of the world: 世界末日; end result: 最終結果; end: 完; ending 末; ending: 終; endure 耐;忍; endure: 強忍; enemy 仇;敵; enemy: 敵人; energize: 衝刺; energy 力;振;努;志;武;勁;勞;奮; energy information adminstration: 能源資訊管理局; energy: 發電; enforce 督;監, england 英; english 英; english teacher: 英文教師; english word lower case: chineseword; english: 英文; enjoy 享;賞;受, enjoy natural life: 觀賞自然生態; enjoy: 欣賞的; enjoy: 享; enjoy: 享有; enjoy: 享受; enjoy: 觀賞; enlarge: 豐; enough 充;促; enough lesson: 已作足了功課; enough: 足夠的; enough: 要充; enroll: 修課;

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enter 進;闖;入, 內, enter: 進入; enter: 存放; enter: 入境; enter: 加入; enterprise 企;建;業; enterprise: 家族; enterprise: 實; enterprise: 企業; entertaining 娛;樂, entertaining: 愉快; entertainment: 娛樂; entrance 門;口, entrance: 進出住處; entrance: 出入口; environment 恣;況;狀;境;貌;環; environment: 態度; environment: 環保;

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epicenter: 震央位於;

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equality: 乎等值; equipment: 機械; equipment: 器材; equity fund: 避險基金;

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er: 人; 女; 們; 記; 子; 士; 尚; 師; 徒; 男; 夫; 伕; 匠; 者; 某; 員; 博; 尊; 農; 謀; 醫; 生; eradict 革;除, eradict: 遞解; erase: 撤銷; erase: 刪除記憶; ereader: 電子書閱讀器; erect 凸;設;豎; erect: 樹立; erect: 垂直豎起; erode: 令人存疑;

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escape 逃;溜;僻;避;開, escape disaster: 避難; escape the scene: 步逃離現場; escape: 迴避; escort: 保護; especially: 尤其; essay 文; essay: 散文; essay: 文章; establish 建; establish: 成立; estimate 估;沽;討;詁; estimate: 預期; estimate: 預定; estimate: 預估; estimate: 評估;

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etc 等; etc: 其他; etc: 等; etf: 指數股票型基金;

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euro: 歐元; europe 歐; europe: 歐洲; european: 歐盟;

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evaporate 消; evaporate: 蒸發; evaporating: 流失; even 均; even though: 顯然; even though: 即使; even: 均; evening 夕;昏; event: 場; eventually: 隨著時間逼近; eventually: 一般而言; ever 永;常; everlasting 永; every 每;凡; every day: 每天; every day: 天天; every minute: 無不克的; every moment: 無不克的; every one 各; every one 諸; every penny: 每一分錢;仙; every year: 每年; every: 項; evidence: 證據; evil 兕;邪;凶;厄;夭;歹;兇;匈;惡;辣; evil look 妖; evoke 擾;

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exacesive: 鋪天蓋地; exactly: 正是; exaggerate 誇; exaggerate: 張貼; exam 試;察; exam: 探討; examination: 檢驗; examine 剖;考;析;查;撿;檢;驗; examine: 檢查; examine: 檢驗; examine: 勘驗; examine: 監管; example 諭; exception: 例外; excess 盈;超;溢; excess: 過剩的; excess: 過多; exchange 抵;換;調; exchange volume: 成交金額; exchange: 串流; exchange: 兌; exchange: 轉運站; exciting 激;張,
exclamation 嘆;歎;
Exclamation 巴 呵 呸 呢 阿 哪 哦 啦 嘆 嘟 嘈 嘿 嘩 誰 囌
?: 呢; Ah: 阿; Any: 哪; Ba: 巴; Exclamation: 嘆; Fall: 嘟; Hi: 嘿; La: 啦; No: 呸; Noisy: 嘈; O.K.: 呵; Too: 囌; Who: 誰; Wow: 嘩; Yes: 哦;
excretion 洩; excuse 恕;諒; excuse: 包容; exec 辦;斃; execute 定;軋;執;斬; execute: 施行; execute: 實施; execute: 執行; execute: 處決; executive committee: 執委會; exercise 育;功;孰;習;煉;練;操; exercise: 洗練; exercise: 運動; exercise: 練球; exhaust 罷; exhausted 恢; exhibit 展; exhibition: 參展作品; exist: 存在; exit 門; exit: 出;

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expand 延;擴;張 expand: 漲幅; expand: 拓寬; expand: 擴; expand: 擴大; expand: 膨; expect on: 希望在; expect: 渴望; expect: 希望; expect: 可望; expense 付;費;贅; expense and receive: 收支; expense: 開支; expensive 昂;貴; expensive: 昂貴; expensive: 高昂的; experiencing: 經驗; experiment 析;試;驗; expert: 專家; expire date: 過期日期; expire: 任期; 屆滿; expire: 已失效; expired: 已無效; explain 表;解; explain: 解釋; explode 炸;爆; explode: 崩潰; explore: 探索; explore: 屢創; explosion: 爆炸; explosive 爍;炸;藥, expo 展; exporter: 出口商; expose 晒;洩;暴;曝; expose media: 媒體曝光; expose: 曝光; expose: 暴露出; express: 特快車; express: 表明; expression 表;

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extend 延;拖;陀;涎;擴;張, extend west: 往西延伸; extend: 延伸; extend: 增長; extend: 綿延; extension 續; exterior 外; extra 特;更; extract: 精; extraordinary: 格外; extreme 最, extreme sorrow: 巨大悲痛; extreme the same: 極其相似的; extreme violent: 性質極其惡劣的; extreme: 相當; extreme: 超高; exxon-mobil: 埃克森美孚;

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eye 目;淚;眼;視; eye wide open: 眼睛睜大; eye: 目; eye: 眼; eyebrow 眉;

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aj thru ar jmp as thru az jmp F

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F-1: 留學簽證學生身分; f visa: 學生簽證; fa face 面;孔, 容;貌;臉;顏; face book friend: 臉書朋友; face book: 臉書; face to face meeting: 面談; face: 面; face: 面; face: 面孔; face: 面臨; face: 對; face: 向; face: 臉; facility: 設備; facing 向; facing: 面對; facing: 面臨; facing: 向; facing: 迎戰; factory 工 廠; factory: 廠; factory: 工廠; fading 凋;刁;摧; fading: 凋謝後; fail 失; 挫;敗;格; fail: 擊敗; failure 災;難, failure: 失敗; faint 暈; fair tale 故; fair: 樸素; fair: 比較划算; fake 乍;咋;冒;偽;假; fall 倒;禿;下;跌;落;跤;嘟; fall: 挫跌; fall: 下滑; fall: 下降; fall: 墜落; falling 降;捶;墮; falling sound 咚; falling: 衰退; false: 乍; falsify: 明知不實; falsify: 偽造; falsify: 虛報; fame 名;譽; fame: 名義; fame: 繁榮; fame: 聲譽; familiar 老;孰;識, 舊; family 家; family doctor: 家庭醫生; family member: 家人; family member: 家屬; family name 姓;名, family: 家人; famous 揚;揮;名, 譽;轟;地, 位, famous school: 名校; famous town: 名城; famous: 殊榮; famous: 威望; famous: 名; famous: 名氣; famous: 名號; famous: 相當具盛名的; famous: 聞名; fan 風, 扇;拂; fan: 粉絲; fancy 懊;澳;奇, 妙, far 迢;茫;遠;去, far and close: 遠近; fare hike: 提價; farm 農;業, farm: 農場; farming 耕;種, farming: 農村; fast 迅;快;捷;敏;爽;速;煞;瞬;f fast: 捷運; fast: 敏捷; fast: 快; fat: 發; fat: 較胖; fate 禍;命, 運, father 爹;父;爸;親, father: 父親; favor 慇;歡;喜, 熱, 愛, favor: 擁戴; favor: 取寵; favor: 看好; favorite 戴;寵; favorite: 青睞; fax: 傳真; fax: 傳真號碼;

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fda: 藥物管理局;

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fe fear 恐;吼;怕;懼;驚; fear: 困惑; feat 協;事, 業, feather 羽;毛, feather like: 雪上加霜; fed up 厭;倦, 疲, 勞, fed: 主管金融政策的聯準會; fed: 美國聯準會; 聯準會; fedex: 聯邦快遞; fee 費用, fee: 服務費用; fee: 收費; feed 唷;哺;養;餵; feed: 餵食; feed: 餬口; feedback: 反應; feel 感; feel good 安; feel: 感覺到; feeling 悟;佻;慟;覺; feeling: 情緒; feeling: 感覺; feeling: 心情; feet: 呎; fell: 倒在; fellow 民;伙; fellow chinese: 華人同胞; female 女, fence: 圍籬; ferry 渡;港, 輪, ferry: 度; festival 節; feul: 燃料; fever time: 好發時節; few 若;幾; few: 些; few: 幾; few: 多;

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fiance: 未婚夫 妻; fiasco 災; fiasco: 失敗; fiber optic cable: 光纖電纜; field 田;場; fierce 狂;猛; fierce competition: 競爭激烈; fiercely: 激烈; fiery 風 狂; fife 笛; fight 打;戰, 戈;攻;拚;武;爭;鬥;掙;毆; fight back 對, 抗;伉; fight for: 爭取; fight: 戰鬥; fight: 鬥; fight: 反抗; fight: 爭取; fighter: 攻擊者; fighter: 好戰分子; fighting 戈; fighting: 打拚; fighting: 爭; figure 形;狀, 數, 目, file income tax: 報稅表; file: 紀錄; fill 備;充;夠;填;飽;滿; fill the form: 填表; fill up: 鋪平; film: 短片;片; filter 溜;挑;選, 澄;清, filter water: 蒸餾水; filter: 濾波器; filter: 餾; final receipt date: 最後收件日期; finalists: 決賽名單; finance 貸;款, financial 融;金, financial analyst news: 經濟參考報; financial diffulty: 財務困難; financial tsunami: 金融風暴; financial: 金融; find 找;覓;訪;尋;精;徵;謀; find: 找; find: 追求; fine 良;好, 細;罰; fine: 罰款; finger 指;手, finish 到;成, 了;完;束;終; fire 火;燄; fire place 灶;坎; fire: 砲火; fire: 火紅; firebug 螢;火;蟲, firewood 柴; first 酋;長, 首;一;甲;初;皇;第;頭; first born: 第一胎; first class mail: 平信郵資; first day: 首日; first moment: 第一時間; first of all: 首先; first page: 首頁; first run: 首輪; first shot: 第一槍; first term: 首輪; first time: 首次; first time: 首度; first: 首位; first: 之冠; first: 居冠; fiscal year: 會計年度;
fish 魚;鮑;鯉;鯽;鱸; fish: 魚;
Fish 丰 貝 拔 波;
9. 珊 珍;
10. 島 珠;
11. 魚 魷;
16. 螃 鮑;
17. 鮮 鮫 鮪 鮭;
18. 鯊 鯉 鯽 鯈 鯀;
19. 鯨 鯧 鯖 鯛;
20. 蠔 鰓 鰍;
21. 鰭 鰥;
22. 鱉 鰱 鰾 鰻;
23. 鱔 鱗 鱖;
24. 鼇 鱷 鱸
Coral: 珊; Crab: 螃; Fish: 魚; Oyster: 蠔; Pearl: 珠; Precious: 珍; Sea Level: 拔; Sea: 島; Shark: 鯊; Shell Fish: 丰; Shell: 貝; Squail: 魷; Wave like: 波; Whale: 鯨;
fisherman 漁; fishing 撈; fishing boat: 漁船; fist 拳;腳, fist & kick: 拳打腳踢; fit 供;合;宜;促;恰;適;融; fit: 盛放; five 五; fix asset: 不動產資; fix term: 定期; fix: 解決;

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flag-ship: 旗艦; flag 旗;國, flag ship: 旗鼓; flagging 揚;飛, 揮; flash 照; flash: 閃; flash: 閃電俠; flashing 閃; flat 平;面, 橫; flat: 平; flea 虱;蚤; flea market: 市場; flexible: 自由; flight: 班機; flip 翻;轉; float 浮;漂;瓢; float: 浮動; floating: 浮動; flood 氾;泛;洪;淹; flood: 洪災; floor 地;樓; floor: 樓; floor: 樓; 層; florida: 佛州; flow 沖;流;通;瓢; flow: 交通;
flower 桂;牡;朵;杏;杜;花;芙;梅;菊;薇;薔;麴;
Color/ Flower
七 卉 白 朱 朵 牡 枝 玫 芳 芝 青 亮 紅 美
虹 草 彩 荷 紫 黃 黑 綠 綿 墨 橙 藍 黯 黯
Beautiful: 美; Black ink: 墨; Black: 黑; Blue: 藍; Brickred: 朱; Bright: 亮; Bud: 卉; Clever: 芝; Color: 虹; Colorful: 彩; Cotton: 綿; Dim: 黯; Flower: 牡; Grass: 草; Green: 青; Grey: 黯; Lotus: 荷; Orange: 橙; Petal: 朵; Purple: 紫; Red: 紅; Rose: 玫; Smell: 芳; Stick: 枝; White: 白; Yellow: 黃;
flower basket: 花籃; flower: 每朵花的; flower: 花卉; flu power: 流感殺傷力; flu shot: 疫苗; fluencing: 發揮影響力; flush 沖; flushing: 法拉盛; flute 簫; fly 飛;翔;蒼;衝;盪;蠅; fly ant 蛾; fly: 飛; fly: 飛越;

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focus point: 關頭; focus: 針對; focus: 精心; fog 霧; fog: 噴霧; fold 摺;褶;峽;夾, 匣, folder: 檔案; folder: 單據; folks 民;眾, folks: 人; follow 背;徒;直;紀;從, 跟;遂; follow order 服; follow the mission: 按章程辦事; follow the time: 隨著時間逼近; follow up: 進行監督; follow: 應遵守; follow: 隨; follow: 隨著; follow: 遵守; follow: 秩序; follow: 跟在; follower 徙;學, 門, font 楷;
food 茸;飢;粥;粽;餃;糧; food stamp: 糧食券; food: 食品; food: 食物; food: 糧食;
Food 丸 汁 瓜 禾 早 米 肉;
7. 吞 吸 汽 芒 芋 豆 乳 卷 味;
8. 咖 炒 物 芽 芹 芥 芾;
9. 咬 耶 茄 食 香;
10. 素 羔 臭 荔 茸 茶 酒 飢;
11. 梨 甜 蛋;
12. 麥 喝 焙 煮 粥 萄 酥 飧 飪 飯 飩 飲;
13. 煎 腸 飼 飴 飽;
14. 飾 種 蓄 蜜 酸 餃 餅 餌 餉;
15. 槳 熟 蝦 蝸 豬 醉 醋 醃 養 餓 餒 餘;
16. 橘 糖 蕉 餐 館 餞 餛 餡 餚 糞 餵 鮮 齋 醬 醬 餾 餿 餽 餮 瀨 羹 臘 饅 饅 饉 嚼 蘋 饒 饑 馨 鹹 麵 饗 饕 饜 釀 饞
Absorb: 吸; Apple: 蘋; Ball: 丸; Banana: 蕉; Bean: 豆; Bit: 咬; Breakfast: 早; Brew: 釀; Broccoli: 芥; Bud: 芽; Bun: 饅; Cake: 羔; Candy: 酥; Celery: 芹; Chew: 嚼; Coconut: 耶; Coffee: 咖; Congee: 粥; Cook: 煮; Cooked: 熟; Cooking: 炒; Date: 芾; Drink: 喝; Drunk: 醉; Eat: 食; Egg: 蛋; Feed: 養; Fill: 飽; Food: 茸; Fresh: 鮮; Fruit: 瓜; Fry: 煎; Grape: 萄; Hay: 禾; Honey: 蜜; Hungry: 飢; Intestine: 腸; Juice: 汁; Liquid: 槳; Lychee: 荔; Meal: 餐; Meat: 肉; Milk: 乳; Mongo: 芒; Noddle: 麵; Noodle: 瀨; Orange: 橘; Paste: 醬; Pear: 梨; Plant: 種; Poison: 毒; Pork: 豬; Potato: 芋; Poultry: 蓄; Powder: 粉; Ration: 餉; Restaurant: 館; Rice: 米; Roast: 焙; Roll: 卷; Salty: 鹹; Sauce: 醬; Sausage: 臘; Shrimp: 蝦; Smell good: 香; Smell: 臭; Smoke: 醃; Snail: 蝸; Soda: 汽; Soup: 羹; Sour: 酸; Sugar: 糖; Swallow: 吞; Sweet: 甜; Taste: 味; Tea: 茶; Thing: 物; Tomato: 茄; Vegetable: 素; Vegetarian: 齋; Vinegar: 醋; Waste: 糞; Wheat: 麥; Wine: 酒; Wonton: 吞; Zip: 吸;
foot 足;腳;尺, 吋, foot note 備 註; foot: 呎; foot: 腳; footprint 跡; for ever 永 恆;for 宜; for ever: 永遠; for example: 例如; for example: 為例; for reference: 可供參考; for that: 對此; for: 針對; forbidden 禁;止, forbidden: 禁區; force 督;逼;纂; force in: 闖進; force out: 趕下; force pressure 迫; force strike: 強行突破; force: 暴力; force: 逼得; force: 催出; force: 要使這; fore front: 前者; fore: 預; forecast 沽;詁; forecast: 預告; forecast: 徵兆; forecast: 展望; foreever cemetery: 長眠之地; foreign 外;番; foreign ambassy: 外國使館; foreign investment: 外資; foreign language: 外語; foreign minister: 外長; foreign student: 留學生; foreigner: 外國人; forest 林;森; forest: 森林; forever 永; forget 忘;忽;念; forget: 忘; forgetful: 常常忘東忘西; forgive 免;絮; fork 叉; former friend: 生前好友; former: 已故; former: 前任; formosa: 寶島; formula 式; formula: 方程式; forsyth st: 科西街; fort lauderdale: 勞德岱堡; fortunate 卜;吉;幸;福;發, 翁, fortunate: 福氣; fortune telling 卦;占; found: 創立; foundation 基;盤;磐;礎; foundation: 底子打好; foundation: 基; foundation: 基金會; foundation: 基礎; founder: 創辦人; four 四;肆; fox 狼;狸;狐;狠; fox news: 福斯新聞網;

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fragance bottle: 香水瓶; frame 框;幅; france 法; france: 法國; frank 坦; frank: 坦承; fraud prevention and detection fee: 防偽費; fraud: 明知不實; fraud: 乍; fraud: 偽造; fraud: 虛報; free 由;免;赦;閒;釋; free app: 應用程式免費; free from debt: 解財困; free inquiry: 免費諮詢; free service: 服務為己任; free: 免; free: 免费; free: 免費; free: 自由; free: 自由化; freedom: 自由度; fresh 鮮; friend 友;伴;朋;僚;夥;親; friend: 朋友; friend: 老友們; friendly 義; friends: 朋友們; friendship 誼; frighten 恐;怕; frightening 怖; frog 蛙;蝌; from-to: 交; from 原;從; from best to worse: 弄巧成拙; from small: 從小; from/to 致;由;至;從; from/to: 往返; from: 是占; from: 引用; front 前;榣;遙; front lid: 前蓋; front runner: 龍頭業者; front seat: 前座座位; front: 前; front: 前鋒; frozen 凍;呆; frozen: 冷凍; fruit 瓜;成;李;季;果;杷;枇;柚;柿;核;琵;琶;葫;蘋;橙, 橘, fruit: 果; fruit: 成為; fry 炸;煎;熬;

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fuchow: 福州; fuel: 燃料; fulfill: 滿足; fulfill: 將滿; 屆滿; full 飽;滿; full alert: 全天候警戒; full house: 爆滿; full time job: 全職工作; full: 濟; fully automatic: 全自動; fully recommended: 鼎力推薦; fund: 基金; fund: 禮金; funeral 喪;殮;殯;倌; funeral home: 殯儀館; funeral service: 喪禮; funeral: 後事; funeral: 出殯; funeral: 善後; funny 稽;趣; furious: 刺激; furnace factory: 電爐煉鋼廠; furnance 火;爐;頭; furniture 垢;傢;家;具; fury 風, 狂; future-trading: 期貨; future: 未來; future: 將; future: 前途; fuzzy: 模糊; fuzzy: 朦朧;

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fyi 咨; fyi: 據悉;

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G:   ga:   Jump   Index  

gain: 有; gain: 所得; gain: 獲得; gallon: 每加侖; gallop 咱; gamble 賭;
game: 比賽; game: 參賽;
Game 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
Ball: 波; Break: 破; Bubble Like: 沫; Bubble: 泡; Float: 浮; Ping Pong: 乒; Play ball: 拍; Play: 玩; Swim: 泳; Wave: 浪;
gangster 匪;邦;黨; gap 峽;夾, 匣, gap: 間; garbage 圾;垃;廢; garbage: 垃圾; garbage: 垃圾箱; garden 宛;院;花園;閣; garden: 庭園; garment factory: 衣廠; gas-oil-electric: 煤電油氣; gas patel: 油門; gas: 天然氣; gas: 石油; gasoline: 汽油; gasoline: 石油; gate 門;閘;欄; gate: 關; gather 敘;集;聚; gather: 募集; gather: 聚集; gathering 組; gauntlet 俠;

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gdp: 國內生產總值;

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gen: 遺傳因子; gender: 男; general 般;帥;博;普;眾, general: 傳統; general: 許; generally: 一般; generation 倫;祖;世;任;屆;宗;岱; generation change: 世代交替; generation: 時代; generation: 世襲; generation: 世襲程序; generous 慨;慷;豪;君 genius: 傑作; gentleman 彬 geology: 地質; georgia: 喬治亞; germ-free room: 無菌室; germ 菌; germany: 德國; get 拿;取;收;有;得;穫; get lost: 立即滾蛋; get result: 取得成就; get rid of 除; get ride of: 有效排除; get sick: 患大病; get ticket: 取票; get up 起; get: 得; get: 得到; getting better: 走揚; getting older: 年紀越大; getting: 愈來愈;

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ghost 夭;妖;怪;鬼;魔;

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giant 巨;龐; giant bag: 寵物包; gift 恩;品;贈;禮, 物, gift money: 禮金; gift: 禮物; gifts.com: 禮品網站; gigantic 大; girl 女;妞;俐;娃;嫦;嬌; girl friend: 女友; girl: 女生; give 給;贈; give a hand 扶; give and in return: 付出的代價; give away 捨; give in 降; give up 吧;恢;絳;罷; give: 就交給; give: 受; giveaway: 透支; given 受;賜;

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glad 咪; gland 胛;腺; glass 杯;玻;璃; glass: 玻璃; global: 國際; global: 全球 ; global: 全球化; globe 地;宇, 宙;世, 界;際; glorious future: 榮景; glory 烈;威;榮;輝;錦; glory: 榮; glue 貼;膠;黏;

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go 赴;走;去;出;往;返;通;歸;臨; go after 跟;g go along 願; go backward 撤;退;逆; go direct: 直接衝進; go forward: 往前走; go go: 活潑; go in 進; go into 役; go online: 上網; go out 出; go out: 出; go to 去; go to prison: 坐牢; go up: 走升; go worse: 惡化; go: 通; go: 去; go: 去; goal: 鎖定; goat 恙;羔;羊; goat: 羊; god 神;帝; god bless: 上天賜給; god dad 乾; god mother 契; god: 神; godown 倉;艙; going 行; going back: 光是; going on 在; going strong: 走堅; going to 向; going up 昇;陞; gold 金;禮, 鐲; gold: 金; golden yellow color: 金黃色; golf ball size: 高爾夫球大小的; golf masters: 高球聖殿; golf: 高爾夫球; good 佳;吉;好;安;品,巧;欣;隹;品;美;傑;善;貴;賢;錦; gorilla 猩;gossip 紛;謠;籲;got it 達;got 收;得; good bye 再; good day 曬; good education: 良好教育; good fit: 合適; good food: 美食; good for 宜; good for: 利; good hope 旺; good impression: 印象深刻; good morning 早; good news: 好消息; good news: 好事; good people: 知識分子; good quality 良; good relationship: 溝通; good result: 佳績; good sign 欣; good smell: 香; good time 愉; good use: 好用; good: 巧; good: 美好; goodbye: 揮別; google chrome: 瀏覽器; google: 社群; gospel: 福音; gossip: 聊天; got: 得到; govern 冶;官;治;理; government: 政府; governor 督;

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graceful 秀; grade: 級; graduate 畢;業, graduate: 結業; graduate: 畢業; graduate: 畢業生; grand-grand parent 太; grand parent 公; grand street: 格蘭街; grandma 婆; grandpa 爺; grandson 孫; grandson: 外孫; grant: 批准; grap 拿;挾; grape 萄;葡; grass 草; grass: 草; grasshopper 草;蜢;蝗;蜂, grave 墓;墳; gravy 糰, great 偉;轟; great: 偉大; greedy: 剝削; greek: 希臘; green 青;綠; green card: 綠卡; green: 碌; greet 恭;祝;賀;鞠; greeting 迎;躬; greeting: 慶祝; greeting: 恭喜; grey 黯; grey heart 恢; grip: 控制; grip: 管轄;

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groom: 新郎; ground 地;場; ground: 地; group 隊;眾, 群;團;籌; group: 集團; group: 團隊; grouping 皆; grow-up: 長大; grow 栽;哉;植;養;生 產; grow up 婷; grow: 長得; grow: 增長; grow: 種植; growing 茂;盛; growing fast: 成長迅速; growth defect: 發育不良; growth: 增長; growth: 生長;

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GSCI: 史坦普GSCI指數;

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guarantee: 保證;包; guard 仕;守;保;衛;護; guess 猜;疑, guess: 怪異; guess: 猜測; guessing: 猜測; guest 客;賓; guest: 客; guest: 來賓; guest: 賓客; guidance 導; guide 引;導; guide: 道; guide: 引用; guilty 定;罪, gum disease: 牙周病; gum: 牙周膜; gun 槍;鎗;鏢; gun down: 槍擊; gun shot wound: 槍傷; gun shot: 槍聲; gun: 槍械; gunmen: 槍手; gunpowder 炸;藥, guy: 仔;

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gym 堉;gymnastic 育;

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h visa: 工作簽證; h3n2: 流感病毒; ha habbit 脾;氣; habit 習, 慣; habit: 習慣; habor: 一處碼頭; had been 已; had had: 地; had: 已; hail: 冰雹; hair 毛;髦;髮;鬚;鬢; hair cut 削; hair style 辮; half 半; half hour: 時半; half: 半數; hall 堂;廳; hall of fame: 走紅的; hall: 府; hall: 禮堂; hallow 洞; ham 臘; hammer 鋤;錐;鎚; hand-over: 接手; hand 手;掌;擎;攬; hand on: 訓練; hand shake: 握手; hand switch 掣; hand: 手; handcuff 拷;銬; handicap: 傷殘; handkerchief 巾;帕; handle 柄; handle: 掌握; handle: 手段; handshake 握; handsome 俊; handwritten: 親筆寫的; hang over 吊; hang self: 上吊; hang: 掛在; hangchow 杭; hanger 架; hanging 纏;掛, 絞, happen: 發生; happened: 就曾發生;
happy 開, 心, 悅;爽快;迎;咪;恬;慶;樂;興;歡; happy: 開心; happy: 喜悅;
Joy/ Greeting/ Wedding 安 吻 秀;
8. 享 佳 旺 迎;
9. 冠 哀 咪 姻 很 盼 美 酊;
10. 哭 娛 恭 恩 悟 悅 殷 烈 祝 笑 財 躬 娶;
11. 媒 揚 結;
13. 愛 敬 嘻 獎 稽 誕 趣;
16. 餐 禧 贈 麗
Beautiful: 麗; Beauty: 美; Birthday: 誕; Champion: 冠; Cry: 哭; Delight: 禧; Enjoy: 享; Entertaining: 娛; Feel good: 安; Feeling: 悟; Flagging: 揚; Funny: 稽; Gift: 贈; Give: 贈; Glory: 烈; Good Hope: 旺; Good: 佳; Graceful: 秀; Greet: 恭; Greeting: 躬; Happy: 悅; Hope: 盼; Interesting: 趣; Joy: 殷; Kiss: 吻; Laugh: 笑; Love: 愛; Marriage: 姻; Marry: 娶; Match: 媒; Meal: 餐; Order: 酊; Please: 悅; Respect: 敬; Sad: 哀; Smile: 嘻; Smiling: 咪; Thank: 恩; Tight: 結;摘; Trophy: 獎; Very: 很; Wealth: 財; Welcome: 迎; Wish: 祝;
harbor 堤; harbor: 港; harbor: 海港城; hard 苦;辛;堅;強;梗;硬;複;艱;難; hard work 勤; hardware: 硬體; harm 害;傷;損; harm: 傷害; harmful: 危害; harrass 騷;繞, harvard university: 哈佛大學; harvest 成;擭;穫;

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has 有;擁有; has been 已; has/have 有; has: 有; has: 擁有; hat 帽; hat: 帽; hate-crime: 仇恨暴力攻擊; hate 仇;怨;恨;壓; hate: 仇恨; have to: 仍要; have: 有; have: 擁有; hawaii 檀; hawaii: 夏威夷; hay 禾;稻;

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he 他; he himself: 他自己; he says: 他說; he: 他; head 頭; head stone: 墓碑; head: 頭部; headache 悵;暈; headache: 心腹大患; heading to 去; headquarter 總;央;統, headquarter: 總署; healing: 療養; health 強; health care: 保健; health: 體格; health: 健保; healthcare: 保護; healthy 健;康;壯 healthy environment: 健全的環境; healthy: 強健; healthy: 健康; hear 聞;聽; heard 訃; heard: 傳出; heard: 聞; heard: 聽聞; heart 心;藏;臟; heart attack: 冠心症; heart blockage: 心肌梗塞; heart bypass surgery: 心導管手術; heart dicease: 心血管疾病; heart plumbing: 心臟供血; heart: 心; heart: 心肺; heat: 熱火隊; heaven 仙;景, 天;堂, heavily burn: 深度傷; heavily: 鄭重; heavy 重;濃;瀑;嚴; heavy consequence: 慘重後果; heavy demand: 需求旺盛; heavy weight: 舉足輕重; heavy: 沉重; hedge: 標; hege fund: 避險基金; hei 嘿; height 高;跋; height: 高度; helicopter: 直升機; hell 嶽;閻; hello 喂; help 助;呼;救;援;幫; help: 有助於; help: 助; her 的; her: 她; here 此;處;裡; here comes spring: 春天也就會到來; hero 英;俠;俊;威;雄;

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hide 俺;伏;敝;躲;瑾;瞞;隱; hide browser history: 隱藏瀏覽歷史; hide: 隱匿; hide: 穩步; hiding: 隱瞞; high-profile: 高層; high-risk: 避險; high 昂;高, high caliber ranging: 菁英階層; high class: 高階; high class: 高度; high energy: 高能量; high fiber: 高纖維; high school graduate: 高中畢業; high school: 高中; high schoolfriend: 高中同學; high secured: 警戒森嚴的; high tech 懊; high tech 科; high tech: 科技; high voltage power: 高壓電力電; high wave: 大浪; high: 高; high: 高點; high: 高峰; highest 頂;聖; highlight: 無數目光; highly likely: 可能過度; highly: 高度; highrise 樓;矗; highrise building: 高層建築; hill 山;坡; hill and valley: 高山峽谷; hints: 線索; hire 招;聘;僱;騁; hire: 應聘; his 的; historical years: 歷年; history 古;史;吏;歷;蹟; history site: 歷史古蹟; history: 歷; history: 歷史; hit 打;擊; hit: 打; hit: 槍擊中; hit: 襲擊;

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hk: 香港;

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hobby 科;嗜, 好; hold 架;撐, 握, 住, hold down 按; hold: 抑制; hold: 持; hole 溜洞; hole: 孔; holiday 節; holiday: 過節; holland: 荷蘭; hollis hills: 荷里斯丘; hollywood: 好萊塢; holy 聖;
home 俯;府 家;庭;本;宅;居;舍;屋;眷;寓;歸; home care: 家庭護理; home care: 護理; home coming: 有家的感覺; home made: 土製; home of elvis presley: 貓王故居; home of: 故居; home run: 全壘打; home town 鄉; home town: 家園; home visit: 家訪; home: 房子; home: 棲息地; 的家;
HOME/Furniture 几 它 字 存 宇 守 宅 安;
7. 完 宋 宏 床 沐 沖 皂;
8. 刷 宗 定 官 宜 宙 居 府 房 泣 注 油 臥 舍 門;
9. 俗 剃 削 咳 宣 宦 室 室 客 宥 怒 柄 活 洩;
10. 俯 宰 害 家 宴 宴 宮 宵 容 宸 庭 桌 耽;
11. 寇 寅 寄 寂 宿 密;
12. 寒 富 寓 寐;
14. 寞 寧 寡 寥 實 寨 寢 寤 察;
15. 寮 寬 審 寫 寰;
16. 寵 寶
Banquet: 宴; Batch: 沖; Bath: 沐; Bed: 床; Brush: 刷; Cough: 咳; Cry: 泣; Custom: 俗; Desk: 桌; Door: 門; Dorm: 舍; Hair Cut: 削; Handle: 柄; Home: 俯; Leak: 洩; Live: 居; Lively: 活; Living quarter: 府; Oil: 油; Pillow: 耽; Room: 房; Shave: 剃; Shoot: 注; Sleep: 臥; Soap: 皂; Stand: 庭; Suite: 室; Table: 几;
homicide: 殺人案; homicide: 劫殺; hon hai: 鴻海; honest 誠;實, h honest: 忠誠; honey 娘;貝;密;蜜;寶; hong kong 香;港; hong kong: 香港; honor: 受理; hook: 勾勒; hooked 癮; hope 仰;希;盼;崇;望;願; hope on: 希望在; hope: 期盼; hope: 希望; hope: 可望; horizontal 橫; horn 叭; horomone: 荷爾蒙; horoscope 星;座, horror 怖;恐, 可;怕; horse 馬;騎; horse shoe 蹄; horse: 馬; hospital discharge: 出院; hospital room: 病房; hospital: 醫院; hospital: 送醫; hospitalized: 送醫治療; host 席;主; host: 主賓;

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hot 炎;暑;棘;熱;燥; hot fan: 狂熱粉絲; hot item: 大熱門; hot line: 熱線; hot selling: 暢銷; hot: 最熾烈; hot: 全球熱潮; hot: 熱; hot: 熱門; hotel 倌;旅;宿;酒;店; hotel: 酒店; hour 時;辰;間;點; hour: 時; hour: 點; hourly pay: 時薪; house 庭;屋;寓;閣;幢; house of paliament: 議會大廈; house: 房屋; household: 居民; housing: 住宅市場; how 什;多;怎;樣; how big: 多大; how is: 如何是; how many 幾;數; how old 歲; how: 如何; how: 如何是; how: 多麼;

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htc: 宏達電;

hu:   Jump   Index  

hu: 胡; huang: 黃; hudson river: 哈德遜河畔; huffington post: 哈芬登郵報; huge 泰;巨;大;龐; huge: 龐大; huge: 巨大; huh 擁; human body 身;胴;肢;軀;體; human pregnucy: 人工受孕; human resource: 人事; human right: 人權; human right: 人權益; human traffic: 人流; humanly help: 人道援助; humanly: 人為; humble 俾;兼;卑;歉;謙; humble: 謙虛; humor: 幽默; hundred 百; hundred: 百餘; hungary 匈; hunger: 饑餓; hungry 飢;餓;饑; hunt 擭;獵;狩; hunt whale: 捕鯨; hunt: 獲得; hunter: 獵手; hurdle: 故障; hurdle: 隱憂; hurricane 漩;颱;颶; hurrily: 匆匆; hurry 荒;匆;趕; hurry up 急; hurt 傷;殤; hurt condition: 傷情; hurt: 重創; hurt: 受傷; husband 郎;仗;生;夫;先;偶; husband: 丈夫; husband: 老公; hut 閣;

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hy:   Jump   Index  

hype 脅;

hz:   Jump   Index  


I   ia:   Jump   Index  

i-485: 永久居留權調或整身分申請案; i 我;咱;們; i: 我; i: 自;

ib:   Jump   Index  


ic:   Jump   Index  

ic ice 凍;冰; icon: 圖像; icon: 巨擘; icu: 加護病房;

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id idea 意; ideal for 宜; idol: 人生座右銘;

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iea: 國際能源署;

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if if 若;干, 旦;如;果, 雖; if doubt: 如有疑問; if not: 若不; if: 如果;

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ignite: 引爆; ignorance 雉;無, 知, ignore 衍;不;忽, 視, ignore: 忽視;

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ik:   Jump   Index  


il:   Jump   Index  

ill 疾;病;症;瘋; ill: 疾病; illegal or damage: 違法或侵害; illinois: 伊利諾伊州;

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image: 形象; imf: 國際貨幣基金; imitate 倣;慕;學; imitate: 學; immalible 岡; immediate 即;立, 急;現;刻, immediate action: 即採取行動; immediate: 立刻進行; immigrate 侈; immigrate: 移民; immigration service: 移民法律服務; immigration: 移民; immoral 奸; immortal 仙; import: 進口; import: 輸入; important chapter: 占重要一頁; important: 重要; impossible: 可能性不高; impression: 印象; impression: 觀念; impressive 深;刻; imprisonment 虐;待; improve: 改善; improvement: 改善; improvement: 裝潢;

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in-law: 外; in-law: 表; in-laws 仗;外;表;婊; in 其;內;入. in addition 更;加; in addition: 此外; in between 夾;致;由;至;從; in front of 前; in front of: 當眾 ; in mind: 存心; in other words: 換言之; in progress: 之際; in reality: 實質; in return: 彼此; in sane: 瘋狂地; in spite of 既; in: 內; in: 吋; incent: 加劇; inch 短;尺, 吋, inch: 吋; incident: 一事件; include 包;括;統;慍; include: 包括在; include: 包含; incognito mode: 隱藏模式; increase 加;增; increase supply: 增產; increase: 激增; increase: 漲幅; increase: 飆漲; increase: 價漲; increase: 加劇; increase: 大漲; increase: 增進; increase: 增長; incredible 妙;奇;怪;

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independent: 獨立; index: 水準; index: 幅度; index: 基點; india: 印度; individual 各; individual: 個人; industrial: 業界; industry: 工業;

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inferior 劣; inflate: 氣焰; inflation: 通膨; inflation: 通膨壓力; inflicted 染; influence 晌;往;嚮;響; influence: 影響; influence: 牽動; info 諮; information 詢;諮; information center 咨; informer: 知情者; infrastructure: 景構; infrastructure: 結構性; infurenous: 影響力; ing 然;ing 著; ing: 然; 著; ingredients: 元件; inherit 丞;承;俗;託;授;傳;遺;繼;續; inherit: 承受; inherit: 銜於; inherit: 遺傳;

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initial 旦; inject liquor fuel: 挹注液態燃料; inject: 注入; inject: 豐; innocent 冤; innovation: 創造力; innovative: 以創意方式; input: 輸入; inquiry fee: 資訊費; inquiry: 查詢; inquiry: 資訊;
insect 虫;蟆;
Insect/Worm 虫 虱;
9. 虹 虻 飛;
10. 蚊 蚪 蚓 蚤 蚩 蚌 蚣 蚜;
11. 蛇 蛀 蚶 蛄 蚵 蛆 蛋 蚱 蚯 蛉 蛟 蛙 蛭 蛔 蛛 蛤 蛐 蛞;
13. 瑚 蛹 蜓 蜈 蜇 蜀 蛾 蛻 蜂 蜃 蜆 蜊;
14. 蜿 蜜 蜻 蜢 蜢 蜥 蜴 蜘;
15. 螂 蝴 蝶 蝠 蝦 蝸 蝨 蝙 蝗 蝌 蝓;
16. 螃 螟 螞 螢 蟀 蟑 螳 蟒 蟆 螫 螻 螺 蟈 蟋 蟯 蟬 蟲 蟠 蟻 蠅 蠍 蟹 蟾 蠔 蠕 蠣 蠢 蠡 蠟 蠱 蠶 蠹 蠻
Ant: 螞; Bat: 蝠; Bee: 蜂; Butterfly: 瑚; Crab: 蟹; Cricket: 蟀; Firebug: 螢; Flea: 虱; Fly ant: 蛾; Fly: 飛; Frog: 蛙; Grasshopper: 蜢; Insect: 虫; Mantis: 螂; Mosquito: 蚊; Podal: 蚪; Roach: 螂; Scorpian: 蠍; Snail: 蛤; Snake: 蟒; Spider: 蛛; Worm: 蚓;
insert: 置入; inside 內; inside: 內容; inside: 營; inside: 裡: insist: 堅稱; inspect 查;撿;檢; inspect: 審核; inspect: 察; inspection dept: 審查部門; inspection: 檢查; inspection: 檢驗; instagram: 行動照片分享應用程式開發商; install: 安裝; installation: 啟動; installation: 裝置; instant 即;當 立, 急;現;刻, instant clip: 立即傳送; instant noodle: 泡麵; instant: 即; instant: 即; instant: 立即; instantly: 倏然; insurance: 人壽; insurance: 保險;

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integrity: 義氣; intel international sciece and engineer fair: 英特爾國際科學工程展; intelligent 知;彗;智;慧;聰;明; intend: 企圖; intend: 之名; intend: 致力; intensive care: 加護病房; inter: 內航; intercept: 抄截; intercept: 監聽; intercontinental missile: 洲際彈道飛彈; interest 利;酬;趣; interest: 興趣; interesting 趣; interesting: 有趣; intermingle: 線纏; intern: 見習; internal: 往內; internal: 內容; internal: 內科; international airport: 國際機場; international conference: 國際會議; international language: 國際語言; internet 網; internet friend: 網友; internet: 網民; internet: 網路; interrupt 騷;繞, intersection: 交; interview 洽; interview: 面談; intestine 腸; into 入;進;闖;入, 內, introduce 紹, 介;

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invade 攻;侵;衝;闖;打;擊; invade: 闖入; invade: 侵害; invaded: 被侵占; invent 創;發, 明, investigate 調 查; investigation: 調查; investment group: 企業集團; investor: 投資人; invitation 宴;帖;請, 柬;邀; invitation: 邀請; invite: 邀請; invited: 應邀; involve: 牽連;

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iowa: 愛阿華; iowa: 愛阿華州;

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ipo: 上市; ipo: 發行初始股;

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iran: 伊朗; iraq: 伊拉克; ireland: 愛爾蘭; iron 剛;鐵; iron: 鐵; ironing 熨; irrigation 灌; irs: 美國國稅局;

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is 是;為; is back: 回流; 回頭; is: 是; is: 是; is: 則; isalam: 伊斯蘭青年黨; island 島;嶼, islands: 島嶼; isolation: 排除; israel 列;烈;

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it 牠;它;這; it dept: 科技部; it: 科技; italy: 義大利; itch 癢; item 品 item: 條件; item: 項; item: 項目; item: 幾; item: 用品; items: 些; iterate: 行程;

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ivory tower: 頂尖;

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iy:   Jump   Index  


iz:   Jump   Index  


J:   ja:   Jump   Index  

ja jack up 加; jade 玉; jail 獄; japan: 日本; jar 缸;

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jc penny: 連鎖百貨公司潘尼;

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jealous 忌; jeremy lin: 林書豪; jesus 耶;穌;基;督; jet 飛;噴; jewish 猶; jewish: 猶太; jewish: 猶太人;

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jl:   Jump   Index  


jm:   Jump   Index  


jn:   Jump   Index  


jo:   Jump   Index  

jo job 工;份;功;作;克;弄;事;做;業;幹;謀;辦;職; job opening: 求職; job statistic: 就業報告; job wanted: 招募; job: 求職; jobless rate: 失業率; jogging 跑;步; john 約 翰;瀚; join attack: 協同攻擊; join hand: 攜手; join 役;投;參;集; join: 參與; join: 加入; join: 行列; joseph 約 瑟; journalist: 記者; journey 程;旅, 行, 遊, 參, 觀, joy 心, 爽快;殷;高, 迎;咪;恬;悅;喜;愉;開, 慶;樂;興;禧;歡; joy: 開心; joy: 喜悅; joy: 興;

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jp margan bank: 摩根大通銀行;

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ju:   Jump   Index  

judge 判;政;審, 法, 官, judgement: 判決; judging: 審理; judicial 律;政; juice 汁; jump 跨;跳;撲;蹦;躍; jump: 躍居; jump: 跳起來; jumping: 彈跳; junior: 初級; junior: 士; jury 判; just be safe: 萬一不小心; just: 剛; just: 剛; justice 廉;釐;正; justice: 公正;

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K:   ka:   Jump   Index  

k visa: 美國公民訂婚配偶; kansas: 阿肯色; kansas: 堪薩斯; kansas: 傑克遜; kao: 道; karan: 可蘭經; karat diamond 卞;卡;

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ke:   Jump   Index  

keep 持;維;key 匙;鎖;鑰; keep coming: 接踵而來; keep low-profile: 保持低調; keep quiet: 保持緘默; keep up: 頂起; keep: 挽留; keep: 留住; key: 關鍵; keyboard 鍵;

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kh:   Jump   Index  


ki:   Jump   Index  

kick 踢; kid 兒;幼;孩;童; kidding: 戲稱; kidnap 夾;拐;綁;虜;擄; kidnap: 威脅; kidnap: 被綁架; kidney 腎; kidney dicease: 慢性腎病病; kill 宰;軋;剎;屠;斬;殺;弒;斃; kill: 封殺; killer: 兇手; killing: 廝殺; kilo: 公斤; kilometer: 公里; kind 性;善;項;慈;種;樣;類;藹; kind: 慈悲心; kind: 善; kind: 種種; kindergarden 幼;雉; kindergarten 稚; kindle: 電子書閱讀器; kindly 仁;慈, king 王;帝;皇; king like 霸; king size 巨; king: 皇; kiss 吻;啡, kitchen 廚;房, kite 鳶;

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kn:   Jump   Index  

kneel 拜;膝; kneel down 跪;
knife 刃;刀;武; knife: 匕首; knife: 大刀闊斧;
Knife 干 弋 分 切 代 刊 列 刑 划 刎 刖;
7. 別 判 利 刪 刨;
8. 刻 券 刷 刺 到 刮 制 剁;
9. 剎 剃 削 前 剌 剋 則;
10. 剖 剜 剔 剛 剝;
11. 剪 副;
12. 割 剴 創 剩;
13. 剿 剷 剽;
14. 劃 劂;
15. 劇 劈 劉 劍 劑 劓 戳
Ax: 釜; Sword: 劍;
knitting 縫; knock 結;敲; know 悟;明;知;慧;懂;識;覺; know inside out: 知道此事來龍去脈; know: 知道; knowledge 智;識;術, knowledge: 知識; known: 明知; known: 熟悉;

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kongfu 功; korea 韓; korea: 韓國; korean: 韓文; kow-tau 叩;

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kuala lumpa: 吉隆坡; kufu: 功; kung fu 武;

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ky:   Jump   Index  


kz:   Jump   Index  


L:   la:   Jump   Index  

la 啦; lab 究; lab: 研究所; label dept: 勞工部; label: 標籤; label: 標誌; label: 並請註明; labor department commissioner: 人力部長; labor dispute: 勞工法案; labor insurance: 勞工保險; labor: 人力; labor: 工; lack 缺; lack of food: 缺糧; lack of manpower: 人力短缺淪; lady 娑;女, 娘;妾;妻;妮;姑;姆;姐;姊;姨;婦; lady: 女性; lake 湖;潭; lamp 燈; land 陸;領; landed: 登陸; landmark protection: 古蹟保護; landmark: 古蹟; lane 巷; language 言;科;語; language: 言; laos 寮; lap 干; laptop computer: 手提電腦; large scale: 規模; larry ellison: 艾里森; larry page: 佩吉; last 耐; last long 耐;

2. 丁

3. 千

4. 元 文 日 毛 何

5. 王 冬 包 司 史 台 布 永 甘 白 石

6. 交 伍 任 光 兆 印 吏 朱 江 池 聿

7. 亨 余 吳 呈 呂 君 宋 局 李 亨

8. 沈 沉 洪 尚 良 角 谷 阮 邦 里 亞 享 孝 侃 佩 卓 周 奇 固 孟 宗 岩 岳 庚 忠 昌 昆 明 杭 林 松 杰 武 芳 花 芬 邵 金 阿

9. 亮 南 城 姚 宣 施 春 昭 泉 柳 洪 秋 胡 范 英 郎 風 飛 邵

10. 康 凌 原 唐 夏 席 恩 泰 海 涂 真 純 翁 袁 除 馬 高 施 貴

11. 偉 國 堅 堂 基 崇 張 強 族 曹 梁 梅 混 畢 盛 翁

莫 莒 莊 許 連 郭 陳 陵 陸 陶 雪 章

12. 喬 富 雷 彭 普 曾 費 隆 雄 黃 馮

13. 豪 敬 楚 楊 楓 溫 萬 葉 董 賈 超 管

14. 僑 壽 廖 趙

15. 劉 廣 潭 澎 潘 德 蔣 蔡 賢 , 鄭 鄧 , 趟

16. 錢 戴

17. 繆 謝

18. 瞿

19. 關

20. 寶 蘇

last night: 昨晚; last one 只; last quarter: 上季; last stop: 總站; last time 昨; last visit: 瞻仰遺容後; last week: 上周; last year: 去年; last: 最後; last: 一待; 尾後; lasting 末;長; lastname 氏; lastname 沙; lastname 她;姓;紅; late 遲;懶; late life: 晚年; later: 往後; later: 後者; latest: 先進的; latin america: 拉丁美洲; latin: 拉丁美洲; laudromat: 洗籠; laudry: 洗籠; laugh 笑;嗷;嘻;譏; laugh noise 哈; launch pad: 發射架; launch: 發射; law 例;法;則;律;政;憲; law firm: 律師事務; law office: 律師事務所; law: 法; law: 法律; lawyer: 律師; lay-off: 裁員行動; layer 層;疊; layer and layer: 芬芳的; layer: 階; layer: 層; layoff: 裁員; layout 裁; lazy 惰;隋;隨;懶;

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lb 磅;

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lcd: 液晶顯示器;

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lead 引;牽;鉛;摔;鋁;縴;導, lead by: 領導; lead to: 使; lead to: 導致; lead: 經; lead: 牽動; leader 王; leader: 領袖; leader: 帶領人; leader: 元首; leadership position: 領導地位; leading edge: 先進的; leading: 引領; leaf 葉; leak 涉;拽;洩;漏;隙; lean 晌; leap 垮; leap: 跨足; learn 班;級;校;院;習;課;學; learn chinese, thinking gobal: 學中文、思全球; learn: 學; learning: 求知; lease: 合約; leather 皮; leave 離;開, leave a message/reply: 留言與回覆; leave a message: 留言; leave behind 遺; leave message 咐; leave there: 放; leave: 離去; lebanon: 黎巴嫩; lecture 教;講; lecture: 培訓; lecturer: 師; left 差;左; left over: 留下; left right: 左右; left: 左; leg 腿; legacy 老; legal action: 法律行動; legal immigrate: 合法入境; legal resident: 合法居留身分; legal responsibility: 法律責任; legal right: 合法地位; legal: 法律; legal: 依法; legal: 合法; legalize: 合法化; legalize: 合法化的; legend 俠; legislation: 立法院; leisure 愉;閒;瑕; leisure: 休閒; leopard 豹; less 低少 less and less: 愈來愈少; less than perfect: 美中不足; less: 少; less: 緩解; lesson 課; lesson: 功課; lesson: 課程; let 攘; let in: 引進; let you: 讓你; let: 讓; letter 信;柬;送;訊;寄;接;郵;楝;簡; letter: 信件; level: 領域;

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li 哩; liao: 寮國; liar 慌; liberty: 自由化; library of congress: 美國國家文庫; library: 圖書館; licence: 執照; lie 慌;謊;騙; lie down 躺; life 生;活;栽;命;拚;緣; life again 復; life is precious: 生命誠可貴; life threatening: 致命危險; life time 世; life time 生; life time: 一輩子的; life time: 生涯; life: 命; life: 生活; life: 生命; life: 生命中; lifestyle: 養生; light 光;淡;淺;照;榮;輕;輝;燈;耀; light(bright) 明; lightening 閃; lighter: 打火機; like 像;相似; like: 角色; likely: 且具象徵意義的; likely: 勢; limb 跚;跛;蹣; limit 限;界; limit: 僅限; limit: 規範; limitation: 限制; lincoln: 林肯; line 格;行;界;條;境;搴;線;彊;邊; line of work: 行業; line up 齊; line: 領域; line: 線; line: 界; lining 排; link: 連結; link: 相關連結; linsanity: 林來瘋; lion 獅; lip 唇; lip stick: 潤唇膏; liquid 汞;汗;液;槳;漿; liquid: 料; liquor license: 酒牌發放; liquor store: 酒莊店; list: 名單; listen 聽; listen: 要聽; literature 文; literature: 文; little 鄙;少;小;濛;隱; little guy: 仔; little neck: 小頸; little: 子; little: 少; little: 稍微; little: 稍稍; live 住;居;活;宿;殖; live in: 入住; live together partner: 同居伴侶; live video: 記錄生活精彩的片段; live: 生; lively 活; lively: 活潑; lively: 猛; liver 肝; living habit: 生活習慣; living quarter 家; living quarter 宅; living quarter 寓; living quarter 居;府;舍;屋; living room 廳; living standard: 生計; living: 生活;

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load 動;搬;載; loan 貸;賃; local assocation: 地草根; locate 住; location finder: 地理位置; location: 置通; lock 鎖; lock position: 鑰匙環; lodging fee: 住宿費; lodging: 下榻; lodging: 夜宿; log 計;紀;記;蹤;蹟;證; lok 詻; london 敦; lonely 孤;悽;淒;寞; long 久;長;悠;張, long island long shore hospital: 長島北岸大學; long range missile: 長程火箭; long road ahead: 漫長的路; long road to go: 長路可走; long term: 長期; long term: 長期而言; long: 長; longevity 壽; look 盯;見;看;視;睹;藐;覽;纜;觀; look after 守; look like: 視為; look: 對於; looked upon: 被視為; looxcie moment: 可抓取數小時連續錄影畫面; looxcie: 攝影機; looxcielive: 行動軟體; los angeles: 洛杉磯; lose 損;賠;虧; lose weight: 控體重; lose weight: 瘦; lose: 抑止; lose: 調節; losing 蝕; losing: 流失; loss 泄;賠; loss blood: 失血; loss: 大虧; 虧損; loss: 虧損; lost 失;夭;找;迷;貼;隕; lost market share: 市場流失; lost temper 譟; lost: 流亡; lotto: 抽籤; lotto: 幸運彩票; lotus 荷; loud 喧;嘈;鳴;嘩; louisana: 路易斯安納; lourve: 羅浮宮; lousy 愆; love 情;愛;懷;歡;戀; love: 博愛; love: 熱愛; lovely 伊;low 低;底; lovely: 愛河; low income: 低收入; low inflation: 抵禦通膨; low interest rate: 超低利率; low salary: 低薪; low season: 淡季; low: 很少; lower class 賤; lower jaw: 下牙床; loyal to 中;

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luck 吉; lucky 巧;利;幸;恰;悻;祥;順;緣; lucky: 所幸; lucky: 很榮幸; lucky: 福氣; luggage: 行李; lumber 材; lunar year: 農曆年; lunch 食;吃;餐, 午, 中, lung 肺;腑; lung: 肺; luxury oceanline: 大豪華遊輪;

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lychee 荔; lying: 撒了謊; lying: 睜眼說瞎話; lying: 詐欺;

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m visa: 交換學者; ma ma 嗎; macau 澳; machine 機; machine: 機; machine: 機械; machine: 幾; mad 妄;莽; mad 匈; made: 製成; magazine 刊;誌; magic 奇, 妙, 魔, 術, magic: 化; magnet 磁; mahjong: 打牌; mail 函;郵;匯; mail column: 信箱專欄; main-stream society: 主流社會; main 鍵; main body: 本身; main business: 核心事業; main player: 獨挑大梁; main stream: 主體; main street: 緬街; main subject: 主題; main: 關鍵; main: 主要; main: 精心; mainland china: 中國大陸; mainland: 大陸; maintain: 維持; major: 主修; major: 大型; majority: 仲; majority: 大部份; make-up: 容; make 把;製; make a point 尤; make decision: 做出決定; make friend 交; make money: 賺錢; make road: 鋪路; make up: 補救; make: 所做的; makeup 扮; makeup: 化妝品; mal practice: 誤醫; mal practice: 誤醫誤診; malaysia: 馬來西亞; mall: 市場; man 人;丁凡;君;男;爸;者, 郎;匪;師;徒;爺;舅;僑;漁;敵;衛;諸;輩;獵; man power: 人力; man: 人; man: 男子; man: 者; manage 處;管; manage: 理; management 管; management: 管理階層; manager: 經理; mandarin: 國語; mangement: 處理; manhattan: 曼哈坦; manila: 馬尼拉; manipulate: 做法譁; manner 態;儀;禮貌; manner: 態度; manpower: 人力資源; mansion 寓; mantis 螂;螳; manufacture 制;造;製;廠; manufacturer: 製造商; many 若;幾; many: 不少; many: 廣泛; many: 幾; many: 多; many: 許多;

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marathon oil: 馬拉松石油; marble: 大理石; march: 進軍; march: 遊行; marine 軍; mark 刻; mark zuckerberg: 克柏格; mark: 題; market 虛; market price: 市價; market rate: 市占率; market reserve: 市場庫存; market share: 市占率; market: 市; market: 市場; marriage 姻; marriage: 婚姻; marry 娶;婚;嫁; marry a citizen: 公民結婚;

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mascular 男; mascular: 男性; massage 摸; massage: 按摩; mast 駝; master 主; master degree: 碩士;

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match 佩;仿;拼;配;媒;鴛; match: 針對; match: 相同; matching: 合適; material 料;材; material: 物料; math: 數學; mature: 成年; mature: 成熟; max 盡; maximize 盡; may 可以;來;要;會;就;便;將;需;應;該; may be 可;或; may be: 應引以; mayor bloomberg: 市長彭博; mayor: 市長; maze 迷;瞇;謎;

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me 唔;己;吾; me: 自; meadowland: 沼澤地; meal 吃;餐; meal: 飯局; meal: 用餐; meaningless: 無意義; measure 量;碼; measure small 寸; measurement: 積; meat 肉; meat: 肉; media reporter: 媒體記者; media: 媒體; medicaid: 醫療補助卡; medicaid: 白卡;
medical 診;療; medical care: 治療; medical checkup: 診斷; medical research report: 醫學研究報告; medical: 醫療;
Medical/ Disease 丸 丹 汞 疝 疙 疚;
9. 疫 疤 疥 疢 疣;
10. 疾 病 症 疲 疳 疽 疼 疹 痂 疸 配;
11. 痔 痕 疵 痊 痍;
12. 痢 痛 痣 痙 痘 痞 痠;
13. 瘀 痰 瘁 痲 痱 痺 痿 痴 痳;
14. 瘧 瘍 瘋 瘉 瘓;
15. 瘠 瘩 瘟 瘟 瘤 瘤 瘦 瘡 瘢;
16. 瘴 瘸 瘺 癆 療 癌 磺 癖 癘 癒 癢 癥 癩 癮 癬 癱 癲
Cancer: 癌; Disease: 疫; Liquid: 汞; Medical: 療; Pill: 丸; Prepare: 配; Scar: 疤; Sulphur: 磺; Tablet: 丹; Tumor: 瘤; Virus: 瘟;
medicare: 醫療保險卡; medicare: 紅藍卡; medicare: 聯邦醫療保險; medicine 藥; medicine: 藥品; medium 中; meet 召;晤;逢;碰;遇;聚;踫;議; meet: 會見; meet: 符合; meeting 斟;議; meeting: 會議中; melon 瓜; melt 溶;熔;鑄; melt: 容; member 員;圓;memo 錄; member country: 成員國; member: 會員; member: 幹員; member: 委員; member: 委員會; membership: 會; memoir: 回憶; memorandum: 備忘錄; memorial 殤;記; memorial day: 國殤日; memory 憶; memory: 回憶; memphsis: 曼菲斯;

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men 俊;丁 men: 人; men: 男性; men: 男子; mention 提; merchandise 物;品;售;貨; merchandise exchange: 商品交易所; merchandise: 物料; merchandise: 用品; mercy 捨; merge 集; merge: 殺出; merit: 優勢; merry: 求婚; mess 糊; mess up 塗; mess up 胡; message 訊;詫;詳;話; messy 衍;亂;愆;

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metal oxidation: 金屬氧化; metal: 金屬;
Metal/ Gold 丁 匕 刃 叉 皿;
6. 扭;
8. 具 制 斧 金;
9. 盆 盾 剛;
10. 釘 針 釗 釜 釙;
11. 剪 匙 釵 釦 釣 釧 釭 釩;
12. 鈔 鈕 鈣 鈉 鈞 鈍 鈐 鈇 鈑;
13. 鈷 鉗 鈸 鈽 鉀 鈾 鉛 鉋 鉤 鉑 鈴 鉉 鉍 鉅 鈹 鈿 鉚 電;
14. 鉸 銀 銅 銘 銖 鉻 銓 銜 銨 鉼 銑;
15. 質 鋅 銻 銷 鋪 銬 鋤 鋁 銳 銼 鋒 鋇 鋰 銲;
16. 錠 錶 鋸 錳 錯 錢 鋼 錫 錄 錚 錐 錦 錡 錕 錮 錙;
17. 鍍 鎂 錨 鍵 鍊 鍥 鍋 錘 鍾 鍬 鍛 鍰 鍚 鍔;
18. 簧 鎔 鎊 鎖 鎢 鎳 鎮 鎬 鎰 鎘 鎚 鎗;
19. 鏡 鏑 鏟 鏃 鏈 鏜 鏝 鏖 鏢 鏍 鏘 鏤 鏗 鏨;
20. 鐘 鐃 鏽;
21. 鐮 鐳 鐵 鐺 鐸 鐲 鐫;
22. 鑄 鑄 鑑 鑒;
23. 鑣 鑠 鑤;
24. 鑲 鑰 鑷 鑽 鑾 鑿
Ax: 斧; Basin: 盆; Control: 制; Copper: 銅; Electric: 電; Fork: 叉; Gold: 金; Hammer: 錐; Iron: 剛; Key: 匙; Knife: 刃; Lead: 鋁; Lock: 鎖; Melt: 鑄; Nail: 丁; Needle: 針; Quality: 質; Scissor: 剪; Shield: 盾; Silver: 銀; Small knife: 匕; Spring: 簧; Steel: 鋼; Strong: 剛; Tool: 具; Turn: 扭; Utensil: 皿; Weldering: 銲;
method 式;法; method: 措施; method: 手法; method: 方法; method: 方式; mexico: 墨西哥;

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michelle: 米雪兒; michigan lake: 密芝根湖; micro 微; micro blog: 微博; micro organism: 微粒; micro surgery: 微創手術治療; microsoft: 微軟; mid-day 午; mid point 正;間;中; mid term: 中旬; mid west region: 中西部地區; mid year: 年中; mid: 間; mid: 狹幅; middle 其; middle class management: 中層經理; middle east: 中東; middle: 中; miditeran sea: 地中海; midnight 宵; midnight 午; midnight: 凌晨; might 可; might be: 應引以; migrate 移; migration: 移動; mile 里; mile: 哩; mileage award: 里程數換機票; mileage: 程數; milestone: 目標; military headquarter: 軍總部; milk 乳; mill 磨; mind 意; mind: 主意; mine 吾;壙;礦;們;我;咱; mini: 迷你; mini: 迷美; minimize: 消除; minimize: 剔除; minimum: 至少; minister 卿;相; minor operation: 微創手術; minor: 輕微時; minus: 細細;減; minute 小;眇; mirror 像;鏡; mirror: 相;

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miserable event: 悲劇; miss 姐; miss: 喪失; missed 誤; missile 炮; missile: 火箭; mission: 成立宗旨; mission: 宗旨; mission: 使命; missisippi: 密西西比河; mist 霜;露; mistake 誤; mistake: 擺烏龍; mistaken: 冒犯; mistaken: 誤以為是; mistreat 虐; mit: 麻省理工學院; mix 並;合;拌;渾;絞;溶;雜; mix currency: 雜幣; mix: 權衡; mix: 抵銷; mix: 綜合; mixing: 化;

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mobil gas 孚; mobile communication: 行動電子通訊; model 版;型; model: 模特兒; model: 樣; model: 角色; modern: 現代感十足的; modernize: 現代化; modernize: 現代化設備的; moist 沼;潤; mom 娘;奶;母;媽; moment 刻;旦;克;陣; moment: 那一刻; money 員;券;元;財;款;鈔;資;幣;錢; money back guarantee: 不成功不收費; money laudary: 洗錢; money losing: 花大錢的; money market: 貨幣基金會; mongo 芒; mongolia: 蒙古; monitor: 監測; monitor: 監督; monk 尚;僧; monkey 猴;猿; monolithic: 氣勢巍峨; monopoly: 專利; month 月; month end: 月底; monthly 月; monument: 墓誌銘; moon 月; mop 抹;

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moral 德; more 等;續; more and more: 越來越多; more capability: 更多功能的; more over 更;還; more suffering: 更難忍受; more than: 高達; more than: 遠勝; more than: 多達; more than: 超過; more: 更; more: 更大; more: 更大幅; more: 更多; more: 較多; moreover: 一旦; morgan stanley: 摩根史丹利; morning 晨;曙; morning post: 早報; morning: 上午; mortgage 按; mortgage: 房貸; moses 摩; mosquito 蚊; most 最;絕;極;盡; most active: 最活; most active: 最活絡的; most active: 最踴躍; most beautiful: 最秀麗; most clever: 最聰明的; most difficult: 最熾烈; most distinguished: 最優秀; most welcome: 最受歡迎; most: 最; mother 奶;母;媽; mother tongue: 母語; mother... 姆; motivate: 獎勵; motive: 活力; motive: 動力; motor: 機; mott street: 勿街; mountain 篷;蹕;巍; mountain top 嶺; mountains: 群山; mouse 鼠; mouth 口; mouth mask: 口罩; mouth: 口腔; move 侈;動;移;搬;運;遷;輸; move fast: 捷運; move: 搬家; move: 運輸; move: 移動; moved 慟; moved: 感動; movement: 波動; movement: 動盪; movie 影; movie director: 電影導演; movie making: 製片; movie star: 女星; movie: 電影;

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mr. 生;夫;先;君;某;尊; mrs. 太; mrs: 太太;

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ms 女;姐; ms. 娘;妞;娃;婦;

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much: 廣泛; mud 泥; murder case: 劫殺命案; murdock: 梅鐸; murmur 喃; murmuring 咕; muscle 肌; museum: 博物館; music 琵;琶; music chair: 異動; music: 音樂; mussell: 貝; must 必;切;定;急;恆;須;趕; must: 需; must: 定; must: 必須; must: 要; mutual fund: 共同基金; mutual point of view: 共識;

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my 吾;的; my plan: 做人計畫; myself: 自己; mystery 幻;

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naa 哪; nail 丁;釘; nail lacquer: 甲漆; nail salon: 甲店; name 名;姓;陀;牌;稱; name it: 俗稱; name: 名; nanking: 南京; nanny 奶; nap 息;盹;瞌; narrow 窄;搾; national history site: 國家歷史遺址; national level: 全國範圍; national treasury: 國粹; national: 國立; nationality 裔; nationality: 國家; nato: 北大西洋公約組織; natural 然; natural gas: 天然氣; natural habitant: 自然生態的; natural resource: 天然資源; natural: 天然; naturally: 固然; navy 軍;

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nc: 北卡; ncwo: 全國女性組織聯合會;

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near 旁;近;傍;遴; near by 隔; near: 逾; near: 近; neat 肅;齊;整; nebraska: 內布拉斯加; necessity 須;需; neck 頸; need 須;需;要;志;抱;為;欲;慾;戀; need help: 請人幫忙; need: 需; need: 需求; needle 針;縫; negative 差;不;欠;毋;否;欺;無;蝕;虧; negative: 否則; negative: 為負; negiotation 討; negotiate 洽; negotiate: 商量; neigbor 坊;憐;鄰; neigborhood: 一帶; neigborhook: 附近; neighbor 附;遴; neighbor: 鄰居; neighborhood: 左鄰右舍; nepal 尼; nephew 姪;甥; nerve: 神經; nerve: 脈; nest 巢;剿;窩; net 網;遘;撈;橋; net income: 純益; net profit: 淨利潤; net: 網站; netcitizen: 網民; network 絡;

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never 沒; never ending: 永遠; never fail 永; never: 從未; new 革;新; new developing country: 新興國家; new developing: 新興; new high: 屢創; new jersey: 新澤西州; new market: 新市場; new movie: 新片; new orleans: 新奧爾良; new paradise: 新樂園; new record: 創下; new release: 新測試版; new standard: 新標準; new year 年; new york 紐;約; new york china town: 紐約華埠; new york city science and engineering fair: 紐約市科學及工程展覽會; new york city: 紐約市; new york times: 紐約時報; new york: 紐約; new: 新; new: 新的; new: 開闢; new: 創新; newcomer: 新人; news 新; news corp: 新聞公司; news from reliable source: 消息可靠人士; news: 消息; news: 新聞; news: 報導; news: 訊息; newspaper article: 報章報導; next 徬;膈;練; next generation: 下一代; next step: 下一步; next year: 明年; next: 旁; next: 下旬; next: 便;

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ng 夙; ng: 不良;

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nickname 仔; nicks: 尼克隊; niece 姪;甥; night 夜;晝;晚; night owl 啼; nightingale 鸞; nightingdale 鶯; nil 絕; nitrogen 氨;

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no. 號; no 沒;不;勿;毋;否;呸;非;莫;無;腓;錯;忽, no action 呆; no allowed 勿; no brain 忘; no change: 不變; no charge 免; no empty seat: 座無虛席; no excuse: 不可原諒; no exercise: 少動; no good 魔; no good 錯; no good 罵; no good for: 不利; no good: 拙; no good: 不良; no matter: 不僅; no matter: 不論; no matter: 儘管; no matter: 即使; no mistake: 不誤; no money down: 不成功不收費; no more 完; no more 亡; no more chance 恢; no more energy: 已心力交瘁; no more than n minutes: 不超過n分鐘; no movement: 按兵不動; no need to spend a penny: 無須花一文錢; no need: 毋需; no ok: 不適; no one can stop: 誰也擋不住; no one: 無人; no permitted 勿; no problem: 沒問題; no right: 不適; no wait 順; no way: 無法; no: 沒; no: 沒有; no: 否則; no: 號; nobel prize winner: 諾貝爾獎獲得者; noddle 麵; noise 爭;哎;咦;嗚;聲;響; noise: 打響; noise: 聲; noise: 聲浪; noise: 聲音; noisy 吵;吱;喧;喳;嘈;鬧;噪; noisy (very) 呱; nokia: 諾基亞; non-considerate: 欠考慮; non-legal resident: 無合法居留身分; non-meat 素; non-profit: 慈善; non-stop: 持續未歇; non-stop: 不停; non crush: 防碎; non ending tears: 一直流淚不止; non perishable: 防碎; none 沒;無;絕; none of: 無中生有; none: 沒有; noodle 瀨; noon 午; normal people: 平常人; normal: 正常; normal: 平凡; normal: 凡; north-south: 南北; north 北; north america: 北美; north carolina: 北卡; north carolina: 北卡羅萊納州; north europe: 北歐; north korea: 北韓; north: 北; norweign: 挪威; nose 涕;鼻; nose alergy: 過敏性鼻炎; nose: 鼻; nose: 鼻竇; nose: 鼻腔; not 未; not a lot: 不大; not an intelligent decision: 不智之舉; not bad: 不俗; not clear 朦; not clear 朦;矇; not clear 恍; not clear 蒙;濁;糢; not clear: 模糊; not clear: 不清楚; not clever 傻;愚; not common 稀; not current: 沒落; not enough 缺; not enough: 不足; not even: 不均; not first time: 非首次; not fit: 不宜; not guilty 冤; not guilty 赦; not happy: 不爽; not heavy 輕; not host 賓; not legal resident: 無合法居留身分; not like: 不像一般; not making a profit: 尚無大量營收的; not matching: 不合; not neat 愆; not often 珍; not organize 亂; not paying: 不願付錢; not qualify: 不配; not quite 毋; not ready: 沒有心情; not regulated: 不受; not right 錯; not right: 不義; not salty 淡; not same 異; not sure 循;蹉; not sure sure no 呸; not sure: 朦朧; not sure: 一頭霧水; not sure: 不清楚; not sure: 反覆; not sure: 灰頭土臉; not surprise: 不稀奇; not tame 野; not the same: 不一; not true 慌; not true 否; not yet 未;尚;敞; not yet: 尚不; note 訊;註;簡; notice: 通知; notory public: 地保公證; now 時;立, 今;即;現;當; now a day: 當代; now doing 正; now moving: 正移; now on 以; now: 正移; now: 即; now: 現; now: 現正; nowaday: 當代性; nowhere: 沒那裡去; nowhere: 無那裡;

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nuclear 核; nuclear test: 核子試爆; nuclear weapon: 核武; nude 裸; numb 痳;
number 數; number of times: 多次; number one: 名列前茅; number: 歲; number: 數字; number: 齡; number: 號; number: 號碼;
Number 一 乙 丁 七 九 八 十 三 千;
4. 五 元 六 卅 尺 廿 斤;
5. 半 四 甲;
6. 兆 多 旬 次 百;
7. 折 些 很 拾 皇 若 酋;
10. 重 首 亳 個 厝 套;
11. 夠 從 惟 毫 第;
12. 最 壹 富 幾 發 貳 圓;
13. 祿 萬 肆 號 零;
14. 麼;
15. 億 數 質 餘;
16. 整 頭 鍵 豐
#: 第; %: 折; .1B: 億; 0: 零; 1: 一; 10 cent: 亳; 10: 十; 100: 百; 1000: 千; 100M: 億; 100M.: 兆; 10k: 萬; 1st: 首; 2: 乙; 20: 廿; 3: 三; 30: 卅; 4: 四; 5: 五; 50%: 半; 6: 六; 7: 七; 8: 八; 9: 九; A lot: 多; A Set: 套; A: 甲; B: 乙; D: 丁; Double: 重; Few: 若; First: 酋; From: 從; How many: 幾; Main: 鍵; One: 個; Only: 惟; Plenty of: 富; Plenty: 豐; Quality: 質; Remain: 餘; Some: 些; Sufficient: 夠; Whole: 整; X: 厝;
nun 修;尼;妮; nurse: 護士; nursing home: 養老院; nurture: 栽培; nurture: 培養; nutrition milk: 營養奶; nutrition: 營養; nuture: 飼養;

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o along 易;服; o.k. 准;呵;許;嘛;可;何, oak: 鹿; oath 定;宣;誓;

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obama: 歐巴馬; obesity: 代謝症; obi object 識; observation group: 觀察組; observation: 觀察; obsolete 老;爺;舊; obstacle 阻;幛;障; obstacle: 阻力; obtain 取; obvious: 明顯; obviously: 顯然;

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occupy 佔;拈; occupy: 就占; occupy: 占; ocean 汀;洋;洲; ocean: 海洋; ocean: 海峽; october: 十月;

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odd: 畸形;

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oecd: 經濟合作發展組織;

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of 之;予;於; of: 之; off: 止; 過節; 有假; offense: 攻防; offense: 反感; offer: 獻上; offer: 貢獻; office 工;府;署;衙;霆; office: 辦事處; office: 辦公室; officer 臣; official 夫;官, official: 正式; official: 官員; often 不;常;見;罕;

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oil 油; oil refinery: 煉油廠; oil reserve: 儲油; oil: 塗油; ointment 恙;膏;

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ok: 實施; ok: 可; ok: 可得; ok: 獲准; okay 可;何, 准;呵;許;嘛; oklahoma: 奧克拉荷馬;

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old 古;老;仙;故;孰;悠;陳;歲;爺;瑞;歷;遺;繁;舊; old friend: 老友們; old generation 輩; old generation: 前輩的身分; old historical site: 文物古蹟; old man 翁; old version: 舊版; old: 老; older sister 姊; olympic stadium: 奧運會場館;

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omit 除;

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on-site: 上門造訪; on 在; on bench 坐; on call: 召來; on fire: 氣焰; on going 長; on paper guarantee: 書面保證; on stage: 台上; on stage: 登場; on the face: 臉上; on the other hand 而; on the other hand: 另外; on the right time: 適時進行; on the scene: 到現場; on the scene: 現場; on track: 步入軌道; on track: 常軌; on wedding: 婚禮上; on/off: 開關; on: 在; on: 在; on: 在於; on: 上面; once: 一次; one 個;赤;一;隻;統;單;壹;頓; one big tree: 一棵大樹; one degree 度; one flat layer 片; one inch 寸; one item: 一項; one k: 公升; one month: 一個月; one night: 一晚; one piece 片; one set: 一套; one sided: 單方; one step: 一大步; one unit 名;年;壺; one: 一; one: 弧; onion: 蔥; 洋; online course: 網路課程; online: 線上; only 只;甘;唯;專;惟;僅;維;獨; only one: 唯一; only: 僅; only: 光靠; only: 唯一;

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opec: 油輸出國組織; open 扳;查;張;推;揭;開;睜;攤; open apology: 公開道歉; open arm 伸; open ceremony: 揭幕儀式; open door: 開一扇門; open house: 開鑼; open letter: 公開信; open praise: 公開讚揚; open the case: 偵查; open the curtain: 開序幕; open: 開; open: 開啟; open: 公開; opening 孔; opening ceremony: 開幕; opening: 開放; opening: 開球; opera 劇; operating hour: 營業時間; operating income: 營收; operating net income: 營業淨利; operating system: 作業系統; operating: 經營; opinion 意; opinion: 看法; opinion: 立場; opinion: 認為; opp 前; opportunity 機; opportunity: 機會; opposite 背;面;反;對; optimistic: 樂觀; optimum: 最終的;

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or 或;及 or not: 否則; or: 或; oracle: 甲骨文; oral: 口腔; orange 橙;橘; orchard: 果園; order 訂;酊;令;丹;旨;持;票;單;買; order on the web: 網上訂票; order on web: 上網訂購; order: 施行; order: 定; order: 秩序; org 所;社;盟; organize 排; organize and select: 整理和挑選; organize: 整頓; oriental 陌; orientation: 甄試; origin 原;根;本;氏;始;板;泉;源;籍; origin: 族裔; origin: 原; origin: 出發地; original: 原本; orlando: 奧蘭多; orthodontics: 顏面外科;

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other 另; other side 則; other: 其他;

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our 的; Our: 我們的; out 出; out of style: 沒落; out: 出; out: 外; outage: 故障; outage: 癱瘓; outback 後; outer haven: 全球各避稅天堂的秘密資金; outlet: 去處; outlook 藐;邈; output: 出貨量; outside 外;疆; outside activity: 課外活動; outside: 海外; outside: 外; outside: 外來; outside: 外緣; outsider: 外界; outsource supplier: 代工業者; outsource vendor: 代工生產; outstanding: 亮眼; outstanding: 傑出;

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over 超;蓋; over capacity: 運力過剩; over do: 過度; over half: 多半是; over hang: 心腹大患; over reporting: 過度報導; over splill: 鋪天蓋地; over take 扒; over usage: 濫用; over weight: 體重過重; over weight: 過重; over: 及; overall number: 具體數據; overall: 一般; overall: 具體; overflow 溢; overflow: 崩潰; overlooked: 疏失; overnight: 熬夜; oversea 僑; oversea association: 新僑社團; oversea student: 留學生身分; oversea tax excempt: 海外避稅天堂; oversea: 海外; oversea: 遠洋;

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owe 負;恩;欠; owe money 欠; own 私;有;佔; own by 屬; own: 有; own: 擁有; owner: 股東;

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ox 牛; ox: 公牛; oxygen 氧;

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oyster 蠔;

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oz: 每盎斯; oz: 盎司;

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p/e: 營業淨利率; pa pa: 賓州; pace 步; pace university: 佩斯大學; pack 帶;擠; packaging 包;裝; packaging method: 包裝方式; pad 拍; pad: 架; pagado 塔; page 頁; paid holiday: 有薪假; paid: 收費; pain 吟;呻;喲;痛; pain: 劇痛; pain: 痛; pain: 腫痛; paint 塗;漆; painting: 繪畫; pair 兩;雙; palace 宮;殿; paliament: 國會; palm 掌; panama: 巴拿馬; pant 褲;
paper 紙;券;扁;柵;章;報;楝;
Paper/ Speech 口 工 云 內 夫 文;
5. 刊 包 可 召 史 句 外 打 由 申 立;
6. 丞 印 字 式 收;
7. 臣 作 判 刪 含 希 序 抄 折 系 罕 見 言;
8. 例 典 函 券 協 定 官 帖 府 承 拖 法 版;
9. 金 阻 附 信 保 則 咨 哉 契 宣 律 思 扁 括 拾 挑 政 故 柵 珍 看 科 約 英 負 述 頁;
10. 借 冤 准 哲 座 悟 書 校 案 班 索 級 紙 記 訊 託 託 送 院;
11. 唸 寄 得 接 排 晤 理 票 習 訪 訝 訣 訥 許 設 章;
12. 備 報 揀 筆 絡 視 註 詠 評 詞 証 詁 詔 詛 詐 詆 訴 診 訶 詖;
13. 募 意 新 楝 準 瑞 睹 署 衙 詫 該 詳 試 詩 詰 誇 詼 詣 誠 話 誅 詭 詢 詮 詬 詹 詻 訾 詨 遇;
14. 劃 圖 察 徹 摺 槁 聞 誦 誌 語 誣 認 誡 誓 誓 誤 說 誥 誨 誘 誑 誚 誧 障 駁;
15. 嘴 寫 撰 撕 稿 篇 編 誼 諒 談 談 諄 誕 請 諸 課 諉 諂 調 誰 論 諍 誶 誹 諛 霆;
16. 學 憲 擇 積 諦 諺 諫 諱 謀 諜 諧 諮 諾 謁 謂 諷 諭 諳 諶 諼 選 錄 默;
17. 懂 繁 舉 謎 謗 謙 講 講 講 謊 謠 謝;
18. 簡 謨 謹 謬 謬 謫 題;
19. 懲 譁 譜 識 證 譚 譎 譏 譆 譙 贈;
20. 籌 繼 議 譬 警 譯 譟 譫 釋;
21. 續 譴 護 譽 辯;
22. 聽 讀 讀 讀 讓 讒 讖
Analysis: 辯; Appeal: 申; Argue: 駁; Argument: 辯; Ask: 詢; Attach: 附; Author: 作; Authorize: 託; Bible: 典; Book: 書; Case: 案; Chapter: 刪; Character: 寫; Class: 級; Communicate: 絡; Conflict: 謬; Copy: 抄; Copyright: 版; Dictation: 默; Discussion: 談; Doctrine: 憲; Draft: 槁; Drawing: 劃; Duty: 負; E-Mail: 送; Editing: 編; Editorial: 評; English: 英; Essay: 文; Fold: 摺; Foot note: 註; Hear: 聞; History: 史; Humble: 謙; Idea: 意; Information Center: 咨; Information: 詢; Inherit: 託; Innocent: 冤; Invitation: 帖; Judge: 判; Know: 懂; Knowledge: 識; Language: 語; Law: 律; Learn: 班; Lesson: 課; Letter: 信; Literature: 文; Log: 記; Magazine: 刊; Mail: 函; Maze: 謎; Meeting: 議; Memo: 錄; Message: 訊; Method: 式; News: 新; Not Guilty: 冤; Note: 簡; Oath: 誓; Object: 識; Old: 故; Page: 頁; Paper: 紙; Pen: 筆; Philisophy: 哲; Phrase: 詞; Picture: 圖; Piece: 篇; Poetry: 詩; Print mode: 版; Print: 印; Procedure: 序; Proof: 政; Puzzle: 謎; Quarrel: 嘴; Question: 題; Read: 讀; Recite: 唸; Remember: 記; Report: 積; Rule: 例; Say: 話; Saying: 云; Science: 科; Sentence: 句; source: 口; Speak: 講; Speech: 言; Standard: 準; Story: 述; Story: 故; Study: 系; Tear: 撕; Tell: 報; Theory: 理; Think: 思; Traditional: 繁; Translate: 翻; Understand: 悟; Verdict: 懲; Word: 字; Write: 記; Writing: 稿; Written: 哉;

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parallel 排; parcel 裹; parent: 家長; parent: 父母; paris 黎; park 舶; park: 停在; parking 泊; parking adminstration: 停車管理; parking: 停車; part 俱;段;部;類; part of: 部分; part: 一部分; part: 分; participant: 參加; participant: 參與; participant: 加入; participate 投;參; partner 伴;拌;偶;徬; partner(she) 姅; partner: 夥伴; partnership 夥; parts 括; parts industry: 扣件業; parts supplier: 零組件供應商; party 邦;黨;派對; party: 黨; pass 越;格;通, 傳;經;滲; pass over 過; pass: 通; pass: 過; pass: 過; pass: 乘; pass: 經; passage: 道; passed: 已故; passenger seat: 乘客座; passenger: 乘客; passing generation 代; passing: 經; past 過; past away: 過世; 驟逝; past: 遺; past: 過去; past: 已故; paste 醬;

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patch: 地方新聞網路業者; patent: 專利; patent: 專利權; path 徑;直;途;街;路;道; path: 道; path: 小徑; patience 忍;恆; patience: 患者; patience: 病人; patient 認; patient: 耐心; patrol 巡; patrol boat: 巡邏船; patrol: 巡邏; pawn 爪; pay 得;酬;薪;繳; pay a visit 吊; pay bill: 付帳單; pay to 付; pay tribute: 致哀; pay: 發放; pay: 資;

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pc: 個人電腦;

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pdf: 檔案;

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peace 平;安;和;寧; peace protest right: 和平示威權利; peace talk: 和解; peace: 安; peace: 和平; peacock 鳳; peak time: 高峰期間; peak: 高峰; peak: 頂尖; peak: 領; peak: 焦點; pear 梨; pearl 珠;珍; peculiar: 奇特; peep 窺; peep: 瞥見了; pen 筆; pen: 筆; penalty 罰; penalty: 罰款; pending: 審理; penetrate 滲; penetrate: 串; penetrate: 無孔不入; peninsula: 半島; pennsavanvia: 賓州; penny: 分錢;仙; pension: 退休年金; pension: 養老基金; pentrate: 穿越;
people 民;伙;匠;君;者;僑;胞; people republic of china: 中華人民共和國; people: 民間; people: 民眾; people: 人; people: 人士; people: 名; people: 眾多;
People/ Relative 人 士 女 小 己 公;
4. 友 太 氏 父;
5. 仔 他 仗 令 兄 古 只 外 奴 奶 幼 母 民 生;
6. 伉 伙 伊 先 先 匠 名 后 妃 她 老 臣 自 亨;
7. 伴 你 伯 伶 妞 弟 我 牠 男 貝;
8. 依 侍 佬 兒 叔 妾 妻 妹 妮 姑 姆 姐 姓 姊 妳 姅 爸 者 表 門;
9. 俠 契 姨 娃 姥 姪 孩 客 帝 某 胞 郎 酋 陌;
10. 們 倫 卿 唐 哥 員 娑 孫 家 席 師 徒 爹 祖 翁;
11. 乾 偶 堂 婦 婆 婊 戚 眷;
12. 傢 婿 甥 童;
13. 傳 媽 媳 爺 舅;
14. 僧 僕 壽;
15. 儀 嬌 鄰;
16. 儒 親 遴 優 儷 犧
-er: 者; -er 家; Aunt: 姑; Baby: 幼; Beautiful: 儷; Boy: 童; Brother elder: 哥; Brother: 兄; Chairman: 席; Chief: 酋; Child: 孩; Citizen: 民; Close relative: 胞; Dad: 爸; Daddy: 爹; Daughter-In-Law: 媳; Dear: 貝; Employee: 臣; Father: 爸; Fellow: 伙; Friend: 友; Generation: 祖; Girl: 妞; God dad: 乾; God Mother: 契; Grand parent: 公; Grand-Grand parent: 太; Grandma: 婆; Grandpa: 爺; Grandson: 孫; Guest: 客; Hero: 俠; Husband: 郎; In-Laws: 仗; In-laws: 外; In-Laws: 表; Kid: 童; King: 帝; Lady: 娑; Man: 徒; Member: 員; Minister: 卿; Miss: 姐; Mother: 母; Nanny: 奶; Neigbor: 鄰; Neighbor: 遴; Nephew: 甥; Nickname: 仔; Niece: 姪; Old man: 翁; Partner: 伴; Partner(She): 姅; People: 匠; Princess: 妃; Queen: 后; Relative: 倫; Self: 己; Senior: 老; Servant: 侍; Sister: 妹; Slave: 奴; Son: 兒; Son-In-Law: 婿; Spouse: 眷; Stranger: 陌; Teacher: 師; Tribe: 氏; Uncle: 叔; Victim: 犧; We: 們; Wife: 妻; Wife(2nd): 妾; Woman: 女; x: 姥; Young: 小;

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percentage 率; perfect: 更完美的; perfect: 重整; perfect: 完善; perfect: 合適; performance 演;劇; perimeter 周; period 期; periodical magazine: 期刊; permission 許; permit 准;何, permit: 許可; permitted 可;何, perscutor: 檢察官; perservative: 防腐劑; persimmon 柿, person 丁 persuade 勸; person in charge: 總負責人; petal 朵;瓣; petal 卉; petal: 花瓣; petite 矮;

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pharmacist: 藥劑師; pharmacy: 大藥房; pharmacy: 西藥房; pharmacy: 藥房; pharmacy: 藥劑師; philipine: 菲律賓; philisophy: 哲; photo: 相片;攝;影片; photo: 影; photo: 相片; phrase 句;詞; physical book: 實體書; physics: 物理; physics: 理;

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piano 琴; pick 拈;挑;採;掏;摘;擇;選; pick word: 措詞; pick: 提; pick: 採取; pick: 擇; picked: 檢出; picture 幅;圖;貌;相;攝;影; picture: 圖; picture: 畫面; pie: 餅; pie: 大餅; piece 件;塊;篇; piece: 幅; pieces 碎; pier 堤; pierce 滲; piercing 刮;刺穿; pig 豬; pigeon 鴿; pile 堆; pill 丸;丹 pillar 柱; pillow 耽; pimco: 太平洋管理公司; ping pong 乒;乓; pinky 指; pioneer 峰; pioneer: 龍頭業者; pioneer: 頂尖; pip 廁; pipe: 管;

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pjongyang: 平壤;

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place 阪;卡;杳;津;郡;貫;湄;萊;虛;詠;壇;濁;盧;濱;薩;籬; place: 地方; place: 一處; place: 場;
Place 山 川 井 方 台 尼 本 汀;
6. 列 匈 地 地 寺 州;
7. 坊 坑 址 坎 孚 弄 弄 沙 灶 牢 角 角 谷 迆 迆 邑 邦 阪;
8. 亞 坪 岸 岩 底 底 杭 法 陀;
9. 亭 便 俄 城 巷 洞 珊 英 郊 香;
10. 倌 倉 原 埃 堉 家 宮 峽 峰 島 庭 徑 拿 捕 旅 朗 校 泰 海 浙 站 站 紐 貢 院;
11. 區 國 堂 紹 處 陸 頃;
12. 場 堤 堡 敦 殖 渥 渣 湖 猶 番 窖 華 街 越 鄉 陽;
13. 塔 廈 會 溪 瑞 粵 葡 蜀 詻 路;
14. 墓 寨 寢 爾 臺 際;
15. 墟 寮 樓 歐 盤 緬 賭 黎;
16. 彊 橋 澳 蕪 隧 餐 嶺 嶽 戲 檀 檐 殮 營 牆 篷 總 罄 韓 壙 藏 疆 籍 彎 壩 矗 廳
Acre: 頃; Address: 址; Alley: 弄; Asia: 亞; Basement: 窖; Basin: 盤; Bay: 彎; Beach: 沙; Bedroom: 寢; Bldg: 廈; Bottom: 底; Boundary: 彊; Bridge: 橋; Burma: 緬; Burner: 罄; Camp: 營; Canada: 拿; Canton: 粵; Capital: 本; Casino: 賭; Castle: 堡; Cave: 洞; Charter: 渣; China: 華; City: 朗; Cliff: 岩; Club: 會; Colony: 殖; Coral: 珊; Corner: 角; Country: 國; Countryside: 郊; Dam: 壩; Den: 寨; Dept: 邦; District: 區; Egypt: 埃; England: 英; Europe: 歐; Fire Place: 灶; Fire place: 坎; Floor: 樓; Foreign: 番; France: 法; Funeral: 殮; Garden: 院; Globe: 地; Grave: 墓; Ground: 地; Gym: 堉; Hall: 堂; Hangchow: 杭; Harbor: 堤; Hawaii: 檀; Headquarter: 總; Hell: 嶽; Here: 處; Highrise: 矗; Hill: 山; Home town: 鄉; Home: 家; Hong Kong: 香; Hotel: 旅; House: 庭; Hungary: 匈; Island: 島; Israel: 列; Korea: 韓; Lake: 湖; Land: 陸; Lane: 巷; Laos: 寮; Living room: 廳; Lok: 詻; London: 敦; Low: 底; Macau: 澳; Mine: 壙; Mobil Gas: 孚; Mountain top: 嶺; Mountain: 篷; Name: 陀; Neigbor: 坊; Nepal: 尼; New York: 紐; Ocean: 汀; Origin: 籍; Outside: 疆; Pagado: 塔; Palace: 宮; Paris: 黎; Path: 徑; Pioneer: 峰; Place: 阪; Plain: 坪; Playground: 場; Pond: 迆; Pool: 迆; Portugal: 葡; Prison: 牢; Province: 浙; Restaurant: 餐; River: 川; Road: 路; Roof: 檐; Room: 倌; Russia: 俄; Saigon: 貢; School: 校; Sea: 海; Shaw: 紹; Shore: 岸; Source: 原; Spot: 角; Stand: 亭; State: 州; Station: 站; Stop: 站; Store: 倉; Strait: 峽; Stream: 溪; Street: 街; Swiss: 瑞; Szechuan: 蜀; Taipei: 臺; Taiwan: 台; Temple: 寺; Thailand: 泰; Theatre: 戲; Tibet: 藏; Toilet: 便; Toronto: 渥; Town: 城; Trap: 捕; Trench: 坑; Tunnel: 隧; Turkey: 爾; Useless: 墟; Utah: 猶; Valley: 谷; Vietnam: 越; Village: 邑; Wall: 牆; Well: 井; World: 際; Wuhan: 蕪; Yang: 陽;
pladulum: 白銀; plain 坪; plain field 坪; plain: 平原; plan 佈;計;策;劃;圖;構; plan: 預定; plan: 預計; plan: 計畫; plane 機; plane seat: 機位; plane to: 搭機飛往; plane: 飛機;
plant 苔;苗;桂;桔;桐;桃;荊;插;植;種;播;籐;蘭; planting 耕; planting: 耕作;
plant Bamboo: 竹; Dry: 荒; Grow: 栽; Harvest: 擭; Irrigation: 灌; Plant: 苔; Planting: 耕; Root: 根; Species: 類; Stalk: 莖;
plastic bag: 透明容器或塑料袋; plastic: 塑; plastic: 硬塑膠; plate 板;版; platform 砰; platform: 平台; play 耍;玩;球;敷;戲;鞦; play ball 拍; play: 戲碼; playboy magazine: 男性雜誌; player: 好手; playground 場; plaza: 廣場; plaza: 場; plead 報; plead guilty: 當庭認罪; please 悅;帖;煩;慇;敬, 請;墾;幫;懇;邀;歡; please answer me: 請回答我; please mail to: 來函寄至; please: 請; plentiful: 多姿多彩的; plenty 充;多;很;豐; plenty of 富; plenty of: 數以百計; plenty: 濟; plenty: 幾; plenty: 大筆; plenty: 多; plenty: 豐; plunge 刺; plus minus: 左右;

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pocket 袋; pocket: 口袋; pocket: 荷包; podal 蚪;蝌; poem 詞;詩; poetry 詩; poetry: 詩人; point 指; point to: 針對; point: 指; point: 指出; point: 點; point: 分據點; pointy 尖; poison 毒; poisonous: 含毒; poke 插; pole 干;柱;竿;樑; police 保;警; police car: 警方車輛; police: 公安; police: 警方; police: 警察; policing 巡; policy maker: 決策者; policy: 措施; policy: 政策; polish 擦; polish: 塗油; polishing 亮; polite 禮貌; politic 政; politic 冶; political journalism: 政治的資深記者; political side: 政治傾向; political: 政治; political: 政治化; political: 統治; pollen count: 花粉; pollen: 花粉症; pond 迆;江;池;塘;潭; pool 迆; poor 貧;窮; poor neighborhood: 非富裕區; poor: 也比較差; popular 眾 pork 豬; popular: 流行; popular: 所眾所矚目的; popular: 許; popular: 被廣泛認為; portland: 波特蘭; portugal 葡; portugal: 葡萄牙;

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position 位; position: 關卡; position: 任; position: 位; position: 職位; positive 必; positive: 確; possess: 有; possess: 掌握; possess: 擁有; possible 竟; possible: 可能; possibly 竟; post cut-off day: 截止日期; post date: 張貼日期; post mail date: 遞件的日期; post message: 張貼; post office: 郵局; post stamp date: 郵戳的日期; post: 前; postpone 迤;延;拖;陀;蹉; postpone: 遞延; postpone: 延後; pot 鍋, potato 芋; potential loss: 出現虧損; potential: 潛力; potential: 風險; potential: 實力; potential: 優勢; poultry 畜;蓄; poultry: 家畜; pound 磅; pounding 炸; pour: 潑油; pouring: 湧進; poutry 畜; pow 朋; powder 粉;殿; power 勁;勢;權; power attorney 託; power line outage: 電線掉落; power: 活力; power: 權; power: 威力; power: 力;

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practice 習;操; practice: 臨床; practise: 實習; practise: 執業; praise 抬;贊;讚; praise: 猛誇; praise: 讚揚; pray 祈;悼;禱; pre-ask: 先徵求; precious 貝;珍;寶; precise: 積極; predect: 預估; predict: 預期; predict: 預測; predict: 預估; prefer 慫; prefer: 偏好; pregnacy: 懷孕產子; pregnancy 胎;孕; prejudice 遍; prelimary: 初步; preliminary: 初級; premium processing fee: 快速審理費; prep: 初; prepare 配;備;預;槁; prepare: 準備; prepare: 準備了; prepare: 做準備; president 首; president: 會長; president: 主席; president: 總統; presidential suite: 總統套房; presidential: 大選; press 按;觸; press button: 按下; press down: 壓低; press here: 按此; press: 壓迫; pressure: 壓; pressure: 壓力; pretend 咋; pretty 麗; prevent: 預防; prevent: 強防; previously: 曾在; previously: 以往;

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price 價; price adjustment: 調整價格; price difference: 價差; price increase: 漲價; price range: 漲價空間; price: 服務費用; price: 價格; price: 行情; priest 牧; prime minister 相; princess 妃; principal: 總監和校長; principle: 秉持著; print 刷;印;版; print mode 版; printing: 印刷; prior 前;昨; prior generation: 前輩的身分; prior: 前; prison 牢;囚;窖;獄;嶽; prison guard: 獄警; prison term: 罪刑; prison: 下囚; prison: 獄; prisoner 俘; privacy: 隱私; private 私; private practice: 私人執業; private security: 私人保安; private: 私立; prize 獎;償;

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pro-out: 外向型; pro 慇; probable: 可能; probe: 調查; problem: 故障; problem: 難題; procedure 序; proceed: 進行; process: 數據; process: 過程中; processing center: 處理中心; produce: 培養; produce: 生產; product 產; product liability: 產品責任; product line: 產品線; product: 品種; product: 品牌; product: 素; product: 用品; product: 產品; production rate: 開工率; productive: 生產力; profession 行;職; profession: 業; profession: 職; profession: 職業; professional: 專業; professional: 專業人員; professor: 教授; professor: 導師; profile 恣;形;況;姿;貌; profile: 外觀; profit 益;利; profit margin: 獲利展望; profit: 利潤; profit: 獲利; program 式; program: 議程; progress slowly: 邁向; progress: 逐步; progress: 促進; progress: 增進; promise 協;允;妥;約;許;誓;諾;應; promise contract 妥; promise: 承諾; promise: 協; promote 升;呈;拔;抬;起;登; promote: 促進; promote: 加油; promote: 躍居; promotion 陞;

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pronoun/tenses 的; pronounciation 拼; proof 政;証;政; proof: 證明; propaganda: 宣傳; property 贓; property: 財產; pros and cons: 有利; pros and cons: 利弊; prospect: 願景; prospect: 展望; prospect: 相當亮眼; prospective 希;旺;盛;發;興; prospectous: 盛; prospectrous: 繁榮; prosperous 茂;旺;昌; prostitute 妓; protect 防;獲; protect: 保; protect: 保護; protection 保;護; protection: 防護; protection: 保護; protection: 免疫力; protest: 抗議; protest: 示威; proud 威;傲;嗷;嬌;矯; proud of: 猛誇; proud: 氣燄; proud: 驕傲; proud: 自豪; prove 證; prove: 證明; province 浙;省;陝;滬;遼;徽;蘇; provoke 怒; provoke: 挑釁; provoking: 惹來; provoking: 挑釁;

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public 公; public debt: 公債; public school: 公立學校; public service: 公務員; public: 公; public: 公共; publication 刊; publish 印;綜;編; publish: 出版; publisher: 出版商; pull 拉;punish 責;嘖;罰;懲; pull: 拉; pulse: 靜脈; pulse: 動脈; punishment 刑; pupil: 學生; purchase 買;購; purchase: 收購案; purchase: 選購; purchased: 已買好; pure 純;淨; pure export: 淨出口; pure: 純淨; purest 華; purifier: 淨鼻器; purify 沌; purple 紫; purple: 紫色; pursue 往;追;尋;徵;謀; pursue: 追求; pursue: 追查; pursue: 角逐; push 拉;推; push button 按; push down 禁; push: 推; push: 推出; pusher: 推手; put 放; put on: 擺在; put: 放; put: 盛放; puzzle 奇;怪;迷;猜;瞇;謎;

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qu qualification: 資格; qualify 質; qualify: 蟬聯; quality 精;質; quality: 品牌; quality: 質量; quantity 量; quarrel 吵;爭;糾;掙;嘴; queen 后; queen: 皇后;
question 問;題; question mark: 嗎; question/answer: 問答; question: 問; question: 問題;
Question - Yes/No 亡 不 不 什 勿 勿 勿 毋;
6. 免 否 沒 ;
8. 呸 忽 非;
9. 係 卻 恢 ;
10. 哦 迷;
11. 問 猜 莫 ;
12. 無 答 腓 ;
13. 幹 歲 號 裡 詢;
14. 對 疑;
16. 錯 謎 題 懷;
?: 呢; Answer: 答; FYI: 咨; Here: 裡; How many: 幾; How old: 歲; How: 怎; No: 不; Question: 題; This: 這; What: 什; What?: 幹; Where: 那; Who: 誰; Why: 為; Yes: 卻;
quick 快;迅;捷;敏;爽;速;煞;瞬; quiet 平;肅;寧;賢;靜; quiet place 幽; quiet: 緘默; quite a distance: 相差甚遠; quite: 肅; quiz 考; quizz: 問答; quota 限;餉;額; quota: 配給; quota: 名額; quotation 曰; quotation 云; quote: 引述; quote: 莫言;

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rabbit 兔; race 裔;競; race: 族裔; race: 角逐; racial: 種族仇恨; radio car service 召; radio station: 廣播電台; rail road: 鐵路; railroad 軌; rain 雨;傘; rainbow 虹; raining: 下雨; raise 加;升;抬;起;飼;增;養;舉;攀;籌; raise children: 養兒育女; raise fund 募; raise the ceiling: 提高; raise up: 垂直豎起; raise: 榮升; raise: 撫養; raise: 養; raise: 帶大; raise: 增長; raise: 舉辦; raise: 舉行; raising children: 生兒育女; random pick: 抽查; range: 之間; rank 級;官;侯;尉;將;組;欽; ranking: 排名; ransom 贖; rap singer: 饒舌歌迷; rape 姦; rapid-move: 通勤; rapidly: 暢旺; rare 罕;希;珍;稀;瑞; rare earth: 稀土業; rare: 驚奇; rarely: 鮮有; rat 竄; rate 折;率; rate: 年減; rating: 評論分數; ration 餉;糠;糧; ration: 糧食; rationing: 配給; raw 粗; ray: 直射;

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re-appear: 再次出現; re-collect: 反思; re-shape: 重振; rea reach 到;達;及 reach another new high: 屢創新高; reach: 達致; reached highest: 達到高峰; reached: 高達; reached: 達; reached: 達到; react: 反應; read 誦;讀; read letter: 看信; reader: 讀者; ready 備;準; real 真;實;確; real estate market: 住宅市場; real estate: 房市; real estate: 房屋; real: 認真; reality show: 真實面貌; reality: 真實面; really 真;卻; really: 真心; rear 背;後; rear: 後; reason 理, 由; reason: 因素; reason: 原因; reason: 初衷; reason: 理由; reasonable: 比較划算; reasonable: 合理; reassign: 重組; rec receive 丞;收;承;拾;得;接;穫; receive and expense: 收支; receive: 接; receive: 接應; receive: 接下; receive: 接受; receive: 得到; recent: 近期; recent: 近來; reception: 接待; recess 息;休; recession: 歇業; recite 唸;誦;讀; recommend 贊;讚; recommend: 推崇; recommend: 提供; recommend: 敦促; recommendation: 推薦下; recommendation: 喝彩; recommended: 被推舉; record 存;記; record: 錄得; record: 單據; record: 紀錄; record: 立案; record: 記載; recourse: 資源; recover 補; recover: 恢復; recruit: 招募; rectangle 方; rectangular: 方; red red 紅; red blue: 紅藍; red hot: 新鮮火辣; red ink 差; red light: 紅盤; red light: 紅燈; redeem 瀆; reduce 減; reduce interest rate: 降息; reduce: 銳減; reduce: 降價; reduce: 削減; reduce: 萎縮; reduction policy: 削減措施;

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ref refer to your... 令; reference 材;參; reference: 採購來源; reference: 供參考; refine 煉;鍊; refinery factory: 煉油廠; reflect: 反映; reform 戒; refugee 氓; refugee: 難民營; refund 抵; refund: 優惠; refuse 不;拒; refuse: 拒絕; refuse: 謝絕; refused: 被婉拒;

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regard 躬;慰; region 區; region: 地區; register 計;證; register: 登記註冊; register: 註冊; regret 悔;侮;愧;慚;慘;懈;懺;讖; regular: 常規; regulation 則;律;紀;規;章; regulation: 措施; regulation: 紀律; regulation: 秩序; regulation: 規則; regulation: 規畫; reh-rej rehabit 修;戒;誡; rehabit: 療; reichert scale: 芮氏規模; reigning: 現任; reits: 證券化基金; reject 拒; reject: 排除;

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related information: 相關信息; related: 相關; relationship 係; relationship: 關係; relationship: 交往; relative 倫;戚;綜;親; relative: 家屬; relative: 親友; relax 弛; relax: 放鬆; relax: 緩解; relax: 輕鬆; relaxing: 比較放鬆; release 釋; release: 提出; release: 釋放; release: 釋出戰略; release: 緩解; release: 解決; reliable: 可靠; relief: 解決;
religion 宗; religion: 宗教信仰;
Religion 川 允 升 尼;
6. 列 地 寺 寺 曲;
7. 佛 利 呈 坊 妥 序 邦;
8. 亞 使 協 奉 尚 拔 抬 牧 社 門 陀 阿;
9. 亭 便 城 拜 相 祈 約 耶 郊 音;
10. 們 修 倉 原 家 宮 庭 徒 恙 恩 拿 捐 校 浸 烈 益 祐 神 站 素 紐 起 院 陞 鬼;
11. 堂 堂 徙 教 產 紹 處 許 訟 陸;
12. 場 猶 猶 登 街 鄉;
13. 會 會 瑟 瑞 盟 經 聖 路 頌;
14. 墓 歌 爾 誓 際;
15. 摩;
16. 壇 翰 諾 戲 總 禮 藏 願 籍 廳
Amen: 阿; Baptist: 浸; Bible: 經; Bishop: 相; Bless: 祐; Budda: 佛; Church: 堂; Courtesy: 禮; Donate: 捐; Follow: 徒; Follower: 徙; Ghost: 鬼; Goat: 恙; God: 神; Holy: 聖; Isreal: 烈; Jesus: 耶; Jewish: 猶; John: 翰; Joseph: 瑟; Kneel: 拜; Monk: 尚; Moses: 摩; Nun: 修; Place: 壇; Pray: 祈; Priest: 牧; Sky: 倉; Temple: 寺; Thank: 恩; Vegetarian: 素; Wish: 願; Worship: 奉;
rely 依;靠;憑;賴; rely: 靠; rem remain 留;剩;餘; remain quiet: 保持緘默; remain 向, 隅, remember 店;記;唸;憶; remember: 不忘; remind: 提醒; remind: 敦促; remind: 回憶; reminder 叮;吒;題; reminding: 提醒; remittance fee: 匯率; remittance: 外匯; remorse 悔;侮;愧;慚;慘;懈;懺;讖; remove: 逕予刪除; ren-reo renew: 更新; renminbi: 人民幣兌; rent 借;租;賃; rent: 房約; rent: 房租; rent: 出租; rental: 出租; reoccur 再;逢; reorganize: 整頓; reorganize: 重整;

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repair 修;補; repair: 檢修; repair: 整修; repair: 重整; repair: 修復; repeat 述;次 反;再;逢;復;厲;複;還;繹; repeat one more time: 重申一次; repeat usage: 可重複使; repeat: 恢復; repeat: 回; repeat: 再度; replace 替;當 reply 答; reply: 回答; reply: 回覆; report 積;績; report: 成績; report: 報告; reported: 檢舉; reported: 報; reporter: 記者; reporting to 司; represent 代; represent: 代理; representative: 代表; reproduction: 生殖專科; reputation: 聲譽; request: 條件; require to pay: 需交;

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rescue from failure: 反敗為勝; rescue: 搭救; rescue: 搶救; rescue: 營救; rescue: 起死回生; research center: 研究所; research student: 研究生; resent 侮;愧;慚; reserve the right: 保留刪除權; reset: 回檔; resident: 居民; resign 辭; resign: 離職; resist 伉; resist cold: 耐寒性; respect-follow: 恭敬不如從命; respect 佩;躬;奠;尊;敬;瞻;鑒; respect fully: 都予尊重; respect: 尊敬; respect: 尊重; responsibility 負;務;責; responsibility: 責任; rest 息;休;吧;憩; rest area 亭; rest: 休息; restaurant 餐;館; restaurant: 餐館; restaurant: 餐飲業; restricted area: 禁航區; result 效;束;果;積;績; result: 業績; result: 收穫; result: 效果; result: 作法; result: 結果; resume: 資歷; ret retail price: 售價; retail sale: 零售業; retail: 代銷; retire: 退休; retiree: 退休人員; retirement: 養老; retreat 怕;退;補; retreme reliable: 相當可靠; retrieve 取; return 回;放;返;迴;復;還;歸; return to community: 回饋社區; return: 回; return: 回流; return: 復出;

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reveal 揭;搜;攤;顯; revenge 赧; revenge: 報復; reverse 反;逆;退;撤;墮;顛; reverse gear: 顛簸; reverse: 逆轉; reverse: 弄巧成拙; reverse: 後; revive 復; revoke: 反悔; revolution 革;叛; revolution: 革命; revolving door: 受旋轉門; rew reward 得; reward: 懸賞;

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rhode island: 羅德島; rhyme 韻;

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ri: 羅德島; rice 米;飯;糯; ride 搭;載;踏;騎; riding 乘; rifle 鎗; right 右;託;檔; right: 權; right: 權益; right: 保留刪除; right: 右; right: 合適; right: 義; rikers island: 雷克島; riot 搗; riot: 暴動; rip off 欺; ripe 熟; rise 上;升;起; rise to: 漲至; rise(sun) 昇; rise: 攀升; rise: 上升; rise: 崛起; rise: 增長; rise: 竄升; rise: 竄升; 漲幅'; rise: 躍居; rise: 走高; rising 興; rising: 飆漲; risk 敢;險; risk management: 風險管理; risk: 風險; risk: 險; risk: 險棋; risky 冒; rival: 政敵; rival: 敵人; river 川;圳;江;河;溪;衡;穗;鴻;瀛; river: 溪流;

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roach 螂;蟑; road 街;路;道; road intersection: 交口處; road side: 路邊; road: 道; road: 道路; road: 街道; roast 焙; rob 劫;掠;控;欺;盜;搶;虜;奪; rob: 打劫; robber 歹; robber: 劫匪徒; robbery: 被劫; rock 石; rock mountain: 石頭山山頂; rock: 石塊; rockefeller: 洛克菲勒; rocket 炮; rocket: 火箭; rod 棒; rodeo 韁; roll 券;卷;滾; roll of 串; roll of cloth 匹; roll: 打滾; romantic: 情調; romantic: 桃色; romney: 羅穆尼; roof 檐; room 倌;府;房;室;窒; room for: 容納; room: 房; roosevelt: 羅斯福; root-out: 貫徹; root 根;腦;徹; root cause: 歸根結柢; root out 滅; rope: 纏身; rose 玫;瑰; rotate 旋;轉; rotten 腐; rough 兇;劣;妄;麻; round 猾;row 划;行;條;幢;撐; royal to 忠; royal: 皇;

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rubber cement 膠; rubbish 廢; rude 妄;譟; ruin 凋;失;隋;塌;毀;摧;墟; rule 例;戒;則;律;紀;規;章; rule by 冶; rule: 規範; ruler 尺; ruler: 政策; ruling party: 執政黨; ruling: 擔任; ruling: 執政; rumor 謗;謠; rumor: 頻傳; rumor: 宣傳; rumor: 傳出; rumor: 盛傳; rumor: 輿論; run 走;奔;跑;馳; run away 逃; run through: 穿過; run very fast: 迅速逃跑; run: 奔馳; running: 運作; rush 匆;奔;趕;箭;踴; rush out: 奪門; rush through 衝; rush: 急; rush: 急進; rush: 趕緊; rush: 衝到; russia 俄; russia: 俄羅斯; russian: 俄羅斯文;

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sacrifice 奉; sacrifice: 犧牲; sacrifice: 貢獻; sad 哀;衰;悲;愁;嘆;鬱; sad: 悲痛; saddle 鞍; safe 靜; safety: 治安; safety: 安全; sagging: 瓣脫垂; sahara: 撒哈拉; saigon 貢; saint 聖仙; salary 薪; salary: 資; salary: 薪資; sale 售;讓; sale price: 售價; sale: 銷售; 銷售逾; sale: 出貨; sales figure: 營收; salt 鹽; salt: 食鹽; salty 鹹; same 胞;律;樣;鴛; same day: 即日取; same family: 同族親戚; same time: 同期; same: 一樣; same: 同; same: 相同; sampan 舢; sample 例; sampling 抽; sampling: 標榜; samsung: 三星電子; sand 沙; sandi arabic: 沙烏地阿拉伯; sanitation dept: 衛生局; sanitation dept: 衛生署; sanitation room: 衛生間; satellite: 衛星; satisfaction: 滿意; satisfy: 滿足; satisfy: 理想; sauce 醬; saudi arabic: 沙烏地阿拉伯; sausage 臘; save 挽;存;拯;省;救;儉;儲; save a lot of money: 省下不少錢; save life: 保住一命; save space: 存儲空間; save time: 省時; save: 果腹; save: 儲存; save: 節省; save: 留下; saving 儲; say 述;言;話;說;談; say earlier: 曾說; say goodbye 辭; say goodbye: 揮別; say: 話; say: 認為; saying 云;曰;

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sc: 南卡; scadle: 風波; scale: 規模; scallion 蔥, scandle: 醜聞; scanner: 電腦數據機; scar 疤; scar: 驚慌; scarce: 很怕; scare 恐;怕;赫;嚇;懼;驚; scare: 嚇出; scarely 怖; scarifice 獻; scarl: 恐懼; scenary: 景象; scenary: 風景; scene 怖;覽;纜;觀; scene: 風景; scene: 影; scene: 現象; scenery 景;影; schedule: 班次; schedule: 航班; schedule: 行程; school 校;宛;墊; school of art: 藝術學院; school principal: 總監和校長; school yard: 校園; school: 校; science 科;識; science class 係; science fiction 幻; science fiction: 科幻小說; science: 科學; scissor 剪; scold 罵; scold: 責; scoop 撩;潦; scoope 扒; scope 挖; scorpian 蠍; scratch 刨; scream 叫;呼;呱; screen: 顯示幕;

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sd: 讀卡器;

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sea 峽;島;航;浪;海;岸;沿;港;游;渡;彎;灣; sea bed: 海底; sea level 拔; seabird 鷗; seafood: 海產; seal envelope 封; sealed: 封閉; seaport: 港; search 索;找;覓;訪;尋;搜;徵;謀; search engine giant: 網路搜索巨擘; search lab: 研究所; search on web: 上網搜尋; search: 追查; season 季; season: 季節; seat 座;位;坐; seattle: 西雅圖; second 刻;乙;分;剎;秒;副;瞬; second time 次; second: 居次; second: 分; secret 秘;密; secret mask: 神秘面紗; secret service: 特勤; secret smile: 掩嘴竊笑; secret: 祕方; secretary: 秘書長; secrifice: 付出; section 端; secure base: 紮實基礎; secure: 保障; secure: 穩定; security 防;保; security: 證所; sedan 座;轎; seduce 誘; seduce: 誘; see 見;看;晤;視;睹;遇;察; seed 子; seek 索; seeking: 正尋求; select 挑;揀;撰;擇;選; select from: 可選; self 私;卑;己;自;捨;傲; self carrying: 自帶掛鉤; self centered: 自我中心; self choice: 自我抉擇; self confidence: 自信; self control: 自律; self exploded fighter: 自殺炸彈客; self right: 人權; self right: 個人山頭主義; self selling: 自我推銷; self sufficient: 有自滿; self sufficient: 自給自足; self: 親自; self: 自; self: 自己; self: 自行; selfish 自; sell 售;販;貿;賣;讓; sell by owner: 屋自售; sell: 出售; semi 半;中; seminar 講; seminar: 講座; send 送;寄;贈; send up: 送上; send: 送往; send: 遞交; sendhome: 被驅逐出境; sendhome: 被遞解出境; senior 老; senior citizen home: 老人屋; senior citizen: 長者; senior: 高級; senior: 耆老; sense: 情緒; senses 覺; sensing: 意味; sensitive: 其敏感性; sensitive: 異常敏感; sentence 句; sentence: 段話; seoul: 首爾; separate 分;列;別;脫;解;隔;辨; separate: 分; separate: 偏離; series 編;闢; series: 連串; series: 系; serious 嚴; serious: 鄭重; serious: 嚴; serious: 嚴重; servant 侍;奴;婢;僕; serve 侍; service 服;務; service charge: 服務費; service: 服務; sesame 芝, 麻; session 段; session: 階段; session: 分階段; set 套;定; set off 離; set up 局; settle down: 有寧日; setup: 布置陣容; setup: 共謀; seven 七; severe: 嚴重; severse: 最嚴苛; sex 色;性; sex preference: 姓向; sex: 姓;性; sexy: 豔照;

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shade 撇; shadow 映;影;陰, shaking 抖;震; shaking: 搖晃; shall 可以;來;要;會;就;便;將;需;應;該; shall: 將會; shallow 低;底;淺; shame 俾;恥;卑;慚;慘;鄙; shampan 舨; shanghainess: 上海話; shape 型; shape: 向型; shape: 外觀; share 分;份;股; share: 分享; shareholder: 股東; shark 鯊;
sharp 容;格;尖;形;況;武;狀;姿;勢;精;
Shape Dented: 凹; Scratch: 刨; Shape: 型; Sharp: 尖; Stand Upright: 屹; Sticking up: 凸; Y-shape: 丫;
shave 剃;削; shaw 紹; shawdow: 身影; she 她; she: 她; sheepsak bag: 羊頭灣; shell 貝;鱗;殼, shell fish 丰; shelter: 避風堡壘; shield 盾;循; shine 晒;哂; shining 照; shining: 光環; shiny 亮;
ship 舫;船;艘;颼; shipping 航; shipping: 托運行李;
Ship 帆 舟 岸 拔 沿 泊 舢 乘 峽 島 浪 海 航 舫 舨 般 舵 舷 舶 船 港 游 渡 艇 艋 潛 蝦 艘
Anchor: 錨; Boat: 舟; Carrier: 艦; Cruise: 乘; Godown: 艙; Parking: 泊; Sampan: 舢; Shampan: 舨; Ship: 舫; Shipping: 航; Shrimp: 蝦; Steer: 舵; Submarine: 潛; Warehouse: 艙; Yacht: 帆;
shirt 衫;杉;恤;襯; shivering 寒; shock absorber: 避震器; shoe 鞋; shoe: 鞋; shoot 射;荀;注;描;榭;瞄;攝 shoot arrow 弓; shoot: 槍擊; shoot: 直射; shoot: 瞄準; shoot: 發射; shooting: 拍攝; shopping: 購物; shore 岸;沿; shore: 海岸; short 短;矮; short distant travel: 短途旅遊; short of breath: 喘不過氣; short of breath: 喘不過氣來; short term: 短期; short term: 短期而言; short video: 一段短片; short: 簡; short: 短短; short: 矮小; shot to death: 槍擊死亡; should 可以;來;要;會;就;便;將;需;應;該; should be: 應引以; should use: 適用; should: 需; should: 就; should: 將會; shoulder 胸;腔;襟; shoulder: 胸口; show 展;挺;示;表;演;劇;戲;顯; show no mercy: 絕不姑息; show: 演唱; show: 顯得; show: 反映; show: 現象; show: 表現; show: 表示; showcase 櫥; shower 沐;澆; shred 絲; shrimp 蝦; shrimp: 蝦; shrink 縮; shrink: 削減; shusi: 壽司; shut: 關; shy 羞;

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sicily island: 西西里島; sick: 疾病; sick: 病態; side 翼;邊; sight 睹; sight: 亮眼; sight: 眼中的; sign 牌;簽; sign: 簽字; signal 哨; signature 璽;簽; signed: 批准; silk 絲;綢; silk: 網; silly 笨;傻;愚; silver 銀; similar 似;像; similar: 都很相像; similar: 類似; simon & schuster: 賽門舒斯特; simple: 簡單; simultaneously attack: 同時發動攻擊; since: 以來; sincere: 熱誠; sincerely 謹; sing 哼;唱;歌;韻; sing: 唱; singapore: 新加坡; singer: 歌手; singer: 美女歌手; single 赤;孤;單;僅;獨; sink 沉; siren 鳴; siren: 警鈴; siren: 警笛; sister-in-law 嫂; sister 妹;姊; sister level 姐; sit 坐;座; sit: 挫; six 六;
size 批;
Size/ Measurement 丈 寸 小 中 元 少 尺 支 斗 斤 方 片 半 卡 巨 平 打 本 札 疋;
6. 件 任 份 多 尖 朵 次;
7. 行 位 低 形 批 步 里;
8. 些 兩 兩 周 固 委 孤 屆 放 空 長;
9. 厚 型 很 括 段 甚 眇 眇 秒 致 迢 重;
10. 個 凍 剛 峰 恣 效 格 泰 畝 窄 缺 般 高;
11. 淡 率 盒 統 終 速;
12. 短 等 距 量 量 隊;
13. 僅 微 新;
14. 盡 端 緊 輕 麼;
15. 寬 寬 幢 暫 磅 質 餘;
16. 積 築 遴 縮 縱 翼 斷 釐 雙 額 鬆 龐 續
$: 元; 1 caddy (1LB=0.75 Caddy): 斤; ?: 麼; A foot: 尺; A Lot: 多; A lot: 很; A roll of Cloth: 疋; Acre: 畝; All: 統; Average: 般; Big: 泰; Box: 盒; Broad: 寬; Bundle: 札; Bushel of rice: 斗; Cold: 凍; Condition: 形; Construction: 築; Couple: 兩; Cut Off: 斷; Cycle: 任; Distance: 距; Dozen: 打; Effective: 效; Empty: 空; Etc: 等; Far: 迢; Finish: 終; Flat: 平; Flower: 朵; From/To: 致; Generation: 屆; Giant: 巨; Group: 隊; Half: 半; Heavy: 重; Height: 高; House: 幢; Huge: 龐; Include: 括; K: 釐; Karat of diamond: 卡; Lack: 缺; Light: 輕; Line: 格; Little little: 少; Long: 長; Low: 低; Maximize: 盡; Measure: 量; Micro: 微; Mile: 里; Minute: 眇; More: 續; Narrow: 窄; Near: 遴; New: 新; One inch: 寸; One Piece: 片; Only: 僅; Origin: 本; Pair: 雙; Part: 段; Perimeter: 周; Piece: 件; Position: 位; Pound: 磅; Profile: 恣; Quality: 質; Quantity: 量; Quota: 額; Rate: 率; Remain: 餘; Result: 積; Row: 行; Second: 秒; Section: 端; Semi: 中; Shape: 型; Share: 份; Sharp: 尖; Short: 短; Shrink: 縮; Side: 翼; Single: 孤; Size: 批; Skinny: 委; Small piece: 鬆; Small: 小; Solid: 固; Some: 些; Spacious: 放; Speed: 速; Step: 步; Stick: 支; Strong: 剛; Temp: 暫; Thick: 厚; Thin: 淡; Tight: 緊; Times: 次; Tiny: 眇; Tip: 峰; T wo: 兩; Unit: 個; Vertical: 縱; What: 甚; Wide: 寬; Yard: 丈;
sizzle: 流失; sizzle: 蒸發;

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skate 滑; skid 滑;滯; skill worker: 技術勞工; skill: 技能; skill: 技術; skin 肓;皮;膚; skin care: 護膚; skin pore 孔; skin: 皮膚; skinny 委;瘦; skinny: 瘦; skinny: 瘦巴巴; skip 越; skip eating: 不吃; sky 倉;天;空;青; sky is the limit: 鋪天蓋地; sky rocket: 一飛衝天; sky rocketing: 高漲; sky: 上空; sky: 天; skype: 網路電話服務; skyteam alliance: 天合聯盟;

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slam 開; slap 拍; slap: 耳光; slave 奴;俘; sleep 眠;臥;盹;睏;睡;瞌; sleep through: 度過; sleeping compartment bus: 臥舖車; slice 割;塊;甫, slide show: 滑車; slide: 下滑; slide: 傾斜; slightly better: 微弱優勢; slightly higher: 偏高; slip 溜; slip: 滑倒; slipper: 拖鞋; slippery 滑; sloopy: 敷衍; slope 坡; slow 跎;慢;漸; slow down: 已緩和; slow pace: 步履蹣跚; slow pace: 驟變; slow pace: 低迷; slow sale: 抵銷; slow step: 步伐緩慢; slowdown: 銳減; slowdown: 降價; slowdown: 削減; slowdown: 萎縮; slowly 漸; slowly: 逐漸; slowly: 邁向; slug 剌; slut 刺; sly 狡猾;

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small 小;少;細;微; small business: 小商家; small case: 小巧容器; small hill 丘; small king: 小皇帝; small knife 匕; small piece 鬆; small scale: 小型; small step: 小步; small: 很小; smallest: 最小; smallest: 最少; smart phone: 慧型手機; smart phone: 智慧型手機; smart: 敏捷; smell 臭;芳;芬; smell good 香; smile 悅;笑;咪;嘻; smile: 笑意; smiling 咪; smoke 烽;煙;霧, 醃;燻; smoke: 抽; smoke: 吸菸; smoking: 抽菸; smooth 迅;吉;幸;順;暢; smooth: 安然; smoothyly: 平順地;

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snack 食;小; snail 蛤;蝸;螺; snake 蛇;蟒; snatch 抓;擒; snatcher 扒; sneezing: 打鼻涕; sneezy 嘶; snow 雪;

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so 既; so far: 以來; so so 麻;嘛; so: 究竟; soak 浸;滲; soap 皂; soar: 價格大漲; social network: 社群網站; social networking: 社交網站; socialize 交; society: 社會; sock 襪; soda 汽; soft 容;柔;軟; soft/hardware technology: 軟硬體技術; soft: 溫婉; soft: 溫和; software: 軟體; soil 土;塵;壤; soldier 軍;卒;士;兵;御;衛; soldier: 士; sole 維; solely 只; solely: 僅; solemn: 嚴肅; solid 固;堅;梗;實; solid: 固定; solidify: 穩固; solo: 獨唱; solution 效;解; solution: 解決; somalia: 索馬利亞; some 些; some one 阿; some where 其; someone 亞; something 東; son-in-law 婿; son 兒;仔;子; son: 子; song 音;曲;訟;歌; song sheet 頌; song: 歌; song: 歌曲;
sorrow 哀;悲; sorrow: 悲痛; sorry 悔;慘;歉;諒;牘; sorry: 抱歉; sos 求; soul 魂;魄;靈; soul: 魂歸;
sound 音;呻;呼;呱;呢;話;嘟;聲;響; sound: 打響; sound: 聲音;
sound/Music/Song 曲 吵 呀;
8. 呻 呼 呱 咚 呢 阿;
9. 哎 哇 咪 哈 咯 咱 玲 音;
10. 哨 哼 哩 哪 哦;
11. 啦 唱 笛 訟;
12. 琵 琴;
13. 嗚 話 頌 鼓;
14. 嘟 歌 舞 鳴;
15. 聲 嚕 簫 韻 響 囌
Ah: 阿; Alarm: 鳴; Any: 呀; Bell: 玲; Bird sing: 嗚; Chirping: 哨; Cry Noise: 哇; Dance: 舞; Drum: 鼓; Falling sound: 咚; Fife: 笛; Flute: 簫; Gallop: 咱; La: 啦; Laugh Noise: 哈; Li: 哩; Music: 琵; Naa: 哪; Noise: 哎; Noise: 嚕; Noisy: 吵; Piano: 琴; Rhyme: 韻; Sing: 哼; Smile: 咪; Song sheet: 頌; Song: 曲; Sound: 音; Too: 囌; x: 咯; Yes: 哦;
soup 羹;湯; sour 酸;醋; source 本;始;泉;源; source 原;根; source 口; south 南; south africa: 南非; south carolina: 南卡; south korea: 朝鮮; south: 南; sovereign open fund: 主權開放基金; soy bean: 黃豆;

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space 宙;空; space: 坊間; space: 太空; spacious 放;闊;曠; spain: 西班牙; spanish: 西班牙文; sparrow 雀;麻; speak 言;講;談話 speak: 通曉; speaking: 發言; spear 茅;矛; special 特;更;擅; special article: 專題文章; special condition: 特別情況; special invitation: 特邀; special opening: 持開放; special talent: 特殊能力者; special trip: 專程; special: 凸顯; special: 傑出; special: 特殊; special: 特別; special: 獨特行為; specialist: 專科; specialist: 科; specialize 專; specialize: 精; specialize: 精於; specially 且;由;尤; specialty: 特色; species 類; specular: 發表; speech 言;話;說;語; speech: 言; speed 速; speed: 速度; speedy: 特快; spend 耗;消;費;用, spend: 耗資; sperm: 精子; spicy 辣;椒, spider 蛛;蜘; spirit 精, spirit: 精神; spit 吐;痰; splash 潑; split 分;列;裂; split duty: 分身; split: 分; spoil 害;弄;委;寵; spokesman: 發言人; sponsor 贊; sponsor: 承保者; sponsor: 主辦單位; sponsor: 贊助; sponsor: 贊助的; sport team: 球隊; sport: 活動; sport: 運動; sport: 球賽; sportman: 球員; spot 角; spouse 眷; spray 噴; spread 紛;分, 叉;販;散;填;撥;撒;播;碾;攤; spread the word 吩; spread virus 染; spread: 排開; spread: 傳染; spread: 蔓延; spring 春;簧; spring: 春夏; sprint 奔;跑; spy 諜;

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sq: 方; sqeeze: 榨取; squail 魷; square 方;郡; square kilometer: 平方公里; square: 方; squeeze 緊; squeeze: 縮減;

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st louis: 聖路易斯; stab 刺;剌; stab: 刺傷; stack: 堆疊; staff 伙; staff: 人員; staff: 工人; staff: 社工; stage: 階段; stage: 台; stain 漬;蹟; stalk 莖; stalking 盯; stamp 璽; stand 庭;站;立;亭;架; stand straight 正; stand upright 屹; stand: 屹立; stand: 腳架座; standalone 赤; standalone: 弧狀; standard 準;瞄;標; standard approved: 標準審定; standard practise: 標準作業模式; standard: 標準; standard: 水準; standing 企; standing: 企; standup to 耐; stanford: 史丹福; star 星;顆; star hotel: 恆星旅館; star: 角色; start 原; start date: 加入日期; start: 首發; start: 開; start: 開鑼; start: 出爐; start: 舉辦; start: 舉行; started: 發起; starting 初; starting from now: 現在開始; starting from: 元起; starting: 龍頭; starting: 起; state 州; state dept: 國務院; state visit: 造訪; stated: 指出; stated: 說明; statement: 辯; statement: 說明中; station 站;駐; stationary: 按兵不動; statue 峙; statute: 雕像; stay 留;駐; stay around: 遛覽; stay away 僻;避; stay in: 入住; stay inside 含; stay on: 留住; stay: 下榻; steady 靜; steady: 穩定; steal 偷;賊; steam 蒸;燜; steam: 蒸; steel 鋼; steel industry: 鋼鐵業; steer 舵; steer: 模轉向; stem: 側莖; 莖頂; step 步;散; step cross 跨; step in 進; step in: 陷入; step on 踏; step up 登; step: 台階; stern: 莊嚴; stick 干;支;枝;條;插;棒; stick to: 堅持; stick up 尖; sticking up 凸; sticky 糊;黏; still has: 仍有; still: 一直; still: 不已; still: 依然; stir 攪; stock 股; stock exchange: 證券行; stock exchange: 股市; stock market: 股市; stock ownership: 股權; stock price: 市值; stock: 股市; stockholder: 股東; stomach 胃;肚;冑;腹;
stone 石;岩;碑;磐;
玉 瓦;
6. 石 沙 岩 杯;
9. 砂 缸;
10. 砰 砧 砸 砝 破 砷 砥 砭 砠 砟 砲;
11. 瓶 硫 硃 硎;
12. 硝 硬 硯 華;
13. 碎 碰 碗 碘 碌 碉 硼 碑 碓 硿;
14. 碟 碧 碳 碩 碣;
15. 磋 磅 確 磊 碾 磕 碼 磐;
16. 磨 磚 磬 磧 磷 磺 磴 磯 礁 罄 礎 璽 礙 礦 礪 礬 礫
Bandage: 砂; Bowl: 碗; Burner: 罄; Cup: 杯; Dish: 碟; Jade: 玉; Jar: 缸; Sand: 沙; Tile: 瓦; Vase: 瓶;
stoned 呆; stop 致;站;止;停;期;禁;節;截;攔;欄; stop at 至; stop flow: 斷流; stop school: 休學; stop school: 輟學; stop: 歇業; stop: 攔截; stop: 阻止; stop: 停止; stop: 站; stoppage: 受阻; stopped 斷; stopped: 停止; storage: 倉庫; store-front: 店內; store 倉;埔;庫;書;店; store front: 商店購買; store: 攤位; store: 旺鋪; storm: 風暴; storm: 一波; story 述;故; story: 故事; stragegy: 攻略; stragegy: 布局; stragegy: 策略; straight 直;矗; straight: 直衝; strait 峽; strange feeling 佻; stranger 陌; strategy 巧;策; strategy: 戰略; stream 川;江;河;溪; stream crowd: 魚貫; stream: 溪流; stream: 溪谷; street 街; street: 路; strength 勁; stress 屈; strike 罷;擺;打;擊; strike: 搶攻; strike: 力圖扭轉; strike: 努力; strike: 緩衝; strike: 示威; strong 剛;壯 岡;堅;強;硬;駿; strong and durable: 堅固耐用; strong career: 壯志; strong earthquake: 強震; strong man: 壯丁; strong rebound: 強力反彈; strong wind: 強風; strong: 強; strong: 強烈; strong: 堅毅; structure 組;構; structure: 體制; structure: 結構; struggle 奮; struggle: 拚命; struggle: 鬥爭; struggle: 爭奪; struggling: 掙扎; student visa: 學生簽證; student visa: 留學; student: 學生; studied: 唸了; study 校;究;系;係;研;習;術;嗟;磋;讀; study college: 念大學; study: 學習; study: 上學; study: 精; stunning 轟; stunning: 驚傳; stupid 笨;愚; stupid: 白癡; stuyvanson hs: 史岱文森高中; style: 型態;

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subject 科; subject line: 標題; subject: 標題; subject: 題材; submarine 潛; submerge 浸;潛; subpena: 通知; subsitute: 代理; substance: 質; substitute 替; substitute: 替代; subtract 減; suburban 郊; subway station: 地鐵車站; subway: 地鐵; succeed: 成為; success 成;果;擭; success: 成功; successful: 敲定; successor 承;繼; suck 捲; sudden 忽;突; sudden heart attack: 心臟病急性發; sudden: 突然; suddenly 突; suddenly: 突然發生; suffer 挨;刑; suffer from cancer: 罹癌; suffer from: 困擾; suffer: 會受; suffer: 承受; suffer: 鬧; suffer: 陷入; suffer: 遭逢; suffer: 吃苦; suffer: 罹患; suffering: 困擾; sufficient 充;促;夠;滿; sugar 糖; suggest day: 奉勸排期; suggest many: 提出諸多; suggest: 提供; suggest: 建議; suggest: 贊成; suicide bomber: 自殺炸彈客; suicide: 尋短; suicide: 自殺; suite 房;室; suite: 套房; sulphur 磺; summer 夏; summer time 暑; summer time: 暑; summer vacation: 暑假; summer: 今夏; summer: 夏季; summit meeting: 峰會; summit: 高峰; summon 問;喚; sun 日; sun bathing 晒; sun moon lake: 日月潭; sun ray: 斜線; sun set 夕; sunshine: 陽光; suny-stony brook: 紐約州立大學石溪; super father: 超級老爸; super market: 超市购物; super power: 魅力無窮; super: 超级; superman 俠; supervise 監, 視; supervise: 監督; supervisor: 監督; supper 食;吃;宵, 夜, 餐, supper: 晚餐; supplier: 供應商; supply 供; supply: 提供; supply: 供應; support 供;扶;架;頂;撐;橫;擎;舉; support: 承擔; support: 持; support: 支撐; support: 支柱; support: 靠攏; support: 養; support: 周邊; support: 基; support: 舉; suppose 應; supposely 應; suppress: 壓低;

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sure 決;必;卻; sure: 確保; surface: 呈現; surface: 表示; surgery: 手術; surgery: 臨床工作; surmerge 沉; surname 名;姓;稱; surpass: 涵蓋; surpass: 超過; surpass: 超越; surprise 嚇;驚; surprise: 驚奇; surprise: 很恐慌; surrender 降;亡;絳; surround 圍;繞; survey: 審查; survey: 統計; survey: 調查; survive 命;拯; survive: 生存; suspect 惑;疑; suspect: 懷疑; suspect: 嫌犯; suspious: 異狀;

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swallow 吃;吞;咽; swear 定;宣; swear: 誓言; sweat 汗; sweden: 瑞典; sweep 掃; sweet 甜; sweet heart: 青梅竹馬的; swell 踵;膿; swell: 腫起來; swift 急; swim 泳;游; swim: 游泳; swing 搖;榣;遙;鞦;韆; swiss 瑞; swiss: 瑞士; switch 開關制; 制;掣; switch off 關; switch to 改; swollen 腫; sword 劍; sy-sz sympaphy: 同情; sympathy 情;惜;惋; sympathy: 慰問; symtom: 症狀;

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syria: 敘利亞; system: 體系;

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szechuan 蜀;

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tab: 標籤; tab: 瀏覽器書籤; table 桌;几;台; table 棹; table 臺;檯; tablet 丹; tablet computer: 平板電腦; tai sha: 台山; tail 尾; tainted: 染; taipei 臺; taipei: 台北; taiwan 台; taiwan dollar: 台幣; taiwan: 台灣; take 拿;取;把;抽;提; take a walk: 散步; take along 搭; take away 剝; take care 負; take care of 托; take care: 料理; take care: 照顧; take hiding: 躲進; take off 離; take off: 出發; take picture: 拍照; take: 提供; takecare 守; taken away: 帶走; talent 料;才;巧;技;材;裁; talent: 技術勞工; talent: 人才; talent: 天份能; talent: 天賦; 天才; taliban: 塔利班; talk 洽;講;談話 talk into 勸; talk show: 座談; talk to: 溝通; talk: 和談; tall 高, tall: 高; tall: 高; tall: 身高; tamed: 感染; taming: 染指使用; tango: 螺旋方式; tank 坦; target 準;標; target: 準; target: 目標; target: 瞄準; task 工;功;作;幹;辦; task: 工作; task: 功; taste 味;嘗;嚐; taste: 調; tatoo 紋; tax 納;稅; tax eviction: 逃稅; tax haven: 避稅天堂; tax: 稅; tax: 稅金;

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tea 茶; tea pot 壺; teach 訓;授;教;導, teacher-student: 師生; teacher 師;生;先;範; teacher: 教師; teaching qualification: 師資; teaching: 教學; team 邦;團; tear 扯;撕; tear gas: 催淚瓦斯; tears 淚; tease 嗷;嘰; tease: 譏諷; teasing 諷;譏; tech crunch: 科技部落格; technical dept: 科技部; technology: 技網站; technology: 科技; teen 兒;幼;妞;娃;孩; teenage: 少女時期; teeth: 牙齒; 齟齒; tel: 電話; tel: 電話號碼; telecommunication: 電機工程; telephone call: 電話; telephone number: 電話號碼; telephone: 電話; telephone: 致電; televion: 電視; tell 告;報;訴; temp 暫; temper 怒; temper: 情緒; temperature: 氣候; temperature: 度; temperature: 天氣; temple 寺;峙;廟;禪;齋; temporary 暫;臨; temporary: 暫時;暫掛; temporary: 暫時性; temporary: 臨時; ten 亳;十;拾;毫; ten thousand 萬; ten thousand: 萬; tennesse: 納西州; tennis: 網球; tense: 緊張; term: 任期; terminal: 中繼站; terminate 止;終; terminate: 完; terminus: 總站; territory 領; territory: 領域; territory: 一席之地; territory: 局面; terror: 恐懼;

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test 考;參;探;採;試;嘗;慮;練;磋;驗; test version: 測試版; test: 測驗; test: 測試; test: 捉摸; test: 嘗試; texas: 德州; text 訊; text: 文件; textile 紡;紗;織; textile industry: 紡織業; texting: 傳簡訊;

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thai: 泰國; thailand 泰; thank 恩;謝; thank you all: 感謝大家; thank you card: 謝卡; that 它;其; that is it: 就這麼多了; that is: 那是; that night: 當晚; that time 當; that: 那是; that: 那麼; 那種; the same: 都一樣; theatre 戲; their 的; their: 他; then 既; theory 理; theory: 原理; there 那; therefore 以;所; therefore: 所以; therefore: 因此; thesis: 論文; they 他; they: 他; thick 厚;粗;濃; thief 偷;賊;竊; thin 淡;瘦; thin: 微薄; thing 西;東;物;品;做;貨;碩;器; thing: 東西; thing: 物; thing: 物料; things: 些; think 念;思;盼;掛;惱;意;感;想;慮;濾;懷;戀; think: 關心; thinking: 思想; third 丙; thirst for: 最渴望; thirst: 需求若渴; thirty 卅; this 乃;甘;處;這;就; this action: 此舉; this is: 這是; this item: 這項; this minute 今; this money: 這筆錢; this morning: 今早; this time 此; this time: 這段期間; this: 這; this: 這樁; this: 這枚; this: 這是; this: 這麼; 這種; this: 這些; thompson-reuter: 湯姆遜路透; though 但;雖; thought 思; thoughts: 關心; thousand 千; thread 線; threat: 恐影響; threat: 困惑; three 三; throat: 喉; throughout 致; throw 扔;投;撙;擲; throw away 棄; throw away 丟;甩;掉; throw gas bottle: 投擲汽油瓶; throw up 拋; thru 致;至; thumb 指; thunder 雷;轟;霹;靂;

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tibet 藏; ticket 票; ticket: 機票; tidal wave: 軒然大波; tide 漲;潮; tiger 虎; tiger woods: 老虎伍茲; tiger: 老虎; tight 結;緊; tight: 吃緊; tight: 緊密; tight: 緊縮; tight: 結; tight: 紓困; tight: 綁約; til 止; til: 底; til: 直到; tile 瓦;瓷; tilt: 勾手; tim armstrong: 阿姆斯壯; tim cook: 庫克;
time 候;次 時;辰;急;間;點; time square plaza: 時代廣場; time square: 時報廣場; time warner: 代華納; time: 期; time: 時; time: 時間; time: 間; times newspaper: 時報; times: 次;
Time 一 上 下 久 口 夕 大;
4. 今 分 午 天 天 日 月;
5. 匆 古 史 打 未 末 永 用 立;
6. 先 安 年 早 旬 此;
7. 即 即 快;
8. 刻 周 夜 始 岱 忽 明 昏 初;
9. 前 度 後 急 恃 拜 春 昨 紀 致;
10. 候 厝 宵 時 氣 烊;
11. 晚 晨 速 逢;
12. 暑 期 畫 開 閒;
13. 當 當 頓;
14. 暮 暫 誕 遲 鍾 禮
10 Years: 旬; Before: 先; Beginning: 初; Birthday: 誕; Calendar: 厝; Century: 紀; Clock: 鍾; Closing: 烊; Day After: 後; Day: 天; During: 當; Early: 早; Ending: 末; Evening: 夕; Forever: 永; Free: 閒; Generation: 岱; History: 史; Hour: 時; Hurry Up: 急; Instant: 即; Late: 遲; Long: 久; Midnight: 宵; Moment: 刻; Month: 月; Morning: 晨; Night: 夜; Noon: 午; Not Yet: 未; Now: 即; Old: 古; One degree: 度; One: 頓; Origin: 始; Quick: 快; Reoccur: 逢; Rush: 匆; Second: 分; Sky: 天; Spring: 春; Sudden: 忽; Summer time: 暑; Temporary: 暫; This time: 此; Thru: 致; Time: 候; Today: 今; Tomorrow: 明; Wait: 恃; Week day: 拜; Week Day: 期; Week day: 禮; Week: 周; While: 當; Year: 年; Yesterday: 昨;
timid: 不敢; timing: 之際; tiny 小;眇;細;渺; tiny: 很小; tip-toe: 反覆; tip 峰; tip: 頂端; tip: 尖; tips 貼; tips: 線索; tired 倦;疲;累;悶;厭;踡; titanic: 龐大;
title 名; title: 稱; title: 稱謂;
Relationship Title:
人 丈 上 士 大 子 女 小 友 夫 太 太 父 仔 仗 令 兄 古 只
外 幼 母 民 生 伉 伊 先 名 地 好 老 自 亨 伯 伶 址
弟 男 依 佬 佬 兒 兒 兒 叔 妾 妻 妹 妮 姑 姆 姆 姐 姐 姓 姊
朋 爸 表 長 阿 姨 娃 姥 姪 孩 某 倫 唐 哥 員 師 偶
婦 婆 婊 戚 傢 傳 媽 會 舅 舅 僧 僕 壽 儀 嬌 儒 親 優 嬸 儷 .

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tmp: 暫掛; tmp: 暫時性;

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to 向; to be excused: 大家諒解; to do: 要辦; to enter 介; to keep quiet: 沉默不語; to stay: 留任; to succeed: 接班; to the point: 真正焦點; to the: 對於; to win: 過關; to: 成; to: 受; to: 致; toast: 敬酒; tobacco 菸; today 今;天; today: 即日起; together 也;同;并; toilet 所;便;廁; toilet: 衛生間; told: 告訴; tolorant: 容忍; tomato 茄;番;藩; tomorrow 明;天; tomorrow: 明天; ton: 公噸; tone: 聲浪; 聲音; tongue 舌; tons of 重; too 囌;更, 又, too busy: 忙得不可開交; too early to tell: 似乎還言之過早; too much 太;壓; too much: 太多; too real: 太生猛了; tool 具;切;用;皿;器; tool industry: 工具機; tool: 工具; tooth 牙;齒; tooth: 牙; tooth: 牙齒; 齟齒; top 峰;狀;皇;高;頂;最;極; top floor: 最高層的; top tip: 頂尖; top: 頂; topcoat: 頂漆; topic: 焦點; tornade: 風暴; tornado: 龍捲風; toronto 渥; toronto: 多倫多; torrential rain 瀑; tortoise 龜; total 共;統, 總, total from: 是占; total: 共; touch 占;拈;沾;搭;摸;撫;點;觸; touch down: 橫掃; touch: 卡到; tough policy: 強硬制裁; tour: 旅遊團; tour: 遊覽; tourist visa: 觀光簽證; tow: 拖走; toward: 往; towel 巾; tower: 頂尖; tower: 塔; town 市;城;埠;鄉;鎮; town: 都市; town: 市; town: 城鎮; townhall: 鄉村地區; townsend harris hs: 湯森哈里斯高中;

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trace 跡;漬;蹤;蹟; trace: 正在逐家; trace: 蹤影; track 軌; track: 軌道; trade 貿; trade balance: 貿順差累積; trade: 企業; trade: 商; trademark: 專利權; trademark: 商標; trading 商;販; trading partner: 貿易夥伴; tradition 俗;裕; tradition: 傳統; traditional 繁; traditional: 傳統; traditionally: 傳統上; traffic 交;疏;通;溝; traffic: 交通; train banquet: 火車宴席; train: 栽培; train: 火車; training 育;訓;馴;輔;練; training: 培訓; training: 練球; training: 訓; training: 訓練; tram ride: 乘坐纜車; transaction: 交易; transform 變; translate 翻;繹;譯; translate letter: 翻譯英文信; translate: 翻譯成; translated: 被譯成; translation: 翻譯; transparent: 透過; transport 動;搬;運;輸; transportation dept: 運輸安全署; transportation: 運輸; trap 捕;阱;伏;陷;跼; travel 旅;遊;纜; travel agent: 旅行社; travel distant: 飛行距離; travel ticket: 機票; travel way: 旅途; travel: 暢遊; travel: 遊覽;

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treasure 藏;寶; treasurer: 財政; treat 侍;待; treat: 對於; treatment 受; treaty 盟; tree 林;柏;柳;樹; trench 坑;渠; trend 趨;嚮; trend: 逆勢; trend: 風潮; trend: 勢頭; trend: 趨勢;

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trial: 試用期; triangular island: 三角島; tribe 酋;民;氏;族;猶; tribe: 族裔; trick 訐;惑;詐;猾;瞥;騙; trick: 智能; trillion: 兆元; trip 赴;程;趟; trip: 旅途; tripod stand: 腳架座; tripod: 三峰聳立; troop 族;隊;群; troop: 團隊; trophy 標;獎; trouble 難; trouble: 騷動; trt: 國營廣播電台; truck 卡; truck 載;輸; truck driver: 貨車司機; true 實; truly 誠;謹; trust 信; trust worthy 忠; trust: 信用; try 嚐; try cross the line: 試圖越界; try: 不妨嚐試; try: 努力; try: 試圖;

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tsunamei: 海嘯;

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tumor 瘤; tuna fish: 鮪魚; tune: 聲浪; 聲音; tunnel 隧; tunnel: 隧道; turkey 爾; turkey: 土耳其; turmoil: 動亂; turmoil: 動盪; turn 扭;攪; turn good: 好轉; turn into: 形成; turn off 關; turn on 扭; turn the back: 背過身; turning point: 焦點; turnover: 玩翻; turtle 龜; tutor 補; tutor: 輔導;

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tv 視; tv: 電視;

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twenty 廿; twin 兩;鴛; twist 曲;摟; twist: 投歪了; twist: 龍捲風; twist: 螺旋方式; twisted: 線纏; twitter: 推特; twitter: 如推特; two-traits: 海峽兩岸; two 兩;乙;貳; two party: 兩黨;

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tx: 德州;

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tycoon: 巨擘; type 格;項; typhoon 漩;颱;颶; typing 按;

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ubs: 瑞銀;

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ugly 醜; ugly 陋;丑; ugly 妖;

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uk: 英國;

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umbrella 傘;

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unbelievable 妙;奇;怪; uncivilize 俗; uncle 叔;伯;舅; uncommon 稀; under basket: 灌籃; under estimate 低; under: 內; underdog: 連任; underestimate: 低估; underground 隧; underground money: 黑錢; underneath: 下方; understand 悟;明;知;解;懂;瞭; understand: 意識; understand: 應了解; understand: 了解; understand: 瞭解; understand: 理解; understanding: 據了解; underwear: 內衣; unforeseen 忽; unforgetful: 難忘; unfortunate 遭;罹; unhide: 表示;

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unicorn: 麒麟; uniform 服; unique 罕;淨; unit 個;員;隻; unit price: 價位; unit: 價位; unit: 單位; united 邦;合;共;并;並;皆;聯; united airline: 聯合航空; united front: 聯盟; united nation: 聯合國; united: 整併; united: 整合; united: 團結; united: 聯合; university: 大學; unknown: 不明; unknown: 化; unless 除; unless: 可惜的是; unless: 然而; unload 動;搬; unlucky 殃;禍; unnormal 反; unpredictable: 遭逢不測; unrelated: 無關;

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unseen 蒙; unthinkable: 不可思議; untight: 解; until now: 至今; unusual 罕;稀; unveil: 搞清楚; unvoluntarily: 無奈;

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up 上;高;榜;漲;臺; up and down: 沸沸揚揚; up down: 大起大落; up position 立; up side down 翻; up to now: 目前; up to: 高達; up to: 在截至; up/down stream: 上下游; up: 上; up: 上升; upload: 軟體上載; upmost 盡; upper compartment: 在頂部的行李廂裡; upside down 顛;

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uranium 鈾; uranium: 濃縮鈾; urgent 急; urine 尿;屎;

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us: 美國; usage: 使用權; usb: 插槽中充電; 插頭; uscis: 美國公民及移民服務局; usd: 美元; use 用;使; use up: 消化掉; use: 遭; use: 使用; useless 墟; user: 使用者; usual 慣; usually: 通常; usually: 往往;

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utah 猶; utensil 皿; utilize 用;

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vacation: 度假; vague 恍;糢; vague: 模糊; vaguely: 朦朧; vaguely: 彷彿; valley 谷; valley: 峽谷; value 德; value: 價格; vanguard: 先鋒; vanish 頹; vase 瓶; vatican: 梵蒂岡;

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veg food: 素食; vegetable 素;芯;菜;蔬; vegetarian 素;齋; vein 肋; verbswill 要; verdict 懲; version: 型號; vertical 縱; very 很;犀;最, very bad: 糟透; very clear: 很明確; very good: 卓越; very high: 極高; very hot: 最熱絡; very little: 很少; very smart: 最聰明的;

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vi: 維吉尼亞; via orientation: 透過甄試; via web: 透過網站; via: 透過; vibration: 震盪; vice 副; vice foreign minister: 副外長; vice president: 副總徐; vice president: 副總理; victim 殉;牲;犧; victim: 死者; victim: 受害人; victim: 受害者; victoria: 維多利亞; victory 旋;凱;勝; victory: 勝利; video: 電影; video: 錄影; video: 視訊畫; vietnam 越; vietnam: 越南; view 竟;景;影;覽;纜;觀; view: 看法; view: 綜覽; view: 視野; village 邑;村;縣;鄉, vinegar 酸;醋; violator: 違者; violence 匈; violent the law: 行為不檢; vip: 貴賓; virginia: 維吉尼亞; virginity 貞; virus 菌;瘟; virus: 症狀; visa: 簽證; visit 探;訪;瞻;參, 觀, visit: 探望; visit: 參觀; visit: 出訪; visit: 看診; visit: 觀賞; visiting service: 上門; visitor 客; vitamen 丐;

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voice 音; voice of america: 美國之音; voice: 聲浪; 聲音; volume: 幅度; volunteer 慈; volunteer: 志工; voluntory 募; voluntory activity: 慈善活動; voluntory: 願意; voluntory: 募; voluntory: 義; vomit 嘔; vote: 席次; voter: 選民;

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vulnerable: 抵禦風險弱;

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W   wa:   Jump   Index  

w.c. 廁; wait 待;恃;持;久;長;悠; wait: 期待; wait: 待; wait: 候; wait: 等; wake 甦; wake ceremony: 悼念儀式; wake up: 提醒; wake up: 恢復; wake up: 復甦; wake: 復甦; walk 步;走;行;踱;驀; walk across 過; walk to 去; walk: 行; walkman: 隨身聽; wall 牆; wall: 壁; want 要;志;抱;為;欲;慾;戀; wanted 招;緝;懸;
war 弋;乩;伐;戰; war game: 戰術; war: 硬仗;
war related: 干 弋 弓;
4. 仇 夭 戈;
5. 卮;
6. 伉 刑 匈 圬 夙 奸 旨 死;
7. 佔 冶 劫 吼 吟 圾 妖 巫 役 攻 災 防;
8. 兕 刺 坦 官 征 歿 氓 狎 糾 軋 阻;
9. 侵 俘 侷 剎 剃 叛 垢 姦 屍 帥 徇 枯 柩 殃 炸 皇 相 茅 苛 軍 降;
10. 匪 射 拳 殉 班 砰 砲 逃 追;
11. 部 隊;
13. 督 聖 衙;
14. 團 摧;
15. 彈 擋;
16. 擊 營 總 鎗 鎗 爆 爍 璽 璽 警 黨 轟 霸 霸
Afraid: 吼; Aggression: 侵; Ambious: 霸; Argument: 糾; Arrest: 狎; Arrow: 弓; Attack: 擊; Bad: 苛; Battlion: 營; Block: 擋; Blocking: 阻; Booby Strap: 侷; Bullet: 彈; Cannon: 砲; Chase: 追; Chief: 總; Coffin: 柩; Command: 旨; Conquer: 征; Danger: 卮; Dead: 歿; Death Body: 屍; Defense: 防; Destroy: 摧; Die: 死; Die(Sacrifice): 徇; Dirty: 圬; Disaster: 災; Div: 部; Division: 班; Drying: 枯; Dust: 垢; Enemy: 仇; Evil look: 妖; Evil: 兕; Execute: 軋; Explode: 爆; Explosive: 爍; Fight: 攻; Fighting: 戈; Fist: 拳; Gangster: 匪; Garbage: 圾; General: 帥; Ghost: 夭; Govern: 冶; Governor: 督; Group: 團; Gun: 鎗; Gunpowder: 炸; Immoral: 奸; Join (the Army): 役; Kill: 剎; King like: 霸; King: 皇; NG: 夙; Occupy: 佔; Office: 衙; Pain: 吟; Party: 黨; Platform: 砰; Pole: 干; Police: 警; Prime Minister: 相; Prisoner: 俘; Punishment: 刑; Rank: 官; Rape: 姦; Refugee: 氓; Resist: 伉; Revolution: 叛; Rifle: 鎗; Rob: 劫; Run Away: 逃; Shave: 剃; Shoot: 射; Signature: 璽; Soldier: 軍; Spear: 茅; Stab: 刺; Stamp: 璽; Surrender: 降; Tank: 坦; Thunder: 轟; Troop: 隊; Unlucky: 殃; Victim: 殉; Violence: 匈; War: 弋; Witch: 巫;
warden: 獄警; ware 貨; warehouse 倉;庫;艙; warm 暖;溫; warm feeling: 有親切感; warm: 熱; warming up: 在回溫; warning 警; warning: 為鑑; warning: 警; warning: 警告; was 過; was: 是; was: 則; wash 洗; wash away: 洗去; wash: 清洗; wash: 可擦洗; washing: 清洗莊稼; washington dc: 華盛頓特區; washington: 華盛頓州; waste 耗;白;糞; waste energy: 費神; waste: 垃圾; watch 察;標;窺;錶;瞪;瞰;觀;監, watch: 注意; watch: 注意到; watch: 關注; watch: 察; watch: 眼光; watched: 圍觀; watching: 關注; watchmen: 觀察人士; water 水;雨;泉;洪;逆;淡;淺;清;深;滴;漏;澆;灑; water flow 流; water fountain: 自蕩漾; water pollution: 污水; water proof: 防漏; water tide 潮; water tower: 水塔; water: 水; watering 灌; watering: 垂涎; watery nose: 流鼻水; wave 浪;陣;湧; wave like 波; wax 燭;臘; wax: 蠟; way 途;

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we 們;我;咱; we must: 我們一定會要; we: 我們; weak 弱;委;柔;衰;萎;虛; weak: 抵抗力差; 身體虛弱; weak: 頹勢; weak: 疲弱; weak: 走疲; wealth 才;亨;翁 財;富;發;貴;祿;騰; wealthy 豪;騰; wealthy: 富豪;
Weather 夕 日 月 冬 氾 白;
6. 冰;
7. 冷 吹 旱 災 刮;
8. 季 明 昏 昇 沼 炎 空 雨 青;
9. 哂 度 春 映 洪 秋 虹 風;
10. 凍 夏 朗 真 閃 陣;
11. 乾 彩 涼 清 淋 雪;
12. 陰 晴 雲;
13. 暗 暖 照 雷 電;
14. 漩 漩;
15. 暮 潮 潮 輝 震;
16. 濃 濛 濕 環 糢 霜 顆 朦 瀑 瀑 曠 矇 霧 曬
Autumn: 秋; Blow: 吹; Bright: 明; Clear sky: 晴; Clear: 朗; Cloud: 雲; Cold: 冷; Cool: 涼; Damage: 災; Dark: 暗; Dawn: 暮; Degree: 度; Dim: 矇; Drought: 旱; Dry: 乾; Earthquake: 震; Environment: 環; Evening: 昏; Flood: 氾; Fog: 霧; Frozen: 凍; Good day: 曬; Heavy: 瀑; Hot: 炎; Hurricane: 漩; Ice: 冰; Light: 輝; Lightening: 閃; Little: 濛; Mist: 霜; Moist: 沼; Moon: 月; Not clear: 朦; Piercing: 刮; Rain: 雨; Rainbow: 虹; Real: 真; Rise(Sun): 昇; Season: 季; Shadow: 映; Shine: 哂; Shining: 照; Sky: 空; Snow: 雪; Spacious: 曠; Spring: 春; Star: 顆; Summer: 夏; Sun set: 夕; Sun: 日; Thick: 濃; Thunder: 雷; Tide: 潮; Torrential rain: 瀑; Typhoon: 漩; Vague: 糢; Warm: 暖; Water tide: 潮; Water: 洪; Wave: 陣; Wet: 濕; Wind: 風; Winter: 冬;
weapon: 武器; wear 披;服;穿; wear shoe: 穿鞋; wear the mask: 佩戴口罩; wear: 戴著; weather satellite: 氣象衛星; weather: 天氣; web content: 線上內容; web page: 網頁; web tissue: 濕紙巾; web: 網站; wedding gown: 婚紗; wedding: 婚禮; week 周;星;週; week day 期; week day 拜;星; week day 禮; week: 期; week: 周; week: 禮; week: 禮拜; weekend crowd: 周末人潮; weekend: 周末; weekly magazine: 周刊雜誌; weight: 體重; welcome 迎; welcome: 歡迎; welcome: 深受喜愛; weldering 銲; well 井; well done: 美好; well known: 知名; well verse: 善於; well verse: 善用; well versed: 在行; well worth: 很值得; well: 發達; wells fargo bank: 富國銀行; went bad: 不斷激化; were 過; were: 是; were: 則; west 西; west side: 西側; west wisconson: 威斯康辛州; west: 西; west: 西; western: 西方; wet 滲;濕; wet tissue: 保濕面膜; wet: 保濕;

wf:   Jump   Index  

wfp: 聯合國世界糧食署;

wg:   Jump   Index  


wh:   Jump   Index  

whale 鯨; whale: 鯨; what 什;何;怎;甚;麼;謂; what is: 這是什麼; what: 什麼; what? 幹; wheat 麥;穀; wheat: 穀物; wheel 舵;輪; when 當; where 那;裡; where is: 那裡是; where: 那裡是; which 那;裡; which is more important: 哪個重要; while 當; whistle 哨; white 白;明;雪; white house: 白宮; white paper: 褐皮書; who 甚;誰; who is: 誰是; who: 誰是; whole-heartly: 心繫; whole 包;全;共;整;總; whole 身; whole day: 全天; whole life: 一輩子; whole process: 整個過程; whole world: 全世界; whole: 完整; whole: 全面; wholesale price: 批發價; wholesale: 批發; why 怎;為; why is: 為什麼是; why: 為什麼是;

wi:   Jump   Index  

wide 寬;闊; wide spread: 廣泛; wide: 寬闊; widow 寡; widow: 遺孀; width: 寬度; wife 娘;太;妻;偶; wife(2nd) 妾; wife: 配偶; wife: 妻子; wild 苛;猛;野;暴; wild animal: 野生動物; wild: 荒野; will 要;恭;使;來;放;易;肯;便;將;就;會; will be: 應引以; will make: 勢必造成; will next: 就; will repeat: 將重演; will: 有會; will: 遺書; will: 就; will: 將會; willing 肯;願; win 旋;凱;勝; win: 擊敗; win: 爭取; win: 發; win: 贏; win: 贏得; wind 風;逆;旋; wind blowing 乎; window 窗; window: 窗; wine 酒; wing 翅;腋;翼; winner: 贏家; winning: 爭取; winter 冬; winter: 冬季; wipe 拭;鞭; wipe out: 掃除; wipe out: 抹煞; wipe out: 一掃去; wire 匯; wireless technology: 無線技術; wish 要;恭;祝;志;盼;欲;須;意;想;懇;願; wish on: 希望在; wish: 希望; witch 邪;巫; with this: 此舉; withdraw: 撤軍; within limit: 範圍裡; within: 範圍內; without permission: 沒有經過許可; without you knowing: 神不知鬼不覺; witness: 看到; witness: 證婚人;

wj:   Jump   Index  


wk:   Jump   Index  


wl:   Jump   Index  


wm:   Jump   Index  


wn:   Jump   Index  


wo:   Jump   Index  

wok 炒; woman 女;婦; woman: 女; womb 胎; women: 婦女; women: 女性; wonder 奇; wonder 其;奇;怪; wonder: 好奇; wonderful 妙; wonderful: 多姿多彩的; wong: 黃; wonton 吞;雲;飩;餛; woo: 胡; wood 柴;木;板;森; wood frame: 畫框製造; woodward: 伍德沃德; word 字;文; word: 字眼; word: 言辭; work 事;工;功;作;克;弄;做;幹;謀;辦;職; work accident: 施工事故; work for 效;肯;傚; work hard 勞; work: 一天班; work: 工作; work: 作; work: 從事; work: 努力; worker 士;伕; worker: 工人; working hard: 力求盡速; working: 就業; worm: 蟲;虫;蚓; world 世;界;際; world bank: 世界銀行; world class: 世界級; world organization: 世貿組織; world peace: 世界大同; world trade center: 世界商業中心; world: 世界; worldjournal.com: 世界新聞網; worldwide: 國際; worm 蚓;蚣;蚯;蛔;蜈;蜇;蛻;蜥;蟲;蠶; worry 卦;吊;念;思;惆;悵;掛;徨;惱;褂;憂;擾;懷;顧;鬱;worship 奉;拜;崇;祭;worth 值, 發, 達;wound 殘;wow 嘩; worry: 擔憂; worry: 令人憂心; worry: 疑慮; worry: 疑難雜症; worse: 惡化; worst: 最糟的; worth: 享; worth: 值得; worth: 發達; worthy: 值得; would: 將會; wounded: 受傷; wow: 哄堂大笑;

wp:   Jump   Index  


wq:   Jump   Index  


wr:   Jump   Index  

wrap 包; wrestle 摔; wrinkle 皺; write 作;記;寫; write: 寫出; write: 紀錄; writer 作; writer: 撰寫人; writing 稿; written 哉; wrong 錯;

ws:   Jump   Index  

wsj: 華爾街日報;

wt:   Jump   Index  


wu:   Jump   Index  

wu: 胡; wuhan 蕪;

wv:   Jump   Index  


ww:   Jump   Index  

www.uscis.gov: 國家客戶服務中心;

wx:   Jump   Index  


wy:   Jump   Index  

wyoming: 懷俄明;

wz:   Jump   Index  


X   xa:   Jump   Index  

x-ray: X光;

xb:   Jump   Index  


xc:   Jump   Index  


xd:   Jump   Index  


xe:   Jump   Index  

xerox 抄;

xf:   Jump   Index  


xg:   Jump   Index  


xh:   Jump   Index  


xi:   Jump   Index  


xj:   Jump   Index  


xk:   Jump   Index  


xl:   Jump   Index  


xm:   Jump   Index  


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xo:   Jump   Index  


xp:   Jump   Index  


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xr:   Jump   Index  


xs:   Jump   Index  


xt:   Jump   Index  


xu:   Jump   Index  


xw:   Jump   Index  


xx:   Jump   Index  


xy:   Jump   Index  


xz:   Jump   Index  


Y   ya:   Jump   Index  

y-shape 丫; y-ya y generation: Y世代; yacht 帆; yacht: 遊輪; yahoo: 雅虎; yahoo: 雅虎公司; yale university: 耶魯大學; yang 陽;楊; yard 丈;碼;

yb:   Jump   Index  


yc:   Jump   Index  


yd:   Jump   Index  


ye:   Jump   Index  

year 年;屆;歲;壽; year: 歲; year: 年; yearend: 年底; yell 叫;呼;喊; yellow 黃; yellow page: 黃頁; yellow stone park: 黃石公園; yellow tuna: 黃鰭金槍魚; yen: 日圓; yen: 元; yes 哦;卻;係;腓;對; yes: 對; yes: 肯定; yesterday 昨;天; yesterday morning: 昨天上午; yesterday: 昨天;

yf:   Jump   Index  


yg:   Jump   Index  


yh:   Jump   Index  


yi:   Jump   Index  


yj:   Jump   Index  


yk:   Jump   Index  


yl:   Jump   Index  


ym:   Jump   Index  


yn:   Jump   Index  


yo:   Jump   Index  

york college: 約克學院; you 你;您;們; you(feminine) 妳; young 幼;小;初;稚;嫩; young man: 年輕人; young sister: 妹妹; young: 帶來青春氣息; young: 從小; young: 年輕; younger 妹; youngsters: 青年; your 你;您;的;們; youth: 青年; youth: 年輕人;

yp:   Jump   Index  


yq:   Jump   Index  


yr:   Jump   Index  


ys:   Jump   Index  


yt:   Jump   Index  


yu:   Jump   Index  

yuan: 元;

yw:   Jump   Index  


yx:   Jump   Index  


yy:   Jump   Index  


yz:   Jump   Index  


Z   za:   Jump   Index  


zb:   Jump   Index  


zc:   Jump   Index  


zd:   Jump   Index  


ze:   Jump   Index  

zebra 斑; zero 絕;零;

zf:   Jump   Index  


zg:   Jump   Index  


zh:   Jump   Index  


zi:   Jump   Index  

zip 吸;

zj:   Jump   Index  


zk:   Jump   Index  


zl:   Jump   Index  


zm:   Jump   Index  


zn:   Jump   Index  


zo:   Jump   Index  


zp:   Jump   Index  


zq:   Jump   Index  


zr:   Jump   Index  


zs:   Jump   Index  


zt:   Jump   Index  


zu:   Jump   Index  


zw:   Jump   Index  


zx:   Jump   Index  


zy:   Jump   Index  


zz:   Jump   Index  


(Using Fuzzy Translation)

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